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Status Replies posted by knirirr

  1. My fancy jazz bass has developed an annoying habit of having the sound fade in and out from time to time. It's difficult to reproduce the problem consistently. Someone with better soldering skills than me will need to go over the wiring.

    So, in preparation for next week's gig I dug out my only fretted bass, a barely-used Squier Jaguar. This turns out to be rather nice to play and sounds really good as well (it has GHS precision flats on).

    1. knirirr


      I have got some contact cleaner - certainly worth a try, thanks.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Is it me, or is the Classfieds slower than ever at the moment?  Noticing a LOT of stuff hanging around for ages that would have been snapped up not so long ago...

    1. knirirr


      They always seem very slow to me so I usually end up trading gear in at a shop (not ideal) as I can't sell it privately.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  3. some mold has appeared in my music room, any ideas how dangerous this might be for my basses? Keep em in the case instead of hanging on a nearby wall?

    1. knirirr


      It was a bit of a pain to clean it off!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. some mold has appeared in my music room, any ideas how dangerous this might be for my basses? Keep em in the case instead of hanging on a nearby wall?

    1. knirirr


      Just remembered - I did have a guitar get mould on the fingerboard a few years ago. It was in a hard case in a cupboard, but the case was leaning against a cold and damp wall.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. some mold has appeared in my music room, any ideas how dangerous this might be for my basses? Keep em in the case instead of hanging on a nearby wall?

    1. knirirr


      Something like this would do the trick: https://www.amazon.co.uk/ThermoPro-Thermometer-Hygrometer-Temperature-Humidity/dp/B07TV364MZ

      Humidity should be between 40-60% for normal use IIRC.
      It's an issue for double basses (https://www.stringemporium.com/upright-double-bass-humidity.htm) but I wouldn't think electrics would be affected too much (though if it changes you might need to adjust the truss rod).

      I was getting a mould problem in one room of my house and started running one of these in it: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B082VDS3YH

      That, plus some foaming mould spray from a local shop has sorted it out.



    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. some mold has appeared in my music room, any ideas how dangerous this might be for my basses? Keep em in the case instead of hanging on a nearby wall?

    1. knirirr


      What's the humidity in the room? It might be worth using a dehumidifier to keep it around 50% or so, which should keep the mould at bay (after cleaning it up with some foaming bleach spray).

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. Finally found a horn player who likes the same material as our existing piano trio, i.e. what might be found on 60s Blue Note records.
    I do wonder how this sort of thing will go down in the pubs we play in, though.

    1. knirirr


      Perhaps so! There's nowhere to hide from projectiles in the Crown & Cushion, unfortunately. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. NBD - a Squier Jaguar. I didn't have any fretted basses but thought I didn't really have an excuse. Monk Montgomery's basses had frets, why shouldn't I have one, etc.?
    Obviously, flatwound strings have gone on it.

  9. Someone sent me this photo from a recent gig. The photographer captured a nice view of my most attractive side. 



    1. knirirr


      Thanks. I keep that shirt around for hot gigs as it is thin and goes well with the bass.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. It appears that my bass amp (Orange Terror, 12" cab) is, when combined with a reverb pedal, a reasonable amp for jazz guitar soloing.

    But, I would really like to buy an all-valve guitar amp, and now I have no good excuse.

    1. knirirr


      As it happens I’m spending a lot of time browsing valve combos online at the moment…

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. There was a bit of a mishap on the way back from tonight's rehearsal...
    Time to book an appointment with the luthier, and dig out the EUB for tomorrow's jam and Friday's gig.



    1. knirirr


      Bill for repair: 250 pounds + VAT.
      My share of the takings from the last gig: 60 pounds.

      Could have been worse, though.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. There was a bit of a mishap on the way back from tonight's rehearsal...
    Time to book an appointment with the luthier, and dig out the EUB for tomorrow's jam and Friday's gig.



  13. There was a bit of a mishap on the way back from tonight's rehearsal...
    Time to book an appointment with the luthier, and dig out the EUB for tomorrow's jam and Friday's gig.



    1. knirirr


      I propped it up in the corner of a room for a moment whilst unloading my car after a rehearsal, and it somehow slid along the wall and fell over on its back. It was only in a soft bag, and the neck was already weak at that point from previous damage (before I got it).

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. There was a bit of a mishap on the way back from tonight's rehearsal...
    Time to book an appointment with the luthier, and dig out the EUB for tomorrow's jam and Friday's gig.



    1. knirirr


      Thanks! The EUB worked well for tonight's jam so should be fine for the gig. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. There was a bit of a mishap on the way back from tonight's rehearsal...
    Time to book an appointment with the luthier, and dig out the EUB for tomorrow's jam and Friday's gig.



    1. knirirr


      I expect it can be fixed, so it could have been a lot worse, though the timing is certainly inconvenient!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. Bought a very short (23.5") scale bass for the other half to use. After ages, finally managed to get nylon wound strings for it, custom made by Pyramid. Bass is a 5-string, low E high C, hence the time taken to find the right set.

    Got it back from a tech who did a nice setup, fret polish, board oiling, string fitting etc. etc. "Nice resonant low B on this bass!" he said...
    I'd never opened the string packet, just handed it straight over for the setup, and thus not noticed they'd made a low B set instead.

    1. knirirr


      She was not best pleased, but is giving it a try. I have offered to go back to Pyramid for the correct set and fit them myself if it doesn't work out.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. This is a bit of a nuisance:


    A couple of gigs are lined up for December as well. I could play BG, but have been asked specifically because I can play DB and I'd guess it's that which has caused the problem.

    1. knirirr


      ...now the second gig's cancelled too.
      The local jam is under threat as well as the pub will change hands in Jan.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. This is a bit of a nuisance:


    A couple of gigs are lined up for December as well. I could play BG, but have been asked specifically because I can play DB and I'd guess it's that which has caused the problem.

    1. knirirr


      The first of those gigs (Saturday) has been cancelled; insufficient bookings. No idea if the second will survive.
      Apparently the public are reluctant to go out at the moment, for some reason.
      So, the shoulder will get a bit of a rest.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. This is a bit of a nuisance:


    A couple of gigs are lined up for December as well. I could play BG, but have been asked specifically because I can play DB and I'd guess it's that which has caused the problem.

    1. knirirr


      Interesting - thanks.
      I noticed that it's more painful in the mornings so perhaps sleep posture is involved.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. This is a bit of a nuisance:


    A couple of gigs are lined up for December as well. I could play BG, but have been asked specifically because I can play DB and I'd guess it's that which has caused the problem.

    1. knirirr


      Thanks. I am doing some exercises from the physiotherapist. So far no improvement, but I’ll keep going. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  21. Before the pandemic I asked about the possibility of organising some jams in a local pub. The landlord seemed up for it, but obviously we couldn't proceed.

    Now he's ready for music to go ahead, but he wants 3 hours of background music whilst people dine, rather than a jam. Not really something I can manage.

    1. knirirr


      He did say he'd be willing to pay, though the amount remained vague.
      If there's payment available then one of the local pro pianists would be a much better bet for that sort of gig.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. First gig with a new group tonight. The other half happened, by chance, to be sitting next to wives of the other band members and she therefore overheard their discussion of "the new bass player". Apparently, they "hope he lasts longer than the last one"...

    1. knirirr


      No bizarre gardening accidents etc. so far, and even managed a pleasant outdoor gig.



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. First gig with a new group tonight. The other half happened, by chance, to be sitting next to wives of the other band members and she therefore overheard their discussion of "the new bass player". Apparently, they "hope he lasts longer than the last one"...

    1. knirirr


      Thanks! Spinal Tap did indeed pop into my head. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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