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Posts posted by iamapirate

  1. [quote name='sshorepunk' post='544580' date='Jul 19 2009, 11:11 AM']Thia is a shot of my board last month, it's evolving at the moment, so many changes

    The chorus pedal and BSW have both departed, there are now a Boss OC-2 and EBS multi comp on there.

    Custom looper being worked on at the moment

    I am using an LS-2 as well, trying to keep the levels between my fretted and fretless basses the same, but I may look at building a simple A>B switching facility with level control into my new loooper, the guy who is probably going to build it can probably do this


    Thats a pretty nice board you've got there.. :) :rolleyes: :lol:

  2. I know that at £60-£80 it aint exactly 'budget' but as bad a review the boss ODB-3 gets, I think it's a pretty versatile pedal. I've managed to get some killer sounds out of it from light clipping to full on square-waved goodness. Having said that i am getting a woolly pretty son, so it's not that amazing. But it definitely makes for some intresting sounds when you have it running into another pedal (especially a guitar wah - sounds awesome! Morley guitar wah - £20 - get one!)

  3. i've got an american Standard Fender 2008 Jaaaazz bass with the brightest XLs there are (prosteels?) and a decent amp (not that it really matters much for my problem) - ashdown MAG*ducks*-300 with 4x10s as i've said many times. And I'm getting a nice tone out of it, but what with everyone saying that all the standard stuff is good, but can be 'upgraded' I was wondering what/if to change hardware-wise on my bass. I like a deep, but bright tone - nothing too muddy. Err, thats about it - just wondering what/how I can upgrade a pretty nice bass anyway. i've got a nice tone from it, but I'm not in love with it. just wondering if it's 'that bridge' or the stock pups

  4. Sorry about all that - As clauster said - I've been really bust recently, so I hadn't had a chance to arrange it. I'm away for another 2 weeks soon, anyway, so I might (if i get reallly bored over the summer) arrange a thing and might go back on the list - but sorry about keeping you all waiting :)

  5. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='544579' date='Jul 19 2009, 11:10 AM']I've read that you need one of them new fangled synthesizers if you're looking for that "electrical pop sound".
    haha, well I built my own tuner pedal and the first time I did it it had a horrible problem of popping when i switched it. I them obviously made another (better) circuit/one.

  6. [quote name='spinynorman' post='545024' date='Jul 19 2009, 11:27 PM']Opposite end of the spectrum, I've played through an Ampeg SVT a couple of times recently and I really didn't like it. That's a hanging offence in some places. :)[/quote]
    Including here. Don't bother trying to get the coat... :rolleyes: :lol: :D

  7. I think that after 7 pages, we can sucessfully conclude 5 things:
    1) Some people care about the band's appearance on stage when they see a gig
    2) Some people don't.
    3) Some people Have a uniform/dress code in their band and try to make an effort
    4) Some don't - although this doesn't matter to some people as they don't care (see 1))
    5) For the sake of the people that do care we should all make an effort when playing live[/b]

  8. [quote name='nick' post='544942' date='Jul 19 2009, 08:40 PM']I would never have spent £200, on what is a basic fuzz, in the first place, so the manufacturer IMO has not lost a sale from me building a copy.[/quote]
    Exactly, I would (probably) never buy the actual wooly, but if I find that, say I get a clone and it sounds good, but not exactly how I want or exactly like the original, and then I become rich, then obviously (after buying every other pedal) I'd buy a real one. But IMO, it's really not worth it. Especially for something that sounds great, but isn't the most versatile thing in the world.

  9. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='544315' date='Jul 18 2009, 09:02 PM']Don't worry - wouldn't dream of setting up a business and making money out of it, just helping out a forum member.
    Unlike the guys who have copied this classic 2-transistor 12-component design and sell them for >£200, which to me is shocking.[/quote]
    oh no did I let it slip? I think it was obvious...

  10. Last gig we did was about... 6 songs in 20mins (really short, I know). But I really don't know how you can fit 14/15 songs into 30mins. That just seems a bit to short a song for me. By the time it really starts to get going its gone. The longest song we have is about 4:30, and the shortest 2:30, and I reckon that should be a universal rule.

  11. Yes, but unfortuately it has to be done! Especially if you can't afford the £200 that they ask for it when they're producing them for tenners.

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