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Posts posted by pantherairsoft

  1. Hi Zoe,

    Live they are amazing, but don't go expecting to hear all your fav tracks, as even if they do play them, they will be TOTALLY different to the album. Every track they change instruments and the songs get all restructured. Its amazing.

    Hold Steady didn't support. The gig was origonally planned for Decemeber, with support from Ben Folds, but was cancelled due to illness. It should then of been last monday, with Hold Steady, but was again cancelled due to illness. Then finally they played tonight, with support from Singer Song writer Saul Ashby, who was a little like James Blunt. He was good at what he did, just not my thing.

  2. I just wanted to convey my gratitude to everyone on the forum that I have thus far come in contact with. I am a member of a few forums for various parts of life and I can honestly say that I have not experienced a community as close and supportive as this one.

    Putting down the bass 18 months ago was the hardest thing I ever did, and I fully believe that without the support and guidance of a few community members, as well as the valuable resource of information that this forum is, that I would not of picked it up again quite so easily.

    Playing again has been an emotional and fulfilling ride and I am enjoying every minute of it. I actually feel like I have lost a chunk of my life creatively by putting it down and that quite upsets me when I think about making that decision :-(

    I went to a gig last night, which is no odd thing as I go to bloody loads of them, but I went to see a band that I have loved since I was at school, and never got to see, Counting Crows. I am usually a dark and rhythmic kinda guy (Tool/Perfect Circle/NIN/Sinch), but last night blew me away. Easily one of the best few gigs I have ever seen.

    So I woke up this morning and had to sit by the open window of my 9th floor apartment (with Counting Crows on the stereo) and stare over the city with a cuppa tea and a lot of mixed emotion and blab out my heart online... amazing how music gets to you ain't it :-)

    Thanks again everyone!!!


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  3. Bought Ashdown Hyper Drive pedal. Great communication, posted recorded so it wouldn't get lost and even offered to refund if full if I was not keen on the sound (had been unable to find one to try anywhere). Couldn't possibly ask for more!

    Cheers bud!


  4. Bought a DOD FX25B Envelope Filter. Great communication, well packaged and sent recorded delivery (which is good as the postie left the 'you were out' card in the worng mail box!).

    Would deal with anytime!


  5. [quote name='rslaing' post='495908' date='May 23 2009, 11:18 AM']Remember, the topic is all about "The most accurate tuner"[/quote]

    Good point... I missed that... Peterson wins... it is more Accurate. Without doubt.

    We should have a 'Most Practical Tuner' thread as well then I can win with my TU-2 :-)

  6. [quote name='rslaing' post='495827' date='May 23 2009, 09:59 AM']Some good points. But might I suggest that [i]"'How many Ohms should my cabinet have compared to my head'... if it sounds right, it is right."[/i] be re-thought?

    . [/i][/quote]

    Dammit... why did I open my mouth!! :-)

    I like the technical stuff actually. Always good to back up an argument with sound (get it) evidence. One day I may step up to a Peterson as I do understand the benefits. But not until I play with a guitarist who cares about his sound as much as I care about mine... for the time being I'm better being in tune with them, than in tune with myself.

  7. I have read this thread with a smile on my face...

    I guess its much like 'How many Ohms should my cabinet have compared to my head'... if it sounds right, it is right.

    I actually have the pleasure of using a Peterson Tuner (not sure of the model) yesterday, and I have to agree they are an absolutely fantastic bit of kit. No doubt about it.

    I usually use a TU-2, always have.

    So I tuned with the TU-2 and then ran the bass through the Peterson to see how out the tuning was... and the answer... Not at all. The TU-2 tuned me to absolutely spot on... sure there were tiny tiny variations, granted, ones that only the Peterson would detect, but sooooooo minor I doubt many human ears would pick it up.

    All in all, I would love a Peterson as owning Gucci kit thats not going to fail you is cool. But as my hands on experience shows that my over gigged TU-2 is just as accurate (almost) then I'm happy with what I have.

    If someone wants to donate a Peterson to me though... I won't say no! :-)

  8. [quote name='RobEvansBass' post='487754' date='May 14 2009, 12:08 PM']Come on chaps, the best offer i've had so far is £3.50, a hug and a curly wurly. It must be worth more than that.


    £10, a hug, a curly wurly AND I'll teach you a secret handshake :-) ???

  9. [quote name='peted' post='495022' date='May 22 2009, 11:54 AM']I remember the bassist from Taproot having something resembling what you describe. Looked like it could have almost been a full five-point harness around his body with the bass clipped onto the front. Looked like it would be very comfy.

    I'm planning on trying out the Dare strap when I get my new Shuker 6.[/quote]

    You may be right... I saw Taproot a few times some years ago, around the same time. Was pretty cool looking either way!

  10. As above, 1 Boss ODB-3 Bass Overdrive pedal. Full working order. Few cosmetic marks from gigging, nothing major or visable at first glance. This is unboxed, no instructions, but happy for potential trades to be in the same boat.

    Doesn't really fit with my current needs, am looking for a versatile Fuzz pedal, like the Bass Big Muff/Muffin/Green Stache etc etc in trade, will consider what you have.

    Drop me a PM for a fast reply.


  11. Having worked in the H&S industry, I'd suggest getting in touch with your local supplier (Arco is a goo place to start) and getting a plug that is rated at over 30SNR. 26 SNR should be about right unless you are playing seriously loud!

    There are loads of options, and for the exposure time for a rehearsal of gig (generally up to 3hours) will offer enough protection to avoid ringing ears or any lasting damage. You may need to try a few befroe you get a good fit though. About 8 years ago I was jumped by 4 guys and beaten to a pulp. My left ear canal was split from the outside to about 1.5mm from the ear drum (anymore and I wouldn't play music again!). After it healed the scar tissue was raised and as such forces out nearly all ear plugs from my left ear! After a year of serching I found the Uvex Ultrafit... which stays in and offers enough protection for me.

    I wear for gigs, both playing and listening. Does the job perfect.

  12. While many of the suggestions above seem perfect... and I apologise if I have missed a point here... but it seems your reason for doing this is to preserve the amp/instrument/cables from popping etc from plugging in and out, rather than for ease of having the instrument already plugged in and ready to grab?

    If this is the case, could you not just fork out £20 odd on a Planet Waves Circuit Breaker cable... designed purely to avoid said issues!? :-)

  13. [quote name='bassmansky' post='485331' date='May 11 2009, 08:47 PM']have you had a reply yet?[/quote]

    Nope. Had a bounce back saying that someone wuld reply to me ASAP, but no answer... :-(

    Am considering getting an EVO II 2nd hand as they work out about the same price as the LG1000 with what they go for on eBay at the mo, and from my limited experience, have a much better handle on tone and overall sound quality

  14. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='483753' date='May 9 2009, 03:15 PM']the next complaint would come from those who felt that they had to use two per channel and why didn't Ashdown make the amp 2 ohm capable. :)[/quote]

    And why don't they!!!! :-) Joke!

    I guess your right... I hate it when other people are right :-)

  15. [quote name='bassmansky' post='483734' date='May 9 2009, 02:47 PM']email ashdown with your thoughts im sure there they will give you an answer.might even start them making more 4ohm cabs!£430 for a 500w 4ohm cab with neo drivers a bit high???[/quote]

    Ok, maybe not high for what you get, but when you compare it to the ABM compact range its a lot more.

    Edit - Email just sent to Ashdown now.

  16. I recall seeing band some years ago (Vacant Stare if I recall... but it may not of been them!) and the bassist had what appeared to be a home made strap from a a parachute harness, which looked pretty cool as he clicked the locks into lace in the centre of his chest.

    I tried to figure out some years later how it was done and how the bass mounted... but the details have eluded me :-(

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