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Posts posted by Baxlin

  1. 36 minutes ago, Doctor J said:

    Take the discarded piece of string you just cut, fold the last 1-2 cm of the end back into a v (like a hook), do the same with the full string and hook them together, then loop a long piece of thread wrapped tightly around to close the mouths of each v, locking the parts together. It works incredibly well.

    Many thanks, I’ll store that in my mind!  But as the screw is doing its job, I’ll stick with it (until it doesn’t.....)

  2. Bought a new set of strings for my practice bass (fortunately!),  but trimmed the G slightly too short, so while it looked long enough, and reached in the hole OK, it slipped and pinged off when still a way off tuned.

    I have a bit of a 'Malc will mend it' reputation with friends and family, so out to the workshop with it.  Tried various wood and plastic wedges to hold the string in, but finally fixed it with a fine screw trapping the string in the hole.

    Candidate for 'bodge of the day' maybe?


  3. 6 hours ago, Pea Turgh said:

    You could buy it as a project.  Needs a new nut (& strings!).  Replace the bridge, pickups, scratchplate, neck, tuners, maybe the body, too.

    And call it Trigger's Broom?


    To complete the set, the acoustic guitar was the Lucky 7

  4. Did its job.  (for a 3 schoolboy band - Vince Pinkerton and the Lawmen, who didn’t take Nottingham by storm, unfortunately).  IIRC the lead was attached, ie no jack socket.  So he cut it and fitted an in-line co-ax joint, which wasn’t overly successful....

    TBH, I think it was the cheapest electric guitar we could find.

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  5. 9 hours ago, BigRedX said:

    Most surprising - U2, Boat Club Nottingham, 1980 (went without having heard any of their songs, completely blown away by the music and the performance)

    I was a rowing member of the Boat club in the 60s, we had some great bands there, as they did next door at the Union (one side), and the Brit (the other side).  We had to book bands up to a year ahead, so quite a few had made it big(gish) by the time they came.  Over the years, the likes of Status Quo, the Herd, Honeybus, Ten Years After, (a local band!!) John Lee Hooker, Led Zep, etc.

  6. 4 hours ago, Old Man Riva said:

    Most surprising - Elkie Brooks - Coventry Theatre 1978

    Unless she played there twice in 1978, I was at the same show!

    Had some good/big names at the Coventry theatre around then, also saw (with Mrs B!) Cliff Richard, Elton John's "one man" show (with Ray Cooper!), and The Shadows.

  7. First concert: Beatles, Roy Orbison, Gerry & Pacemakers package (1964?) Odeon, Nottingham

    Last concert: Harriet, (2019), Tring

    Best concert: Queen with Adam Lambert, 2018, O2

    Worst concert: The Searchers, Cromer, just before they announced their retirement

    Loudest concert, Status Quo Wembley Arena, various dates 

    Seen the most: either Joe Brown or Barbara Dickson

     Most surprising: Dennis LeCorrier (Ex Dr Hook) Norwich Theatre Royal

    Next Concert: TBN, 

    Wish I could have seen - Presley


  8. Some may judge my method to be a tad Heath Robinson, but it will work.

    I put the nose of a pair of long nosed pliers into the socket, and gently open them, to grip the socket from the inside.  Then tighten the nut with a spanner.

    As I said, HR, and I take no responsibility for any damage!!

  9. I’ve previously bought two Westfield basses, both from EBay, both for less than £30, both excellent buys. 

    The first was a 5 string, to see how I got on with the extra string, I didn’t so I ebayed it and made a profit.

    The second I defretted, again to see if I liked it.  I did, very much, but had no opportunity to use it apart from at home, so that went too.  TBH, I regret selling that one, even though I more than doubled my money!


  10. 15 hours ago, Big Rich said:

    @LeftyP Your bass gig is a mirror image of mine, I would be part of a pool of musicians and I would expect to play about once or twice a month.  The songs are a mixture of modern and traditional hymns, and the level of musicianship is varied.

    I'm going to keep my playing appropriate to where I am and what each song needs, to go in tapping and slapping would detract from the words of the songs/hymns.

    Everyone's there to praise Christ and not witness my 4 string athletics.

    Similar here, too.  We use OnSongs on iPads, and have individual MEI mixers with in-ears, so choose our own mix.  I find other bassists have almost the same mix as I have - making sure we can hear ourselves, of course!

    we also have talk back, so the worship leader/md can communicate with the band.


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  11. Saw a brilliant up and coming singer called Harriet at the weekend.  A bit jazz influenced, a voice in the Karen Carpenter mode, but she carefully avoided any Carpenters' songs.

    IMO she puts all the X Factor cat-wailers to shame!

  12. I’m a bit late for 'the look' I’m afraid!

    'Blinding flash of the bloomin' obvious' warning........

    I used my EB3 this morning, but with a borrowed strap, wider and more padded than any of mine.  It was quite a bit more comfortable, so I think that will be my first purchase.

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