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Posts posted by EJWW

  1. 11 hours ago, Hacksawbob said:

    Purists avert your eyes! 

    I found the stock bridge pickup a bit anemic and noisy in the bb350f. The pup route is not standard though as it has rounded ends rather than squared like a Fender. I had an Enwhistle jbxn lying around so I printed a new pup cover for it to adapt to the Yammy rout! I might get closer for the exact holes at some point but this will do for testing. 


    Those are supposed to be excellent pickups, nice job!

  2. I've a vintage white BB414 which is very good. 


    The fact of the matter is that with the 414 yamaha revived the BB series which had IMO veered away from the classic BB style. 

    The 414 is a great rock bass, it looks sexy and is well made for a great low price. 


    Everything produced since then has been trying to improve aspects that really don't need improving like fancy through body bridge, multi-laminate neck etc.


    The 2024 should have at least been produced with some exclusive colours to justify the mega price hike over the 1024.


    Let's face it the 414 should be Yamaha's equivalent of the P bass.

    They should take a leaf out of Fender's book and don't mess with it!

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  3. I no longer have this bass having sold it to a fellow BCer.


    My overall conclusion hasn't changed although I eventually decided that it was a little too sophisticated for my needs. Very well made and great hardware but surplus to requirements. 


    If you fancy a P bass I would recommend a P bass. In fact I'm mainly playing a Squier CV 60s P bass at the moment and I simply can't fault it: it looks great, not heavy and really powerful pickup. Not felt the need to mod it at all.  Several hundred quid less than a second hand BB734A too. 



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  4. Any recommendations please, especially north of the city?


    Used to use the guy at PMT but has now become a total ballache with the Brum congestion charge forcing me to park elsewhere and walk.


    I believe Jaydee is backed up with jobs at the moment. 


    Cheers in advance all!

  5. I love my red hot BB414.

    Also have a BB300 which is built like a tank which I don't know what to do with as it's surplus to requirements ATM.

    Previously owned a BB734A which was pretty good if a bit sophisticated for my needs.


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