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Posts posted by Machines

  1. 4 hours ago, krispn said:

    I just nabbed one this week and they’re a fine sounding unit, really comfy to wear on a strap and quite a range of sounds. While it looks like a TBird the sound is clean clear and punchy - the bridge sounds like the middle position only moved to the back position. I know that sounds obvious but it’s not as thin a sound as you’d imagine moving from a p to a j on a pj bass. The middle ‘P’ position is a great all round sound and with the tone control you can take across the range of p bass tones and where many players could get by all night. The all on position with the tone knob rolled down is a massive sound for reggae tones - thick and punchy and a very fun sound to have at one’s disposal.


    That Amos video is a great example of what the bass can do but he misses a trick not showing the versatility with the tone control and how it can get more vintage sounds.


    I 100% agree with this analysis, my band were expecting pure djent tones (which obviously it can do) and were quite surprised it could 'play nicely' too.

  2. 3 hours ago, JPJ said:

    You would think so wouldn’t you, and I must admit I haven’t tried this myself but they seem popular so I assume they have some positive affect? 


    I'd dispute that they're popular, I haven't ever had one nor seen one in use.

  3. 1 hour ago, JPJ said:

    This is why you occasionally see bassists using a 'Fatfinger' or similar clamp like device that adds mass to the headstock. Great for dead notes, not so great for neck dive. 


    This will just move the deadspot. Ok if its currently on a note you need to use a lot - but it may make things worse if it isn't. I haven't had an instrument so far that hasn't had a deadspot, they're just usually not in a well use place (e.g. 6th fret G string on my P bass)

  4. 2 hours ago, Vin Venal said:

    I enjoyed this guys take on Gibsons current marketing, including the Gene Simmons tie in.


    Obviously just one person's opinion, but I do think there's something to the notion that Gibson, having been in hot water financially fairly recently, are still all about targeting the safe money, which is in the hands of boomers, hence working with someone like Simmons, who's reputation hasn't exactly aged well.


    Simmons is kind of an interesting figure in that sense - like I feel there's a generational divide where to some people, simmons is pure rock n roll nostalgia, and to others he's a bloated misogynist from a reality TV show.


    I think that video is spot on, they are selling fine now - but their future buyers in 10 years are headed elsewhere.

    • Like 1
  5. Any part that increases the surface area of contact, depends on your headstock shape really. Should work with the body too if that's easier. The point is to increase the mass of the instrument by making something else 'part of it' to prove the point.


    Also - try downtuning a semitone, I bet the deadspot moves too.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Linus27 said:

    Is it me or do pretty much all fretless basses have dead spots?


    Fixed it for you.


    In my experience it's to do with a specific resonant frequency related to the mass of the instrument. To check this - hold your headstock against a doorframe as tight as you can without damaging anything, play the same note and I bet it sounds better.

    • Like 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, Dood said:


    Its stunning mate and so very good to see you at the show too! It has been SO long and for a very brief moment it didn't twig that it was you - but that's more to do with my poor memory these days! 


    Sorry who are you again?

  8. So after a few months with the Euro 4, I decided I would actually be happier with a Euro 5 that looks the same. My (new) band requires a 5 but really liked the feel and sound of the Euro 4. In the meantime, I actually bought a Dingwall D-Roc 5 and was going to just trade in the Euro to balance the books.


    This was an eBay purchase, but it was very very close to BassDirect and the journey killed 2 birds with one stone. This is a 2007 model and the TonePump (pre trim pot) was a bit of a surprise compared to the newer model I had before. It's manageable with delicate volume control use however, and does what I wanted for that sound. I managed to break a pot expanding the shaft, but a new one is on the way. It has a couple of minor dings but all very good for 15 years old. Truss rod was slack and action high, but all sorted easily.


    So that's 2 unplanned basses in the last 2 weeks 😳.











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  9. 17 hours ago, leojb23 said:

    so i have a harley benton p bass that i learned on is gotten in quite the state now, looking about getting something new and was just wondering what recommendations people have for good 5 string basses to look for that i could maybe get for between the £130 to £200 area. id be looking for stuff i can get used as new everythings just too much. cheers, leo.


    Good for what ? Lots of choice but if you tell us what type of sound you want, appearances etc - we can narrow that down.

  10. 1 hour ago, stewblack said:

    Cool. If you're happy with the B3n, then you win! Saved a bag full of money.


    I can see some people would get some mileage out of the extra functionality, the touchscreen is cool but obviously has a big whack on the price. I'm happy with tactile controls and a single colour basic display but I guess this is where the market is heading.

  11. I've been a member of Basschat and it's predecessor since ~2005 as well as an admin until 2013.


    I've made friends here and have attended many meetups both at bashes and shows.  


    I also contact other players through Facebook and Instagram, the latter of which is very good for reaching out to those you don't have common contacts with already.



  12. 3 hours ago, LeftyJ said:


    Interesting pickup switching options, and it also really surprises me which one stands out to me: in nearly all of these samples, I preferred the tone of the middle pickup stand-alone :). After reading through the list of settings, my first thought was "I wish it had a Bridge + Neck option and an option to use the Neck pickup alone" but that faded after listening to your samples. I was also surprised by the similarities in tone to a Stingray, in some way. I've never played one or heard one in the flesh, and have yet to encounter a lefty I can try out (they do lefty Combustion 4 and 5-strings and lefty NG2's and NG3's), but now I'm aching to try one xD


    There are replacement switches available if you really wanted, but for me it all happens with the 'all on' setting. 


    Combustion switch



    D-Roc switch


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