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Posts posted by pantherairsoft

  1. Well it been almost a week and no sign of a static shock again which I can only put down to a good thing!

    I changed the daisy chain over and have also started to unravel the coiled extension lead out completely when using it.

    Fingers crossed we are all sorted! :-)

  2. [quote name='charic' post='584407' date='Aug 29 2009, 12:22 PM']Its a weird sensation isnt it? Im considering a MacMini just to hook into my tv at home[/quote]

    Thats exactly what I did. Was going to use it as a media centre. Its now our main home computer.

    Wireless keyboard and mouse on the coffee table, no sign of the computer anywhere and the internet on a 32" Samsung Series 3.

    Love it.

  3. Hi people,

    I am selling this for a mate who is leaving the UK on friday to go and live on the edge of a beach at the other side of the world, lucky sod!

    I had never had a play with one of these until he bought it nd I have to say I'm very impressed. The chorus factory is basically 7 very good pedals in one. The system inside emulates (with the manufacturers permission) the 'exact' sounds of the following pedals by just moving the selector dial on the right...

    Digitech Multi Chorus
    Voodoo Lab Analogue Chorus
    TC Electronic Stereo Chorus Flanger
    Fulltone Choralflange
    Boss CH-1 Super Chorus
    Electro Harmonix Small Clone
    Boss CE-5 Chorus Ensemble

    I only had access to a Small Clone for comparison and WOW, you honestly can't tell the difference, although I can't claim this for the other 6. The CF-7 also has a few extra features you can add into the sound of the pedals as well.

    Pedal is Boxed, with instruction and in mint condition (never left the house).

    As he needs the money before he goes he would like £35 plus postage (call it £3, so £38 all in), payment via paypal of Bank Transfer.

    Looking around these seem to go on eBay for around £50-£55 and there is one in a local shop for £74. No offers or trades. If it doesn't sell at that price then I'll persuade him to keep it (It has to be worth £35 just for the small clone!)



  4. Hi guys, I have changed my stuff over to George L's so have a few spares to shift to raise a few pennies.

    Kirlin US Pro Patch Cables - I have 4 of these, all 6" cables, with right angled jacks. Fantastic patch cables, retail at £7.99 each, perfect sound quality transfer (as good as the George L's). [u][b]£4 each including postage, or all 4 for £14[/b][/u]

    6 pedal daisy chain with straight connectors. 2.1mm and centre Negative, just like boss pedals and around 90% of others take. [b][u]£3 including postage[/u][/b]

    Bundle of 6, 1 Metre Patch cables, bog standard basic quality nothing special but do the job. 1m is quite long for a patch cable but I found these did not degrade the sound anymore than a cheap 6" one and meant I could change the signal path of the board around without moving any pedals as 1m is more than enought for any pedal to reach any other! [u][b]£8 including postage for all 6 [/b][/u]

    [u][b]Take the lot and its £20!!!![/b][/u]

  5. Hi guys, have bought and sold a few things over the last 2 weeks, had a few static shocks and got a better understanding of electrics! :-)

    I have also updated my board and signal chain as follows.....

    Hope you all like... :-)

    TU-2 --> True Bypass Loop --> Bass Blogger --> Bass Flanger --> Bass Chorus --> DiscumBOBulator --> Bass Micro Synth XO --> DD-3 Delay --> Back to the True Bypass Loop.

    All powered by Diago Powerstation (both EHX pedals have GigRig Virtual batteries) and connected with George L's.

    The reason for the Bypass loop is that I times I like to use a combination of 3 or 4 pedals, this means I can switch straight back to clean with one foot switch and reset the effects before going back to the pedal board :-)

  6. It is a Synth pedal. Creates sounds similar to the EHX Bass Micro Synth, including the octave, fuzz etc... Bonus with this is it has presets (9) I think, so you can use multiple sounds, and switch between them (including scrolling through while playing ready to select the next preset) using the foot switches. So I guess like having 9 Micro synths in a row...

    Plus they didn't manufacture it for all that long so it was quite collectable anyway...

    plus its the only good pedal they made :-)

  7. Right, after getting a few electric shocks earlier I finally managed to have a play with the Bass Blogger.

    To be honest I am very impressed.

    In 'Fuzz Mode' I would say it is very similar to the Big Muff, but with a little less sustain. Considering you basically have one pot for tone and one for drive, there are a surprising amount of sounds you can get out of this! In Overdrive mode it comes into its own though. Very chunky and fat with a good crunch. Reminds me of the bass sound from 'CLUNK' off Limp Bizkits debut album all those years ago... which I liked very much!

    I also like the fact that in drive mode the volume pot becomes redundant as it matches your clean output signal perfectly, meaning no jump or loss in the ix.

    Very very impressed. best Overdrive I have owned to date...

  8. I thought I would try changing the the daisy chain as I had an old one spare and that seemed to work. To prove it that it was the problem I swapped back to the one that came with the power station... and theres no problem now! I', wondering if the daisy chain had come loose very slightly or something. Have had a good play and doesn't seem to shock me now....

    What I did notice though was....

    If i plug the bass straight to the amp, no pedals at all involved, but the pedals are still sat there powered, if I touch any of the pedals, i seem to create a circuit from them to the amp and then I get a loud buzz, even though they are in no way connected to the amp...

    WOuld this imply there was a grounding issue somewhere still?

  9. This is correct unless you have a gig rig virtual battery... but I didn't know the Blagger was an XO pedal!!!! Its its not called the Bass Blogger XO... is it? is that where I went wrong!?

    Also... micro synth and bass blogger require a 9.6v power supply. if I buy gig rig batteries for them... will the diago power station that runs at 9v still power them?

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