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Posts posted by grenadillabama

  1. I have a couple of 4003 basses and of course, one is flatter and one is rounder. The difference with a Precision or Jazz is they GET FAT at the 7th fret on up. I try to adapt and that is a knack the really clever players ( like Macca and Ox ) have . 

  2. I have the Avatar version and it has been altered to be "bass guitar friendly ". I think it is a driver best suited for vocals because of the midrange. I threw in a Beta 10 Eminence with 5 Ashdown Bluelines and it is OK in a ABM 610 cabinet.

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  3. On 04/03/2020 at 08:11, stevie said:

    Lightweight amps I've had are the Ashdown Mibass 500, the Markbass LMIII and the Aguilar TH500. I've ended up with the Ashdown RM500. It's got the most sensibly specified eq and does the 'slam' thing that not all lightweight amps do well.


    The RM500 is my favorite . I want the RM800 when it is available. 

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  4. The glow is most effective when the color changes as you play a good loud note.The blue is a beautiful vision indeed ! Not little tubes - I mean the big output tubes like my first amp , a 50w Bassman .All I had to do is turn out the house lights and stand behind the amp ! 

  5. On 04/01/2020 at 06:16, Jean-Luc Pickguard said:

    According to wikipedia Roget Rosmeisl worked at Fender from 1962 to 1973 where he designed the Coronado range which I'd always assumed had been designed by a committee.

    Fender used a dye injected into a living tree to make the Wildwood colors. That is what a catalog said. Have you seen one ever ? They did make a pretty picture.

  6. On 27/12/2019 at 14:02, 4000 said:

    There’s a Status Buzzard II in the Gallery that used to belong to John and it’s got Maxima Golds on. I don’t know if it has been set up since he had it, but the action is about the same as mine. I believe someone on the Alembic Club (and poss here?) had one of his Buzzard 1s and said the same. I know that Rob Green said that he set John’s basses up and John took one look and said “they’ll go much lower than that!”, but every time my mate sent his old Status off to a Rob it came back with what we considered an almost unplayable high action, which we then had to drop several mm, so I don’t think that story means that much.

    I’ve read and watched quite a few interviews with John and I’ve never heard him say anything about filing his frets to the board. I’d be interested to know where that came from. 

    Some fret buzz was something he could control better than most players. Notes were never choked out.

  7. I have the one-pickup version and it has a warm low end and enough highs to be distinct. It is real "polite" and small hands can reach around the rounded neck easier. After this good impression I opened the control area and discovered the body is made of plywood!! Mine is Korean made.

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