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Posts posted by Soledad

  1. 14 hours ago, garyt said:

    What's the pedal board and the power supply.

    👍 Gary. The board is home made, just 12mm ply with ramped and caps. Power supply mounted under is an Ammoon 8 way 500mA - found on AMZN for around £35. I really rate the power supply, nicely made, small and light, quiet. Had some Panzergrau spray can left so gave it a lick-over. Panzergrau sounds like it'll get on with the job, no??
    Need to do some cable tying but have to shift the comp a bit first as the DI on the Sans is on the left side - I'd have liked it on the back but apart from that I like the Sans Para a lot.

  2. As a one-time owner of the original 60s EB3, they have done at least 2 very good things here. Longer scale, and balancing the pups. Gibson never thought of either of those things :)
    Another player of the era that got good sounds from the EB3 was Glen Cornick of Jethro Tull. I think maybe the guy in Colliseum played one for a while too, and he was nifty.

    This'll be gone in a flash.

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  3. The summary bit: might want a 47 or a C4, want advice re how they sound and what they can do. Anyone vaguely local let me have a play through either... that would be festive ;)
    And I've placed a wanted on here in case anyone is moving one maybe.


    Interested in the use of clusters of smaller drivers. I want to create a small rig to replace a very good 210 combo (quite big, heavy). Main uses would be home, acoustic and lower level groups/collectives (the word band doesn't fit here really). So my basses with electro-acoustic guitars and various hippysh*t. I'd prefer a cab and head for flexibility, swap one out later if I want.
    Plenty of decent class Ds around and I'd usually run through a Sansamp anyway.
    SOUND - not looking for big volumes or massive bottom end of course, more a wide-band quite hi-fi purity. Fretless would feature quite a bit and that is all about the mids (and the flexibility to shape them). The fretted Jazz and P run EB flats, finger and occasionally pick. Again enough bottom end but good mids and moderate top (3-5k say). I'm wary of rear porting but will keep an open mind.

    The PJB UK distributor is quite near me but I suspect they are just box shifters (I may try and contact them - Selectron in Sittingbourne). Apart from that Bass Direct is miles away and I can't find a dealer with stock more locally.

    Thanking you all kindly.

  4. Just done a total makeover on the board, and it's stripped to the basics I need. Really liking the Sansamp Para so far (just arrived), particularly for the fretless as it gives me a lot more mid control. Find the drive very dirty personally but like the EQ and sound, a lot. Used with 2 fretted Fenders (J & P) with EB Cobalts on, a Jazz with LaBell 760FL, and the Jazz fretless with Cobalts - into a GB900. Chasing the sound and getting happier.

    So I submit my humble board.


    • Like 2
  5. Given to me by a guitar maker some years ago (for something I was making). Sat in a drawer for a few years. It's used for accurately measuring and thicknessing instrument boards, tops in particular. Was a little sticky when I took it out the other day, have lubricated, it's a lot better. May need a small amount of new-owner fettling so it opens and closes smoothly.

    FREE to a maker - may request post as it weighs a bag o sugar or so.




  6. What is it with 410s? There's a Berg 212 here somewhere, over £700. A 210 went recently with an asking 450 I recall.
    Can't really be size cos they're all about 2 foot square. All the neos weigh around 28Kg (my GK Neo was 28) - they ain't heavy, they fit in a small hatch, most have wheels anyway - and they kick and punch their way through any band, any mix... and absolutely any drummer. Force but with a load of finesse too - my fave all-round cabs by a good way.

    so BUMP

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  7. Inviting OFFERS politely below the asking: £140 incl UK shipping.
    The reknowned SBP-1. Light use, almost unmarked, very slight marks at front corners (it's a foot pedal, clue's in the name). With original box and manual, velcro on back of course.

    Described by some as a Jazz on steroids.



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  8. 9 hours ago, dmccombe7 said:

    I've still to try a set on my Jazz.

    I have a set of 45-100 cobalts on my Jazz - really excellent and I think the Cobalts suit the Jazz native sound very well indeed - I mean they start with how a Jazz naturally sounds and make the most of that which is quite a lot. Dead good and can't see me going back to rounds in the forseeable. Also have Cobalts on my P and have a set of LaBella 760FL coming any day to go on Jazz No2. From all I have read and listened to, the Cobalts and FLs are probably the best option for me. Have Fenders on my Jazz fretless and they are quite good but I'll happily pay the extra for the other 2.

    • Like 1
  9. I've had a think about this, and conclude the inevitable: that there is no single vid / topic that is THE right one for all.
    But I do have a thought based on my experience (with another instrument as well, so not bass specific).
    I think there is a very thin line between a player's style and his/her habits. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone and I find myself playing patterns and shapes on the fingerboard - there's an inverse law, the more I think about what I'm playing the less the habit patterns dominate. I then expect that the habits turn to familiar lines and note values, and in turn my technique evolves to be better at those habits. I reckon the habits lead to repetition and maybe over-playing too.

    Hence: Identifying what your habits are (I mean note sequences in particular but also rhytmic patterns, habit ghost notes etc) - and breaking out of all the habits. I think one no-no is noodling which exists to help you develop the habits (mainly). Only picking up the bass (at home) when you know what you are about to play or attempt and it is a thing you can't do.

    Just my thoughts, any ideas anyone?

    • Like 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, Davo-London said:

    I have used Joseph at https://www.josephkayeguitars.com/ for a '66 Precision in sonic blue with light relic.  Fantastic finish and paint job.  Very lightly crazed.  Looks fab.  This guy really knows Fenders.

    Like his site - he looks like he really digs the old stuff, handwound pups, GEC valves... very handy to know about.
    Also interesting to know who Martin P has used and uses, because his output is obviously impeccable. Thanks @Kiwi

  11. On 25/11/2019 at 12:06, EBS_freak said:

    Bow finishing.

    Thanks, had a look and I'm sure they could do what I need very well, but having spoken to Dave Wilson by then I have committed already. It's a '90s bass and I will use it quite seriously so it'll get marks and dinks over time anyway.


    9 hours ago, CamdenRob said:

    “light relic” was the best that could be offered.

    I understand that, I think if you want a Limelight you are happy with a replica roadworn / relic'd bass. I've discovered that perfect as new finishes cost at least one third (Dave) of a whole Limelight. I still don't know how Mark does such a great bass at that price and from what I've seen his light relicing is really convincing anyway. But it'll have to wait.

  12. On 25/11/2019 at 10:42, wateroftyne said:

    Limelight are awesome, and Dave Wilson is a wizard. Great choices to have!

    Who said anything about choice ;) OK, I suppose I could sell a body-part.

    Just one of those coincidences that I happened to be discussing a 60's P with Mark, and the cost of that really puts the Sims quote into perspective.
    So, I'm about to break down my P to send body to Dave W - he reckons about 6-8 weeks.

    And still in contact with Mark re a Limelight, though that might need to be Olympic/tort now. As a reminder to us all, here's a Limelight 60s P (recently made for a BCer I believe) - just how GOOD does that look??


  13. Your contributions here and on YT deserve far more attention. I haven't watched this full vid yet but had a quick look with sound off (odd but had to). You mention practicing in the dark, which I reckon is a really good thing to do with fretless (or fretted for that matter).

    Ont thing about ascending slides, even just a tone or semi. That nasty effect sometimes of the note becoming louder - the string energy being compressed into a shorter length. I've tried rolling back the fretting finger to put some fleshy contact onto the string and hence damp some of the vibrational energy. But I don't have the touch on this. It may seem a small thing but it sounds noticably bad on whole-tone up-slides, I mean it sure don't sound like Jaco.

    I will watch the whole vid properly with sound, I'll definitely benefit from it.

    Top work Greg, thanks for sharing so generously.

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