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Pea Turgh

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Posts posted by Pea Turgh

  1. This reminds me of my first bass from 1993 or so! Unfortunately, it was a dog - heavier than a Trace Elliot amp, with what appeared to be a ply-like neck!  It was a 1969 Kay. Terrible. 

    Yours looks great though!  I’m getting all sentimental now - might go looking for a looky likey...


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  2. On 10/07/2018 at 08:32, uk_lefty said:

    My view is that if you have had the space to keep it for so long you may try holding on to it in case there's a surge in demand for the inimitable trace sound in future. It's a gamble but may be worth it.

    If the head is simply removed and re-housed, the rest of the cab can go back on the shelf.

    I might do the same with my old Peterson combo!

  3. Is it the cab construction that makes them so heavy?  Wondering if it would be worth building a lightweight braced shell to house the combo gubbins.

    I tried a 300w 2x10 combo a couple of years ago as a last minute stand in - glorious sound, but picking it up to put it on a flight case was a stupid move.

  4. 3 hours ago, knirirr said:

    That is a thought that hadn’t occurred to me, and it is something I’d be interested in trying. Perhaps there are some examples for inspiration online somewhere...

    There has been a recent thread on this very forum! Probably more than one. Also companies that will do it for you.

  5. Two gigs this weekend, one outdoors (through at least 6 18” subs to assist my sole One10!).

    My JV never fails to keep tune - I only have a tuner as a security blanket type thing - my trusty P always plays great. Either that or I’m a lumbering sausage fingered oaf!

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  6. Left my ‘new’ 2x10 at the rehearsal space and couldn’t be bothered to pick it up, so took the old girl out with my remaining One10 as an extension cab.

    Lifting the Peterson reminded me of how nice the 2 x One10’s had been! But as so often is the case, needed cash so sold the first One10, second (pictured) on eBay. I should put it on the marketplace here really!

    This venue (The Hyst in Swansea) was great - super helpful staff, perfect acoustics- love it!



  7. 51 minutes ago, Jabba_the_gut said:

    I've made some LEDs looms for my own build basses - I quite like them but they are a pain to make and fit. I've used individual surface mount LEDs which are 0.8mm x 1.6mm and are therefore a pain to solder normally.

    Here's how green LEDs look on a finished bass:


    And this is a neck with white LEDs I've built for a project (and am still building....)


    I've built 4 necks (and have another fretboard with them installed for yet another project) so far with LEDs but haven't tried flashing, multicoloured ones....that is a step too far for me!!

    I like the look of that first one - any more pics?

    I think you should make a thread in the gear porn section of all your completed builds.

  8. On 29/06/2018 at 09:49, jay-syncro said:

    This sold on the bay yesterday but the transaction was cancelled. The reason given was - 'The buyer is not registered with eBay.' Not sure how they were able to buy it in the first place then!? 


    They seem to be having an issue with that at the moment- I’ve “sold” the same thing twice, but both times I had that cancellation outcome. Infuriating! Sorry to hear it’s affected you too - have a bump as a commiseration.

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