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Posts posted by Aidan63

  1. The guitar one was the best in my humble opinion, and the bass one the weakest but they all taught me something I didn't know and exposed or rexposed me to stuff I didn't know or had forgotten about, and makes a change from Mrs Browns boys and all the other shiiiite on the box that most people seem to think of as entertainment


    now back to youtube for some music 

    • Like 4
  2. I have these on my Jake and on my Jazz, I really like them but I am a learner. I tried TIs on another bass and I prefer the Maruszczyks as less fret clang than the TIs but that could be because the other bass is active and could be amplifying it and my technique is improving but the TIs are brighter I think; if you are passing call in and try them. Good value too.

    Supposed to be made in Europe but by who I don't know and the internet doesn't seem to know either 

    • Like 2
  3. plugging in makes the active electronics live same with pedals as they use a three pin socket and route the electrics earth connection through the plug so always unplug when not using; also saves from accidental damage if cable gets pulled/tripped over etc..

  4. 1. jebroad

    2. Len_Derby

    3. Jabba_the_gut

    4. Spondonbassed - Hohner B2A

    5. Andyjr1515

    6. Jimothey

    7. Mojo

    8. Owen

    9. Teebs

    10. Josie

    11. Aidan63

    bassbash virgin will bring Jake4L, UbassSub, Fretless TanglewoodUkeBass, PJB double4 and MIM Jazz modified as I'd like to hear them played by good players and hear what they can sound like in competent hands

    • Like 2
  5. Does the retailer buy the product from the distributor or does the retailer pay for it once sold (like M&S and other big retailers do), I don't know how it works with the instrument business, but I guess that PMT and Andertons etc. pay distributors 30-90 days in arrears and small retailers pay up front or on delivery/on invoice from supplier

    If you've had £500 capital tied up in something for 18 months and new stock will be more expensive and everyone else is selling for £650 then I can understand why you'd up the price as long as it was indistinguishable from current model, which is partly why manufacturers keep changing specs and available models so if you want the latest version you pay more and so old stock is apparent to knowledgeable buyers

    • Like 1
  6. shouldn't work in sales if you don't love the product and be prepared to put a bit of effort in to get the sale or even just help the potential customer as good service is recognised, bit like karma; can always Google P100 and  ask a colleague imho

  7. 2 hours ago, Delberthot said:

    I've never had any dealings with them personally did you check to see if they were they actually open for business? Some firms don't go back to work until tomorrow after the holidays and even the ones that have just gone back may have a huge backlog of messages waiting to clear. I considered myself lucky to get QSC between Christmas & New Year.

    A quick browse brought these up and there's also a Talkbs thread here with suggestions

    many months ago, not in holiday season, emails over the course of more than a month, so no excuses; rather than just say we don't stock Mikro strings or there will be a long wait getting them or they are nla they just ignored me. I can find strings myself but I thought I'd ask the people who supplied the instrument originally, if you can't support it then why sell it in the first place, that's just selling boxes any idiot can do that, and lots do; then they wonder why Tescos sell guitars

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