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Everything posted by keefbaker

  1. That's an arrestable offense in my book!
  2. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1458588937' post='3008919'] Totally passive with series/parallel/single coil switch. Now the wait for the funds to be transferred and the delivery to happen. [/quote] It's going to be a loooong week.
  3. Guys I don't need defending on this. I think it's awesome, I only vaguely see the Wal thing, and even then only with the Cannons rather than Lionhearts and I am aware there's two contingents on this forum that won't like this. a: the "i only like a volume and tone on my bass" crowd. b: the "this looks vaguely like a Wal if you look through a keyhole into a hall of mirrors that has a Wal in it and has similar ideas on versatility so I'll piss all over it for having the balls to try while inexplicably giving blatant Fender Jazz copies a pass" crowd. I like it.... loads in fact. That's what matters to me.
  4. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1458584940' post='3008863'] What pickups you gone for? [/quote] Delanos. I like that "hifi" sound.
  5. [quote name='Baxter' timestamp='1458558888' post='3008502'] Cool. I was born in 68 - the fender year of the Telebass......... Just so happens I play a 51 RI whichis a MK1 Telebass by any other name. Do I get a prize or anything? [/quote] You get this cake
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1458575578' post='3008729'] I sound roughly the same whatever I play. [/quote] Absolutely true that most of the tone is in your hands. I always sound like me (ie: sh*t) on a bass.
  7. As with all things, there's the law of diminishing returns. a £1000 bass will be LOADS better than a £200 bass, but a £2000 will be noticably better than a £1000 bass. A bad setup can kill any bass stone dead, no matter what it is, but everyone's threshold is different. Some people might not appreciate the difference between, say, a MIM Fender P and a custom shop one, and others wouldn't touch anything less than that and consider that their bottom rung. Complex question with not a single, simple answer.
  8. [url="http://s1106.photobucket.com/user/ashrome/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_8730.jpg.html"][/url] Great minds, eh?
  9. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1458572800' post='3008693'] Wow. It's like my bass' even more evil twin. Nice to see another black out Maruszczyk too! [/quote] I love the way it actually looks like it's got teeth.
  10. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1458568926' post='3008631'] The sofa shot has arrived! It's a 'Jay bass. [/quote] What are the 3 pot for in your stingjay? Is it volume treble/bass?
  11. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1458570352' post='3008662'] A black speedometer? It looks great though really futuristic... must be really versatile as well, what are the controls? [/quote] Volume for each pickup, stacked bass/treble, a push pull for active/passive and a push pull split coil on the humbucker. I like my basses versatile.... obviously
  12. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1458570025' post='3008655'] I don't think it has enough pickups... [/quote] They balked when I asked them to put a speedometer in it.
  13. Same batch then! Woo! Yours looks great!
  14. SOFA SHOT MOFOS!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS. It's a good week for basses in the Baker household.
  15. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1458558966' post='3008503'] Flats won't mark the board but I'm not keen on the tone with flats on fretless... I'd just embrace the marking as part of the instruments natural wear and tear I have a fretless Wal sixer due next year and I'll be using rounds on that from the outset, if it gets marked so be it. I'd rather that than have the instrument not sounding how I want it too. [/quote] Fair point. Might have to raise the E so it doesn't grind at least.
  16. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1458557681' post='3008480'] I've done that to the ebony board on my Peterbuilt fretless after only a couple of months... [/quote] Yeah, I'm just worried that as it's happened after a couple of days it's a problem. The E does grind a bit so that's probably why. I'll switch the rounds for chrome flats and oil it when doing the string change. Should sort it.
  17. Incidentally I've been playing it so much I've already marked the fingerboard and it's ebony Might have to oil or epoxy it, not that I've any idea how to do that, but the oil should be simple enough.
  18. TBH I love this so much, if I hadn't already ordered a custom Maruszczyk for a fretted (5 1/2 weeks and counting) I'd be grabbing a fretted one of these. I still might at some point, maybe in a year.
  19. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1458482740' post='3007917']I don't really get why you'd want a P, Jazz and MM in one bass. For the prices... you could probably buy all 3.. [/quote] It's a lot less heavy and this was £1600 so, only on the second hand market. Also I don't understand why you WOULDN'T want those options.
  20. Actually I've found the LEDs really useful. It's a lot easier to remember red for split coil, green for single and blue for humbucker for some reason.
  21. Cheers. No, they're not cheap, but they're damn good.
  22. Ok, so here's the story. I went to the London Bass Guitar show and my original plan was to see if they had a blank board fretless Musicman Stringray, but they didn't. After a few circles i spotted this beauty. [attachment=215019:2016-03-12 11.46.00.jpg] I didn't like the red pickguard, but decided to have a listen and play of it anyway. It blew my face off, and the versatility of the thing is amazing so I went ahead and bought it. It turned out I couldn't just take it home, it had to go back to the factory to be set up anyway so as I had the opportunity, I asked for a black pickguard to be put on it.... And now it's home... [attachment=215020:2016-03-19 12.55.08.jpg][attachment=215021:2016-03-19 12.55.28.jpg][attachment=215022:2016-03-19 12.55.34.jpg] And goddamn it does it sound and play amazing. For those who don't know each pickup does humbucker, single coil and split coil, so it can do impressions of J, P, MM, PJ ond various others. Here's some of my unbelievably crap playing showing just some of the pickup combinations, fingerstyle, pick and slap. EQ/Tone is on neutral throughout, no processing AT ALL on this. The fingerstyle is more rock than funk/jazz because if you want to hear an Enfield doing that there's tons of examples on youtube. Sorry for: [indent=1]A- my playing[/indent] [indent=1]B- my intonation[/indent] [indent=1]C- any clipping.[/indent] Anyway, here it is. WOOP!!!! [url="https://soundcloud.com/keith-baker-199951586/enfield-lionheart-fretless-demo"]https://soundcloud.c...t-fretless-demo[/url]
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