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Posts posted by slaphappygarry

  1. [quote]Sound engineers cant polish a turd. Something many people forget.[/quote]

    Thats a bit of an imature statement. The differences between good and bad sound engineers are the same between good and bad bass players.

    There are some brilliant engineers i work with on a regular basis and the difference they make is huge. You tend to find that the good engineers dont work in rubbish venues that often.....


  2. Ok,

    Not sure this is totally appropriate to be honest guys. In the past there have been some upset female users (although i am not sure they are still about) at things like this.

    Prevention is better than cure and, as such, i am gonna hit the nail on the head now.


  3. Comfy pants.

    Scratch plate and a nice finnish underneath would be nice IMHO. That way the finnish is quiet subtle and understated rather than in your face.

    To be honest, the other way would be great too if you do a good job of plugging the hole.


  4. Bass.

    Spare strings, gaffa tape, multi tool, fuses, spare leads/strap and a 9v battery.

    Di in the back of my amp which can be removed from the amp signal chain if the amp fails.

    Other than that, i think thats all you need to keep the show going. Anything over an above that is just not your day.


  5. In a magazine its inevitable that there are gonna be months that just don't interest you. Sound on Sound is much like this. Sometimes its full of techniques, gear and people i wanna know about, other times its full stuff that doesn't interest me in the slightest.

    You gotta roll with the punches and you will never please everyone.

    Keep up the good work.


  6. well...

    Imangine being a 9 year old with your first 4 string and not knowing what the strings are called, let alone why yours has one more than his...

    99% of starter basses are 4 string. Most cheap entry level ones are too...

    Could be tricky in the long run...


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