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Status Updates posted by MartinB

  1. My band's first release is out! 😁 https://ditto.fm/decimator-black-hole-jets

    1. LowB_FTW


      I quite liked that.



  2. Maris Piper, King Edward, Jersey Royal. This is my taters update.

  3. Got any 1974 album recommendations? Going through my CDs, I noticed the only ones from that year are Natty Dread and Pick A Dub.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fozza


      Kraftwerk - Autobahn, Sparks - Kimono My House

    3. HazBeen


      Frank Zappa  - Apostrophe, Queen - Sheer Heart Attack,, Roxy Music - Country Life

    4. jacko


      deep purple Burn,  Grateful dead. from the mars hotel, Yes. Tales from topographic oceans.Joni Mitchell, court and spark.Rush. 

  4. Guitarguitar have the Keeley Bassist on offer for £149, and the almost-identical and totally usable with bass GC-2 for £99. I know at least half of my posts are me banging on about how great the Bassist is, but... it really is very good! 😊

    1. Kevsy71


      +1, that's a great price for either! Have the Bassist myself and it's an excellent comp/limiter.

  5. Soldering experts! I've accidentally ended up with 40/60 solder instead of 60/40 🤦‍♂️
    Do I need to change it, or is it not going to be noticeably different for guitar wiring and small electronics stuff?

    1. SpondonBassed


      It wont make any difference to the conductivity but you may notice a slight difference in the melting temperature.

  6. First outdoor gig! I was expecting a numb right hand to give me trouble, but it never occurred to me how much I rely on the sense of touch in the left hand to judge distances between frets. Spent a lot of time looking at the fretboard!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MartinB


      To be honest I think we were all so excited at the prospect of paid gigs that we didn't really think about the practicalities! I had fingerless gloves, but my digits were already chilly by the time the gig started - I think the trick is to wear normal gloves for as long as possible and switch at the last minute. Doing it again next Saturday, so I'll have a chance to test my theory!

    3. Marc S

      Marc S

      Let us know how you get on MartinB :)  Yes, full finger gloves right up until you're playing - that'll help
      Maybe swap them for finger-less right at that point?
      I recall years ago, on the OGWT, a (fretless?) bass player, playing whilst wearing those white, snooker ref type gloves!
      Can't recall the band though.....

    4. MartinB


      Gig was cancelled due to illness, so I am none the wiser!

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