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Posts posted by slaphappygarry

  1. [quote]I guess you arent in touch so much with 80,000 people, also you can console yourself with the thought that 90% of them are totally wasted anyway. With this show, probably 90% of the people in the room were bass-players and relatively sober - now thats pressure ![/quote]


    I am also from Edinburgh. Play in a few bands (in my sig) and work in Banana Row Studios.

    Sure ill know some you but not know who you are on here.


  2. It was a brilliant show. Really enjoyed it and am gonna get the book.

    For someone who has played to 80,000 folk at a time, been on countless hits/albums/tour etc... i thought he was somewhat on the uncomfortable side on the stage.

    Even still its a must see.


  3. All the m audio gear work well with logic and its nice and cheap and reliable. Logic isn't my first choice sequencer (i find it slow to work on and poorly laid out in comparison to Pro Tools) but its stunningly powerful.

    Having used pro and express i find it hard to justify to myself the MASSIVE price difference. In my opinion (remember this is flawed as i am not a first choice logic user) express is far better value for money. The additional features you would only really miss if you used pro lots and then had to downgrade.

    Ignorance is bliss and all that.


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