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Posts posted by iamapirate

  1. [quote name='budget bassist' post='543720' date='Jul 18 2009, 01:31 AM']Did you not think to ask to try a certain rig? or even more obvious, why not bring your own bass?[/quote]
    ah, i usually bike there as my parents are usually working- I bike everywhere. I don't get too sweaty, though! and I always check my hands are clean before touching anything - even if it means going into town to find some toilets.

    sorry for the triple reply!!!

  2. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='543936' date='Jul 18 2009, 01:03 PM']I've worked with kids for several years and find them great once you make the connection and get under the veneer to the person beneath.

    Once the point is explained to them in a way that isn't 'adult looking down on child' then I believe most will respond well.[/quote]yeah, i'm 16 and even by reading this thread i think i'll be a bit more careful with instruments, etc. but I don't think that I'm being harsh with them as it is! I already realised that 'you pay for what you break'. But I think it should be more like 'you pay for what you sweat on/mark'. hmm, not as catchy...

  3. [quote name='budget bassist' post='543720' date='Jul 18 2009, 01:31 AM']when they see you have a US fender they will know you mean business. It shouldn't be like that, but it is.[/quote]

    Crazy, I know! And they still don't really give me the service i hope for. Uaully when I go in there's a few people in there, (never any bassists :)) but it's never really packed. and i've never even heard of 10 or 15 kids goin into a music store at the same time! unless it's german students...

  4. ooh, a band that probably no one has heard of called 'House of Heroes' They're kind of hard rock with a slightly (I hate this word) poppy twist. Catchy hard rock. [url="http://www.myspace.com/houseofheroes"]http://www.myspace.com/houseofheroes[/url] The bassist basically writes all the songs and the lyrics and you can tell by the music- very bass-based melodies he has going on. Oh and all 4 of them sing EPIC!

  5. [quote name='Mike' post='265204' date='Aug 19 2008, 08:37 AM']I've stuck my oar in a few times over the Bass Cellar, but for the record, here are my experiences.

    First time I went in, I was about 18/19 and wanted to try a Warwick Buzzard. The old bald geezer (now dead) said "Okay - if you buy it". I was a little stunned, and he said someone might be coming to buy it later, so if I bought it now, I could try it. Obviously this was out of the question. However, that grumpy idiot was over-ruled by a nice eastern european guy who seemed a decent chap, who waved him away and said "of course, have a play", which I did.

    The next time I was in Simone was very helpful, no problems.

    The last time, I had about £850 or so to spend. I asked if I could try the Gary Willis Ibanez 5. She sort of looked at me sadly, shook her head, and said "That? Oh, that's £800." as if there wasn't a chance I could buy it. I advised her I'd just forked out over a grand for a new Thumb and left.

    The Bass Cellar are, in my opinion, everything what's wrong, vile and odious about music shops. As someone said, if the place were on fire, I wouldn't drop my trousers! So to speak.

    Incidentally, I know a lot of people here are aware of this, but new members may not be. On the counter, there is an A4 sign, stood up in portrait. On this sign, it says:
    Want a bass?

    Short on Cash?

    [i]THEN DON'T WASTE OUR TIME.[/i][/b]

    Those disgusting cretins![/quote]

    Oh goodness! I've been going this whole thread reading and not having a clue where you guys were talking about. I had about 15mins in denmark street before I had to leave (never go to london with non-musicians if you live far away!) and I remember that place now. Kinda sucked! :)

  6. Well a friend of a havy-rocker's friend apparently has tickets to see extreme in Brighton some time soon? I've checked out their website and can't see anything about them playing in the UK ever again!

    just wondering if this is some silly rumour or is anyone going to this gig?


  7. I live an hour from bighton so GAK is always an option (they're great there as far as I can tell!). But my local one which is basically an ASDA for musicians is pretty bad. I usually go in to see what new effects they have in, and to have a go on them.

    The usual guy there is a nice guy - obviously knows his stuff. But, i do find it quite annoying when he/they ask you for what bass you want to use (thats easy - american jazz) and then go and plug me into a bl***y trace elliot!! I use ashdown (ok, they wouldn't know, but they dont even ask what amp i want to use - and clearly don't understand that an effect sounds different through different heads) And then, (not as bad) they presume that the tone from a MAG-300 with 410s is the same as a mag-1000 with a 115. Is it too much to ask to try an effect out with near to my rig? Especially if they have it in stock. Actually, I have a confession. I left a bass standing upright against an amp *ducks* It was perfectly secure, though. But I don't think the guy there was too happy about it being there...

    I do agree with almost everything that has been said - except the whole 'dont try it if you don't think you're gonna buy it' thing. Most of the time, I can't really save up over £100 unless I KNOW that I'm saving up for something specific. So when I go in and try out (over a few weeks) 200 crummy effetcs, and then i try out a really nice auto-wah-fuzzing-blowtorch (now THAT would be cool), then I know to save money i.e. I save up money, then go into a shop and buy something. I usually Go into a shop, try out the stuff, get GAS, go home, come back a month later and then buy it.

    I don't agree with the whole over-18 policy. I'm 16, and when I was 15 I bought (in a year) a fender american standard jazz bass (£769), an ashdown MAG-300 (£500ish) and an EHX BMS (£170ish). I would have quite comfortably gone without my parents if it wern't for the fact that i needed some way to lug the stff back home. But again, when I first tried out all of that I was completely broke. But then money came through and WAHOO!


  8. yeah, I'd not reccommend the TU-2, though. It's simply not accurate enough. Just today I went into flat tuning using it, played along with someextreme and could immediately tell that i was out of tune. Time to buy a new tuner methinks. I reckon that a pitchblack is the way to go if you don't want to fork out on a turbo tuner

  9. [quote name='Skactus' post='540913' date='Jul 15 2009, 02:47 AM']Hi, I'm a bass player from Portugal, and I'm looking for a reliable and accurate tuner pedal.

    So... which non-Peterson strobe pedal tuner would you chose?

    - Turbo Tuner ST-200

    - Planet Waves Tru-Strobe Tuner (Ok, not a real pedal, but it fits my needs...)

    - Other

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    By the way, sorry for my lame English...

    PS: I use a 5 string bass...[/quote]
    Turbo Tuner - simply the best tuner in the world. Also, refer to the recent tuner thread and use the SEARCH. :)

  10. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='541634' date='Jul 15 2009, 09:13 PM']Specific geners have their styles, but I'd love to see a string quartet wearing ripped demin and metal t-shirts.[/quote]

    ah, yes, but would they wear ripped up denim and metal t-shirts anyway? ok some would...

  11. No pics, and (suprisingly) no computer involved in the recording or mixing stages :rolleyes:

    SM58/SM57s/Roland £2000 electric drum kit/Our g-tar's gear or whatever the input it into an Akai 16-track recorder. We all use the same gear for recording in my band as we do recording (except the recorder) so we don't have to faff around getting half the quality gear and spending twice as much so we can record and play live.

    To get it from the recorder to MP3 on a laptop it's a bit difficult. We take the headphone jack out into a stereo 1/4"jack splitter into 2x 1/4" mono jacks into the stereo input of a line 6 toneport into our guitarists' mac running riffworks! He then records and I hit play, sending it into the mac. He then levels the volume (ish) and bounces it onto iTunes where we all steal it onto our own computers or burn it to a disc.

    Or if we want better quality, we take the digital phono outs on the back of the akai into my boss BR900-CD 8-track and record it onto there, and either burn a CD from there or use the USB interface from it. But generally speaking it's easier to use the mac :)

  12. oooh, too many simple(ish) but effective basslines. erm, 'when you gonna learn' by jamiroquai is a really fun one to learn. All of what other people have said, really!

    If I were you I'd look into getting a tutor - that way you wil be more likely to play a lot to reherse, etc. I've just finished with my current teacher (says he can't teach anything else and that I should probably get someone who can teach to teach me!) and one of the best things was that i'd play for an hour with him, learn my favourite basslines, learn a bit of theory about them (the pracical stuff you'll actually use), and chat about bass for a bit. It was really informal, but when I got home it would just make me want to play bass even more!

    Oh, and when you come to making your own, dont just stick to a minor pentatonic - I find that if the song is major, strangely, the major scale notes (in almost any order and rhythm) really work well in some of the more chilled out ones.

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