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Posts posted by pantherairsoft

  1. I very nearly bought one before I ordered my Overwater. A friend of mine had (but sold it) a second hand Marleaux, although I couldn't tell you what model it was. It was the first Boutique bass I ever played and I was blown away. That same person sold it to buy an Overwater.

    I believe Overwater used to distribute Marleaux basses some time ago as well so they had time to get to know that range, and like any smart company prob took a few ideas and re-worked them into the beauties they make today. The quality was comparable the Overwater my mate replaced the Marleaux with, but I think I'd rather have the Overwater Perception.

    Edit... just spoke to him... It was a Constat Custom Thru-Neck.

  2. Go to a Carpet Wholesalers... the sell carpets and carpet adhesives to the carpet trade. You will be able to buy glue sticks designed for sticking carpet to floors, perminantly.

    Some places that sell workplace items and lubricants do them as well (like Arco), but will be cheaper if you find a wholesale warehouse.

    Tec-Bond is the main brand, although I'm sure there are cheaper as your paying for the name here...

  3. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='517045' date='Jun 18 2009, 12:01 AM']Nice Canyon lll here and at less than the list price of a ll



    oh thats pretty!!!! I shall be watching that!!

  4. [quote name='Rayman' post='514688' date='Jun 15 2009, 08:22 PM']Barry44 is selling my old K5 on here, with an ACG pre fitted, total bargain, awesome bass if you're interested.[/quote]


    I tried the Fieldy (Korn) sig model K5... Not a big Korn fan, but thought the Bass played awesome!! And at under £650 new... a bargain bit of kit.

  5. I play a 3 x 10 combo, and find the sound to be huge, bright and full of tone. Having owned a huge range of manufacturers gear I would say this is the brightest, fullest sound I've ever achieved. Certainly not like a 'duvet' is over it. If you move the shaping dials off '0' at any point though... then I'd have to agree!

  6. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='507739' date='Jun 7 2009, 08:44 PM']Hey.

    I wish I started to learn theory a long time ago :) lol



    You already have that little head start on us that play by ear!

  7. Coolio! The differences between the Evolution and the Perception are obvious, but build quality and difficulty seem to be the same, and exactly the same materials get used... hence the similar price points.

    I enquired myself about the one they recently sold as the price seemed great... but there were the previously stated reasons for that.

    I actually looked at the Bass in question here as well before going ahead with my own spec and I thin it's priced 'about' right. But I figure, if your going to spend that amount of money... you may as well spend an extra few quid and have it exactly how YOU want it to look and sound! The one on Absolute, is priced at about 55-60% of what the new one would cost... I think thats reasonable, and no long wait!

    EDIT - Just noticed, when I was looking at it 2 months back I'm sure it was up at £1495.00, so only recently been reduced!

  8. The evolution on the site they sold recently was a second hand one... so go by that as a second hand price... also the one they sold was a special build, made to take a High C, not a Low B, so also has a limited resale market.

    If you enquire about Evolution prices, it pretty much mirrors the Perception price list... I know, they are making me one at the mo.

    I'd say the price isn't too bad for the bass, considering its using a fairly rare bit of wood, with a real nice finish!

  9. I was always a Streamer man myself, but have tried most of the pickup types out there for the corvette. I was always very keen, and if I was to return to the world or Warwick again, I think a corvette would be the route I took.

    Of all the type, I found the $$ to be the best by far. I found that it was a little harder to get used to and get the sound right on, but once you got yur head around the pick ups it was by far the most versitile, able to emulate the sounds of 3 or 4 of the other pick up options... kinda like 4 in one! And for what they cost now, very reasonalble at that!

  10. I remember mine, I was 17... I found that putting down the rest of the band to everyone helped... Then everyone thought I was awesome and were so busy concentrating on everyone else, looking for them to mess up that they never noticed I was rubbish!

    Come to think of it, that was our ONLY ever gig... so don't do that

    Just listen to everyone elses advice :-)

  11. Having just got my hands on it, I have to say I'm impressed!

    The Ashdown James Lomenzo Hyper Drive. Ignore the James Lomenzo sound... the fact that this just distorts the mid frequencies, and you can control which mid's at that is fantastic. No loss of bottom end at all. Just some great fuzz overtones to your existing sound.

    Very impressed!

  12. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='501489' date='May 30 2009, 11:03 AM']lol there actually a band thats really hard to explain what there like until you hear them.


    I see what you mean! Interesting. I imaging they are pretty good live. They would of gone well with Counting Crows as well. A good compliment to each other. Thanks for the suggestion!

  13. [quote name='Zoe_BillySheehan' post='501482' date='May 30 2009, 10:52 AM']aw its a shame that The Hold Steady didn't support,
    they really are amazing, and supposed to be even better live.


    I shall look them up. Not a band I'm familliar with to be honest... It shall be my mission for the day to listen to there stuff! :-)

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