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Posts posted by shoulderpet

  1. 8 hours ago, Reggaebass said:

    I remember when  I was looking at Yamaha attitude basses , this video came up, I don’t know much about him , but he’s well fast with 3 and 4 fingers 


    Ahh yes Billy Sheehan, monster player, im one of the few people that loves his tone, seems like a cool guy too, thanks for the vid 

    • Like 1
  2. 38 minutes ago, Reggaebass said:

    Ive tried this a few times after seeing a friend play with all 4 fingers, and I found it really difficult, I used  this video for a few exercises, apologies if you’re more advanced than this 🙂


    Thanks, I will give that a watch, I'm a complete beginner with 3 fingers so I'm sure anything will help 

    • Like 1
  3. Hi 

    Am after some tips for developing 3 finger plucking technique, for years I have played with 2 fingers, am trying to learn 3 finger plucking for faster bass parts but struggling, it's like my 3rd finger is half as fast and strong as my index and middle finger, I am thinking maybe I'm trying to obtain the unattainable but I want to give this a fair try, I want to avoid introducing bad habits so am after some tips, thanks

  4. 32 minutes ago, Rich said:

    It's done :) very pleased with the result, quite surprised at how un-Raylike the sound is with the MM pickup solo'd but pleasantly surprised as it's a good usable sound -- very distinctively different to anything else in my wee collection, which was the entire point of the exercise to begin with, so it's mission accomplished :D the series/single/parallel switch makes for maximum flexibility too. It's passive V/V/T at the moment and I'll probably leave it like that.


    Looks good, of course Stingrays have a hefty preamp amp that I suspect heavily colours the tone so there is that difference that may account for the tonal difference

  5. 11 hours ago, Rich said:

    True, true... although there are two factors:

    1. I've had a look around on t'internet, specifically at things like the Sandberg PM4 which has an identical pickup configuration... their MM pickup is even closer to the bridge than mine, and I figure if it's good enough for them... :)  and;

    2. I've already been busy with the chisels, so it's kinda a done deal :lol: it's only dropped in the rough hole for the moment, I haven't cleaned any edges or tidied it or anything yet. 

    Im in envy of your skills, I cant even solder, I am sure it will sound killer, 1/2" really isnt a large amount, besides those MM style pickups are much meatier sounding than most other pickup types, imagine how weedy a Jazz bass would sound if the neck pickup was moved to MM position

    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Rich said:

    Ok, this project has taken something of a left turn... having a rummage in the ol' spares box, I came up with the old pickup from my OLP 'Ray. Hmmm... watch this space :D


    (Yes I know the MM needs to be about 1/2" further away from the bridge to be in the proper sweet-spot, but I really don't want to butcher that lovely pickguard if I can get away with it.)

    You could raise the actiona bit to give enough string clearance and solder 2 wires to the volume pot and connect the pickup to the 2 wires with electrical tape and move it around to see if it makes enough of a difference to warrant butchering the pickguard

  7. Ok so 4 days later and no response from Seymour Duncan,dissapointing but that seems to be the way of businesses these days, also with the pickup covers for jazz bass on sale on their site , what sense does it make to offer pickup covers with the standard size pole pieces that you can get anywhere (and for about half the price) and not offer pickup covers for the larger pole piece quarter pound jazz pickups, one of their best selling pickups, even if they dont sell that many they must cost no more than 50p a set to make, they could make a killing on the mark up, anyway thats my moan over with, luckily I seem to have managed to buff out the scratches

  8. Ok I have the Rowell QPA fitted , my initial impression is that it is not a million miles from the tone of the Kent Armstrong, sounds good and the big pole pieces look awesome, im sure someone with better ears than me would be able to disect the differences but to me it seems that with a couple of exceptions (SPB-1 and SPB-2 , Yuck!!!) picking out the differences between a split coil P pickup is a bit like picking out the difference between 2 different brands of black paint and I would even say that changing the value of your pots will likely have a bigger impact on your tone.  I have the Kent Armstrong Hot pickup up for grabs, if anyone is interested message me and I will do you a good price, the pickup wires are cut very short (probably about 2" long) so they will likely need to be extended but the pickup is in good working order.

  9. 8 hours ago, Jonesy said:

    My order turned up in about a week and I had the same issue with tracking where it didn't show me much info. Hopefully it'll be with you soon!

    Thanks, it turned up today , yeah the tracking information was very limited all sorted now though

    • Like 1
  10. On 30/05/2020 at 19:46, fester said:

    I’ve just had a set of these from northwest guitars,really good quality well made kit for the price.I bought a set of wilkinson’s 1st which were about half a mill too wide to fit on my neck,much better build than the wilkinson’s,wish i bought the above tuners first 👍

    Would you say these are an upgrade from the stock machine heads on Fender type basses? this is too upgrade a Squier and I want to make sure that I am makign an upgrade rather than just changing the machine heads, thanks

  11. 3 hours ago, ClassicVibes said:

    I think tension isn't the correct word here. I think flexibility is more appropriate. 

    If you're after light gauge, flexible roundwounds then I would suggest the following:

    Dunlop Black Label Nickels

    Dunlop Super Brights

    D'Addario XLs

    DR Sunbeams / Hi Beams / Fat Beams

    Thomastik Jazz Rounds

    Id love to try the Thomastik jazz rounds but the price of them means that's not gonna happen

  12. 14 minutes ago, Reggaebass said:

    I only use flats and It’s not you, as Silvia says, they are stiff, I’ve got the fender flats on one of my jazzes  and I’ve left them on hoping they would flex a bit with use, but they haven’t , I wouldn’t use them again.

    I can only imagine how stiff there flats are if there rounds are as stiff as they are the flats must be terrifying

    • Like 1
  13. 16 minutes ago, gjones said:

    I bought a Precision, which had them factory fitted, and found them pretty high tension. I fitted a set of Rotosound Swing Bass to, it and they felt a lot more flexible.

    Im glad you said that, I actually had a set of Roto's on previous to the Fenders and found the same thing, as Roto's are usually said to be stiff I thought I was going mad

  14. I have hands that are very sensitive to high tension or stiff strings and typically tend to go with 95-40 or 95-35 gauge, put some Fender strings 95-40 on the other day and whilst they are not high tension due to the low gauge damn they felt stiff for such a light gauge, I have  played 100-40 gauge strings that felt looser, my action jumped up a bit immediately after fitting them, anyone else find they are really stiff strings? 

  15. How long is the standard time for delivery from DV247 ? I placed an order last week and the tracking says that the goods were handed to DPD 28/05 and from 28/05 to now the tracking is just showing as in transit, contacted DPD who said they havent received the parcel yet, had a live chat with DV247 who said the shipment was handed to DPD and the trackign will update once it reaches the uk, cant help the feeling that they didn't really bother looking into it but hopefully im wrong, I remember placing an order with them a few months ago but cant remember how long it took to get to me, I do remember that DPD managed to bodge the delivery though

  16. 5 minutes ago, fester said:

    I’ve just had a set of these from northwest guitars,really good quality well made kit for the price.I bought a set of wilkinson’s 1st which were about half a mill too wide to fit on my neck,much better build than the wilkinson’s,wish i bought the above tuners first 👍

    Awesome, thanks,  that is good to know especially as they are much less expensive than Schaller, Gotoh etc, which im sure are all good but I do think the Schaller, Gotoh etc are way overpriced, I will be picking up a set of these 

    • Thanks 1
  17. in my experience/opinion the Amplug is junk, has a flimsy jack that breaks (mine actually snapped off) , its noisy, and imo it sounds like donkey, it seems to roll off a fair amount of treble detail and im no audio expert but I would guess that it starts to roll off from about 2k and higher, seemed to make every bass i played sound like one of those dreadful low end 1970s basses (think Kay or similar) that are reviled nowadays

  18.  Ok , have found one more cheapy pickup that I may well have to try out Roswell QPA Quarter Pound clone for £30 it has too be worth trying, if I dont like it I can always sell it on and wont have lost too much cash, seems to be a clone of the Quarter Pounder (edit: it is, the description on the Roswell website describes it as QPA Quarter Pound PB) and the reviews although not plentiful seem pretty good.  I like the KA pickup I have a lot but curiousity has got the better of me and if these are like the Quarter pounder but less than half the price then that is a bargain


    And, ordered, looking forward to trying these out , On another note about Roswell pickups, their PBA pickup is wound to 17k according to their website but is apparently lower output than the above pickup wound at 8k , that cant be right? 17k would be super hot output, i think the PBA pickup is used on some Harley Benton basses

  19. On 24/05/2020 at 21:11, dave_bass5 said:

    Haha, say no more. Actually not a huge Bangles fan, but they had their  moments.

    Ok, way off topic but ive been enjoying the Billie Joe Armstrong lockdowns, and this in particular. Looks like she had a few Too many blue sweets lol.



    On 21/05/2020 at 18:14, dave_bass5 said:

    This is what I’m struggling with with the JT vids, the lack of making a real effort. Not complaining, but just surprised he hasn’t  put more production thought in to it. Odd coming from a band that were heavily in to tend setting etc. 

    Nice to hear that he plays it as well as i do (and with a pick) lol. 

    The above video is too far the other way for me, granted its all personal preference but the Billie Joe Armstrong video has an almost plastic like sound to it to me, a bit too overproduced to me but I can understand other people liking it

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