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Everything posted by rockinbassman

  1. [quote name='Nick80' post='195675' date='May 9 2008, 08:33 PM']I have both the proline 210 and 300 1x15 with a td650 but last weekend when practising with a drummer I just used the 210. It was monstrously loud, so you should be fine with the proline 2x10. It's fairly compact and the hd350 will be able to perch nicely on top of that cab on its end. Reckon your Jazz will sound luvverly through that setup.[/quote] Excellent, I am going to try them out before hand, just thought id get some background info first. So the 2x10 over the 15 on its own could be a better possibilty... What was the depth like from the 2x10?
  2. hi guys, think I have finally sorted what I am doing amp/cab wise... hopefully Bass-Ferrits Shuttle will arrive in the country some time this century... damm shipping!! So i will hopefully be purchasing his HD350, at the moment I am only going to be looking at a single cab... are the EBS proline 2x10's adequate as stand-alone cabs, for meduim club gigs with PA support?! Its either that or the Proline 300 1x15 on its own, but im thinking that might be a bit muddy in the mid section!? I was thinking of getting the 4x10, but its too big for my smaller gigs, and probably overkill for 80% of the gigs I do. So the question is 2x10 or 1x15? I play Jazz bass, mainly a 75RI Passive Jazz, but also getting a 5 string KSD 705 somethime soon! What ya think!?
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  5. Yeah its basically the same thing, but with the words 'combo head' for the combo. Im putting this on hold for P-T-P and will be selling if I can find a replacement asap. [quote name='Riddler' post='189754' date='May 1 2008, 02:28 PM']OK but in the photos Paul has uploaded it says 'MarkBass Combo Head' and the newer ones say 'MarkBass Little Mark II', is there any difference? Also Paul, are you there? Cheers Graham[/quote]
  6. Haha... cheers guys... I have taken everything into account... it just is a pain in the arse!!! Dont think I will have the time to get there! I have offered to sort out everything courier-wise, and even send up some packaging!!!! Still a no go, understanderbly, and he does state collection only. MMM as for the relay, I think by the time it got to Brighton it would have been gigged about 50 times and used many more!! haha Does anyone live in Newcastle on here!? Id pay them to pick it up, and I would send up packaging and sort out courier!!! I know its maddness!!! Paul
  7. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='187744' date='Apr 29 2008, 02:02 AM']He's not 'in effect charging 120 quid to ship it'. He's just politely saying that he's not willing to post them. He quite clearly says 'collection only', which he's perfectly entitled to do. It's something that happens here and on eBay all the time. What's the problem? When did the rules change?[/quote] Nothing... I can totally understand as I said, im sure I have done it before!!! The last thing I wanted to do is start a slagging match about a fellow BC'er... just wanted some friendly advice!!
  8. My 'open' gigs this month so far!! Most are in Brighton! Sat 3rd May - Bton Pier Tues 6th May - The George - Brighton (tbc) Sat 10th May - Oceana Nightclub Bton Tues 13th May - The George - Brighton (tbc) Fri 16th May - Casablanca Jazz Club Bton Sat 17th May - Oceana Nightclub Bton Tues 20th May - The George - Brighton (tbc) Sat 24th May - Haven Holiday Park - Essex Tues 27th May - The George - Brighton (tbc) Sat 31st May - Oceana Brighton. Paul
  9. Also the Eden Nemesis stuff... any good?
  10. Rigggghhttt... where to start. I have a Markbass CMD 102p, which I do love, but just not finding it 'right'. I play mainly a passive Fender jazz 75 RI, and seem to just not get enough 'meat' out of it! P-T-P, wants it and has a sale pending, I wanted that GK lightweight rig in the for sale forum, but its just too far away. Newcastle, and its collection only!! Which I can understand from his point of view, although I did even offer to sort out all courier arrangements and send all the packaging to him!!! owell. I am loving the 700 and 1001 RB heads, and im quite tempted to get one, or bass ferrits hd 350... I also was looking at the Ampeg 410hlf on the forum, but it sjust sooo heavy! The other option was the Warwick 410 pro on there... anyone familiar with these? I just need a bit of help... going to be spending £600 - 700... Paul
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  12. I am totally neutral here and not slagging anyones comments, or playing ability. I can totally understand what people are saying, I have only read a section of this thread as it is so god damn long... I agree with attitudes to people such as wooten, his solo stuff is too 'clowish' technically brilliant, but where does it fit into a set?!! But still, how many videos are there of people trying to emulate what he plays. Then you listen to something like 'The Vision' by him which is harmonically excellent. Also I have seen him live, and god cant he groove. Mark king again is another name that pops to my head... slap... all in E!!! But good in his way... people love his playing. All of these people are unique in their own way. Jaco is a fantastic player, there might be people better than him now, and even in his time, but still his playing is special in its own way, and we have a lot to learn from these people. As for 'session' players such as Jamerson... I have met and played with lots of 'session' musicians. I met a drummer, and I really cant remember his name... I will add it when I remember! He had played with sooo many people, and is really really busy... but he wasnt the most amazing drummer in the world... this narrows down to the 'who you know' situation, but no matter how good you are technically, its what you do with it, and how you apply yourself. Also back to the situation of people saying 'Who is Jaco?' which I read earlier... one of my favorite players is Baron Browne (if thats how you spell it) he plays with Steve smith... fusion stuff, he is a killer groove player... BUT not many people have heard of him... fair enough thats what I LIKE... what my point here is that people have their favorites... im fed up of people saying at gigs "oh you play bass... isnt Flea the best bass player you have ever seen", yes I respect Flea and love alot of his playing, and one of my good bass playing mates plays alot of 'Flea like' stuff but thats who THEY think is good to them, so fair enough, its all down to taste... some people like Mark King, some Wootens 'Clown Playing' and the list goes on but its totally down to personal taste and preference. It doesnt matter if people have made it commercially, or have NEVER been heard of, im sure there are some incredible bass players out there who have never left there bedroom... Its all down to what people want to do and what people want to listen to!!! Im sure I could list some bass players that I think are 'overrated', but if they are doing or have done something good on them! At the end of the day, I know that I play, because I have a passion for my instrument and always strive to the best I can... Let people listen to the music they want to listen to, and discuss it, after all this is BASSCHAT, where we discuss things, not rip people to shreds, if YOU dont personally like something, its not to say someone else doesnt!! Damn im blabbing, really didnt get out what I wanted to say, but you may get the gist!!
  13. Right, im really after the lightweight GK rig in the for sale forum, do I drive from Brighton to Newcastle to get it!!!??? The seller doesnt have enough time to prepare it for courier, which is totally understandable. Its a long way...
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  18. [quote name='Smash' post='187203' date='Apr 28 2008, 01:42 PM']That's a stonking good deal there... if only this was further down sarf it would be snapped up. Good luck with the sale[/quote] I know, if it was would snap it up now... I dont thing I could bring myself to a 12hr round trip and god knows how much diesel money to go and get it!!!
  19. If only I could get to Newcastle!!! I would 100% have this asap!!! Anybody nearby fancy picking it up for me!!??? Ill pay! haha Paul
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