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Everything posted by Bluewine

  1. I think we're talking about 2 different issues Charic. A person could have a passion for big stage shows but suck at putting together big stage shows. In other words having the passion but no ability. And then the guy who's passionate about practicing, but no matter how much or how hard he practices he never really improves because the ability is not there. Blue
  2. Folks, lots of good comments here. We can debate passion vs ability from all sides. However, we can't dismiss that some of us are not quite as good as we think we are. That's the honest truth, which is just another way of saying "it's my opinion". I think, at some point it's beneficial to Know your spot, I think I know mine. Blue
  3. We did a gig with Peter Noone (Herman's Hermits) a couple of years ago and their guitarist who is also their musical director and he watched our whole set and I spoke with him about opportunities. He told me how important it is to always be prepared. That means competent to understand different genres, might mean able to read charts and sing.Being able to pass a pro level audition. It could mean having an active passport and Visa to work in other countries. All part of ability in my book. Blue
  4. I know guys with no recognizable passion but join the unions network, market themselves and take advantage of opportunity and can make a living. To me that's ability. How many of us know very talented highly skilled musicians that can't work with or understand others preventing them from being able to make a living. For example, how about the musician that doesn't have business ability. Very hard to nake a living without that Blue
  5. Very hard for most of us to admit Now, there are guys that are musically good enough to make it professionally, but lack direction and again can't see or recognize opportunity. Blue
  6. Are talent and ability the same. Blue
  7. To me it means you have the right ability for the opportunities you persued which allow you to make a living from playing bass. There are a lot a guys with high levels of musicianship but lack passion and many cases can't see or take advantage of opportunity. Blue .
  8. I'll go with that. I should have made it clear that my premise evolves around being able to realistically make a living from performing music. That can be challenging to those who's passion way exceeds their ability. Or can't distinguish between the two. IMO Blue
  9. That would be an entirely different discussion. IMO Blue
  10. Agreed, It's exactly what I'm getting at. Understanding the difference between passion and ability. It took me a long time to realize what it really takes to be in a pro touring situation where 100% of your income comes from playing music. It takes more than being a competent musician. Blue
  11. Is your enthusiasm big enough to allow you to make a full time living from performing music. That's what I'm really getting at. Blue
  12. Passion is to inportant to be without and way too fickle to follow around, especially if the direction makes no sense and not realistic. IMO Blue
  13. I use to go out with a lady that looked a lot like Gail Hale Fun while it lasted. Blue
  14. Don't get me wrong. Understandthe difference between passion and ability, but always bring your passion with you. BIue
  15. I realized a long time ago I'd be better off chasing opportunity would pay off better than chasing my passion ( pro headliner, touring internatioally). My passion would have probably lead me to a land of depression and frustration. It was tough to take, but I learned years ago with all the practicing I do , I didn't possess the skills I thought I did. My passion and ability had nothing to do with each other. Just because your passionate about something doesn't mean you won't suck at it. So when I realized I'd never be a pro level touring Musician, I also realized I could hang with the best of them at the bar band level and became passionate about it. It's probably why I'm out gigging every weekend and some are sitting at home in their bedroom waiting for that passion dream to come true. Thoughts & comments Blue
  16. This past Saturday night. " I know that bear is in here somewhere and I'm feeling frisky" Blue
  17. Hi Pete, I didn't know you did biker bar gigs. Always nice to hear about those of us down in the trenches. Daryl
  18. Another outstanding clip. Full sound nice vocals Blue
  19. Now this looks like a hot gig. The clip captures excitement and fun for all. Your band sounds fantastic great musicianship and chemistry.And I don't throw words around like fantastic very often. Most of the time I'd say; " Ok, another marginal. rendition of " Sweet Home Alabama" But you guys were fully committed to the song and rocked the hell out of it. Andfor the cover haters there is nothing easy about what Mudpups band did with the song. No matter what you say it's not a paint by numbers proposition when you do a top notch job with any cover. Blue
  20. Great gig last night, actually the last 2 have been super hot bar gigs. Last night, well we must be doing something right. I stopped in and played a set at an open mic with Johnny T Bird at 2:00pm and I mentioned to another bass player I was playing the Filmore that night. He said his band played there last weekend and there were only 6 people there. I arrived at load in at 7:00 and I couldn't even find a parking spot. We packed the place. Again it's all about marketing and having a known and we'll liked front person.
  21. I'm going to come up with a plan to franchise the invisible bear. Blue
  22. I can't remember how many times this MIJ Fender P has been dropped. Last time it was face down onto concrete. A few dings, still plays like a champ.
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