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Posts posted by slaphappygarry

  1. It was an SR700 (one of the old wnf's)

    I loved it. Great bass. Was light and sounded great for what it was. Regret selling it on but, in the end, the stingray filled dead mans shoes.

    I recommend them to my pupils when they get a little serious about the bass. Kicks the ass out of a cheap fender or equivilent.


  2. I have a 'backup bass' but only in the sense that if the Musicman dies, ill have the jazz untill it gets fixed. The MM doesnt die regularly (only one wee issue of late) and there for the spare gets used as and when i fancy for jazz bass...

  3. When i played in a funk band we went to a local club and pestered them into putting on a funk club night with a house band (use) and a DJ. Always went down really well with the punters who, after a usual gig out want a boogie.

    Trick is to put it on later at night, like 11pm on or something so you get that 'booting out time' from local venues who have propper club nights on.


  4. Apple mac are truely a bunch of idiots.

    Having automatically updated the software on my laptop this morning, Pro Tools is not longer compatible.

    You would think they would give digi a friggin' heads up on this or included the updated drivers for the worlds MAIN and most UNIVERSAL audio application.

    I have a deadline this weekend for a major project i have been working on these last couple months, a session i have had to cancel today and a session tomorrow that is now looking like its not gonna happen all because these massive companies can't talk to each other.

    Gonna try installing an older osx to the computer in the hope it solves the problem for the short term, otherwise, ill be reformatting my mac tonight.



  5. Alesis M1 MKII's...


    But do try them out. Where the speaker is in the room (in relation to walls and corners) makes more differance to the sound than the monitor itself.

    A £2000 monitor in a bad position is less use than a £200 on in a propper monitoring environment.


  6. Logic, IMHO, has long been due an overhaul. The layout makes no sense at all for major production jobs. For a composition tool its brilliant and i look forward to checking out version 8 but to be honest - its Pro Tools all the way here.

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