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Posts posted by ezbass

  1. Bass Guitar Magazine has just published a top 40 bass lines feature compiled by their editorial team and contributors and I thought you might like to see their results.

    40. Riders On The Storm - The Doors
    39. Lovecats - The Cure
    38. Digital Man - Rush
    37. Hair - Graham Central Station
    36. Give It Away - RHCP
    35. Town Called Malice - The Jam
    34. Express Yourself - Cahrles Wright And The 103rd Street Rhythm Band
    33. Lovely Day - Bill Withers
    32. White Lines - Grandmaster Flash
    31. Crossroads - Cream
    30. Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie
    29. Bullet In The Head - RATM
    28. Teen Town - Jaco
    27. Billie Jean - Michael Jackson
    26. Phantom Of The Opera - Iron Maiden
    25. The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
    24. I Wish - Stevie Wonder
    23. London Calling - The Clash
    22. Thank You - Sly & The Family Stone
    21. Stand By Me - Ben E King
    20. What's Going On - Marvin Gaye
    19. Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick - Ian Dury & The Blockheads
    18. Orion - Metallica
    17. All Right Now - Free
    16. Walk On The Wild Side - Lou Reed
    15. So What - Miles Davis
    14. Ace Of Spades - Motorhead
    13. My Generation - The Who
    12. Politician - Cream
    11. Hysteria - Muse
    10. Come On Come Over - Jaco
    9. Roundabout - Yes
    8. Come Together - The Beatles
    7. Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
    6. Ramble On - Led Zep
    5. Money - Pink Floyd
    4. Good Times - Chic
    3. School Days - Stanley Clarke
    2. Sex Machine - James Brown
    1. Peaches - The Stranglers

    Well I know that this is a British mag, but so are we and I say "What The ****"!!!!

    My Generation? What about The Real Me or 5:15 where JE really lets rip.

    All Right Now? Fair enough, but Mr Big has a better line throughout and a better solo, what about The Stealer?

    No Steely Dan songs at all? Surely Peg rates at least top 20.

    And given that there is a decidedly Brit flavour to the poll, where's Pino on '80s Paul Young, or Bruce Thomas on The Attractions? Poor show BGM, poor show :)

  2. [quote name='budget bassist' post='334418' date='Nov 22 2008, 02:31 PM']tinnitus scares me :) i get it after gigs quite often, i should probably wear ear plugs but i never bother, so it's my own fault if i do get it permanently i guess[/quote]


    Seriously any protection is better than none at all, don't wait until you have an irreversible condition like I did. I now wear them to stop it getting any worse.

  3. [quote name='BigBadBass' post='333945' date='Nov 21 2008, 04:13 PM']thanks guys! it's been upsetting me the last wee while.

    ive been on antibiotics for nearly 2 weeks almost finished them its just the last 5 days have been really bad. Been struggling even watching tv! i know theres no real cure for it long term. my best mates date was in the Army and has had it since he was 17! and he's now 72! i dont know how he manages! Tinnitus and going deafg are some of my biggest fears! i dont know what i'd do without my ears!

    thanks for the replies[/quote]

    It could also be the antibiotics that are causing the tinnitus, check the info sheet for side effects. Hope it goes soon.

  4. [quote name='peted' post='333617' date='Nov 21 2008, 08:35 AM']I have permanent tinnitus. I don't notice it during the day but can drive me nuts if I'm in a silent room or trying to hear something faint. Fortunately after a while you'll find that your brain will naturally filter out the background noise of tinnitus, eventually. Just try not to dwell on it and 'tune out' of the sound rather than concentrating on it.[/quote]

    Yep I've had it for about 14 years. In a quiet room you can concentrate hard and "turn it down" but it takes practice and doesn't always work. The worse thing for me is when I'm in the mountains with nobody and nothing around, total silence except the ringing in my ears. I miss silence.

    Hopefully the OPs tinnitus will pass once the infection has gone. But going forward we should all wear good ear plugs. A custom set will set you back less than an expensive pedal. I wish I had been made more aware of these products before I got my tinnitus, damn that crash cymbal (I think it was probably that).

  5. [quote name='The Burpster' post='330827' date='Nov 17 2008, 05:25 PM']Its pretty obvious isnt it?

    While there is still passion and desire for the drum, bass, & 1or2 geetar band format, things will stay the same......

    There was a bit of a design flourish in the 80s, but Britpob bought the format back into vogue in the 90s.....

    Whilst Geetarists (bless 'em) still want to play Strats and Les Pauls we'll be twanging Fender clones of one sort or another....

    These are generalisations I know, but just check out popular geetar sales, and you'll see what I mean...[/quote]

    My point exactly.

  6. [quote name='mcgraham' post='330784' date='Nov 17 2008, 04:49 PM']Whilst we haven't evolved in recorded history, what is mechanically achievable in the products/devices we design and make has improved vastly. For example, different people prefer higher/lower actions, before truss rods or other equivalents, it would've been next to impossible to readily adjust the neck of an instrument. This would've been an ergonomic issue that seemingly had no solution, i.e. no-one could envisage a way to remedy this issue, therefore it would likely have been dismissed as 'a limitation of the instrument, get on with it or get over it', at least for a time.

    I can think of a few issues that seem 'physically impossible' to overcome, but that certainly present ergonomic issues for some people. Who's to say that in a few years someone won't come up with some method that blows your mind about how to overcome such problems?


    I think that all the original Fender guitars had truss rods? But I guess you mean DBs. There are some absolutely awful DBs out there with cr@p actions and like the absolutely awful unplayable electrics, they don't get played. If something's fundamentally wrong then someone will fix it, but that doesn't preclude others making inferior versions for the sake of a cheap product (for the maker at least). I'm interested in your list of "issues that seem 'physically impossible'" as you could be onto something we have never considered.

    I guess the other reason that things haven't changed much is that we tend to hold older things in reverence whether it be a bass, a car or a bass player, for to argue against the norm is to open yourself to ridicule. Am I wrong? Just start a thread that slams the P or J bass or Jaco and see what happens.

  7. [quote name='bassmerchant' post='330685' date='Nov 17 2008, 02:22 PM']Hi Guys

    Have to say I am a bit dissapointed with the general comments about Music Live - we did our best to provide some cool gear for bass players ,did no one see our stand??? ,it was admittedly quite small but well packed !! Next year we are intending to have a much bigger stand with a range of interesting gear but I would be interested to know if any of you guys would want to see that ?,if not I guess I may have to re-think ,any comments appreciated .

    We had custom shop warwicks ,a load of Spectors and Laklands + loads of amp gear ,what else is there that you would like to see - PM me or stick a reply on here .

    Anyway , here is a pic of our own Dr of the Bass with TM on the bassmerchant stand on the day ,

    All the best

    The Bass Merchant[/quote]

    Small? It was tiny. Your stand at LIMS was twice the size at least and had the Zoot cabs which a friend of mine was interested in seeing at Music Live. Size is important at exhibitions (I know I've organised and ran them in the past) and if your stand is too small then some people will be put off just coming on for a browse either because it's too crowded or they feel overly conspicuous. As I've said earlier in this thread, I got the impression that most people had blown their budgets at LIMS so were either not exhibiting (Warwick) or had greatly reduced stands (Fender). Given that the cost of entrance had gone up to £17 and the show was smaller than previous years, the ringing in my ears was not tinnitus, but the death knell of Music Live.

  8. The human body hasn't evolved at all in recorded history so anything that was originally designed from an ergonomics perspective (horns/cutaways, body contours,etc) is going to be as relevant today as it was when Leo and Co came out with their original designs. As for the range of a bass instrument, that's governed by what other instruments are being played with. The original Double Bass was designed to work with the sonic space of the accompanying instruments at the time, and to be fair those instruments (guitars, keyboards, drums, brass, etc) have hardly changed since then in terms of sonic space/range, so an electric 4 string bass is still going to be the de facto standard in an ensemble situation.

    Ultimately our bodies and our hearing determine the state of (accompanying) bass and as I said we haven't evolved any more so bass doesn't [b][i]need[/i][/b] to. That's not to say bass shouldn't evolve, at least in its range, and ERBs in a solo type situation are proof that there room for growth sonically. Shapewise though , if it isn't comfortable not many people are going to use it.

  9. [quote name='BassManKev' post='329728' date='Nov 15 2008, 05:03 PM']if that is completly original, id be very wary, as that just doesnt look like its been played, which isnt a good sign as far as how good a bass it is...[/quote]

    +1 Yep that's the truth of it, old basses that have not been played is usually because they're dogs.

  10. Precisions, decisions.

    If you really like the classic vibe and can't go the extra dosh for the Highway, why not get the classic and strip the poly off. You could then wax or oil in a MM stylee. Conversely you could just learn to put up with the colour if you like the feel of the poly. Or option 2, get the '50s vibe and put in a new '62 style p/up. The neck on the '50s will be bigger though.

  11. [quote name='Golchen' post='327948' date='Nov 12 2008, 09:21 PM']Loads of gear to try, but the downside was that they were not allowed to sell anything on the day!?! I'm gonna stick to that show in the future.[/quote]

    There were ways to buy stuff, Headline were mailing any guitars bought. I got my LMII there, the seller had to get a security pass for it and then sneak it to me. All pretty pathetic really.

  12. [quote name='MB1' post='327853' date='Nov 12 2008, 07:01 PM']MB1. :)
    The Royal Northern College of Music is a Great Venue for Bassday, Big enough for the job, and harmonically good enough for live performance,(not a bad bar either) if T.M Stevens can get there from the states, you have no excuse.Leave Bassday where it is Thanks,i think the organisers will have enough to think about planning next years Bassday, without having to look for other suitable venues in the Midlands. The organisers have already stated Bassday will not conflict with any other music show.If it ain't broke dont fix it!.[/quote]

    Ah ha that's easy for you to say as it's local. If bassday would like to pay me to attend as with Mr Stevens, I'm in. Also if I come to Manc I'll have to visit the in laws.

    "The organisers have already stated Bassday will not conflict with any other music show" Hmm we'll see eh?

  13. [quote name='BigRedX' post='327541' date='Nov 12 2008, 01:06 PM']Remember that no matter how bad you thought this year's Music Live was the only way it could have been worse than the London Guitar Show of 2007 would have been for there to be no basses at all![/quote]

    Yeah LIMS 2007 was extremely dire, but at least I got to see The Blockheads for "free". 2008 was much better, but the no offsales policy was just plain barmy with exhibitors having to sneak gear out or send them by post.

  14. [quote name='Bassassin' post='327174' date='Nov 11 2008, 11:02 PM']Without the dominant corporate profile of Sound Control[/quote]

    Replaced by PMT which, given what I read about their service here on BC, is no bad thing.

    3 basses on the Fender stand, 4 basses on the Yamaha stand, no Warwick, very sad.

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