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Posts posted by EJWW

  1. I should have posted this as a comment in this thread...

    Can anyone advise me regarding the BB434?

    I'D like to know whether the volume pots affect the output throughout the whole turn as opposed to the last bit of the turn like on some basses, and also what is the weight like? I know two models are never identical but I really can't take much over 4kg.


  2. Hi BCers,

    Can't explain why but I've become a little bit obsessed with the current BB range, the 434 in particular. 

    I'm considering adding one to the family but have a few questions before I pull the trigger:

    1) do the volume pots affect the volume output throughout the entire turn as opposed to the last little bit? 

    2) Are they heavy? I'm not willing to go over 4kg.

    3) Do they balance, is there any neck dive?

    Thanks in advance for any advice 😀

  3. 18 minutes ago, Bobthedog said:

    Don't scrap it, can it not go to one of those charities that puts pianos in public places, or even a school?

    I really don't want to scrap it, I've put it out there on Facebook, gumtree etc so hopefully someone might pick it up. 

  4. Hi all, 

    I need to get rid of my upright piano which is no longer used but takes up precious space in my living room. It's perfectly playable and sadly will end up going to the tip if nobody wants it 😕

    It requires collection and I'm in North Birmingham. 

    Thanks for looking. 


  5. In the late 90's I bought a fabulous brand new Japanese fender Duck Dunn signature P Bass. I was restless and being too young and immature to appreciate the virtues of the P Bass I had a MM humbucker fitted in the bridge position and EMG active EQ installed. 

    This widened the tonal range immensely however it doubtless wiped hundreds of the resale value. 

    In hindsight I would not do that today and if necessary sell the Duck Dunn to release funds for the very best possible alternative instrument I could afford. 

    • Like 1
  6. Great energetic bass lines in the tunes below but I get the impression (perhaps wrongly, who am I to judge?) that whoever is on bass is winging it and it has been recorded in a single take. 


    Any other well known tunes hit the charts with bum notes included?


  7. Hi all, 

    A couple of years ago Bass Guitar Magazine reviewed a fabulous bass which was based on the P bass with 4 strings, a single split coil pickup with just a volume and passive tone control. 

    It was natural finish wood body, and the reviewer gave it a good review. It was around the £1500 mark if I remember correctly. 

    I can't remember the name of the company or model. It wasn't one of the well known firms like Sandberg etc. Anybody else recall this wonderful looking instrument?

  8. I'm a little bit obsessed with this.

    These bases are £1450 new, this is an absolute bargain, how is it still here?

    I love Yamaha basses. 

    I'm intrigued by the 'IRA' treatment, the lovely tuning pegs and knobs, the inlays, the lovely colour of the back of the multi laminate neck...

    I simply cannot justify buying it but the GAS, the GAS!

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 26/12/2019 at 14:29, odysseus said:


    Currently trying to learn Rush's The Analog Kid.  Whoa... that's a different ballgame. Couldn't find a tab for Guitar Pro, so I'm transcribing one onto GP7 from a YouTube channel.

    The first riff was enough to tax me - I've got it up to about 92% of max speed while remaining reasonably fluid. It's going to be a while, but that's what I wanted - to stretch my playing.

    Big respect to you having a go at Analogue Kid, so many wicked bass lines on this whole underrated album. My favourite song (and bass line) of that album is Digital Man.

    The last tune I sat down to fully learn as a challenge was 'Easy' by Nik Kershaw after I was very fortunately introduced to it by @bubinga5 in another topic. It sounded so bloody hard I just needed to unpick it. I eventually did but I had to sit down with it for several hours. 

    • Like 2
  10. My uncle owns a 1962 Jazz bass. He is a total show-off and can barely play a note. I hope and pray that he will leave it to me in his will. In the meantime though what a waste.

    This got me thinking- considering that, unlike cars, most bass guitars are unlikely to be totally worn out and scrapped/ crushed/ converted to other uses, since the 1950s when production started they're must now be literally millions and millions of instruments lying around somewhere. 

    My question is where? They keep on manufacturing them but if they're not being scrapped there must be an enormous and growing stock of second hand instruments out there. Are they unplayed and gathering dust under millions of peoples' beds or in their lofts. There must be some real diamonds tucked away waiting to be played. 

    Is this being reflected in the second hand market, is there just more and more gearout there nowadays?

    Funny the things you end up thinking about on boxing day...😃

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, TheGreek said:

    Same as last year..."Don't make New Years Resolutions"...

    Seriously though, if you want to make change why wait?? 

    It's just a way for me to pick a couple of goals which should be achievable in a 12 month period. There is no way I could move forward and tackle everything I ever wanted to do on the bass in one go without it resulting in failure and disappointment. I can't forget I've got a job, a Mrs and 3 kids to try to attend to as well...

    Small but significant steps forward is the way to go for me. 


    • Like 1
  12. Some people thing they're pointless but my favourite thing about the xmas and new year downtime is the opportunity for reflection and to gain some perspective.

    Over three last two or three years I've managed to make some real progress following a 10 year hiatus from the bass guitar. This process followed some challenging but realistic new years resolutions: I found a terrific teacher and took some lessons, listened to lots of new and old music, attended local open mic gigs and because of the networking opportunities these offer joined a gigging band. I videoed myself playing and was able to address my duff stage presence and miserable demeanor. 

    I finally smashed my confidence barrier and started singing backing vocals and later took over lead vocals on one song. I've taken a few singing lessons to improve my technique in this area as well. 

    I am now in a new covers band with some great players and I've also taken over bass duties in the local open mic house band which is every week. 

    So finally, my new year resolutions for 2020?

    1 I want to become accomplished at reading chord charts so I can open up more varied gigging opportunities;

    2 I want to make original music. Covers allow me to scratch one particular itch but I'm craving some deeper creative satisfaction. 

    I think these are realistic aspirations. 

    Does anyone else plan to set themselves any new challenges on 2020?

    Merry Christmas and happy new year to all BCers 🍻

    • Like 9
  13. On 21/12/2019 at 13:52, chris_b said:

    A Fender Fat Finger might help. They sell it as a sustain device, but it also adds mass to the head and that can either lessen or remove dead spots. It might just move the dead spot up the neck to a less noticeable position.

    Before you spend any money, can you get hold of a G clamp? Clamp it to the head of the bass (ensure you protect the finish). If the G clamp sorts the dead spot then then so will the  Fat Finger, but in a nicer package. If the G clamp doesn't work then neither will the Fat Finger.

    Thanks for the advice, I'm going to try this and see what happens. 


  14. Hi all, advice required please. 

    I've recently acquired a second hand Matt Freeman Squier P bass which is lovely. It's very light, great low action and sounds wonderful. It's strung with Fender flats.

    However during my first gig with it last night I discovered that there is a very noticeable dead spot at the G (E string, 3rd fret). Its much quieter than the other notes and the bottom completely drops out of the sound which is dreadful when you shift up when playing the chorus of 'Play that funky music'.

    I adjusted the EQ to boost the mids a little and that seemed to alleviate the problem slightly but that might have been in my head only. 

    Is this a common dead spot on P basses and is there anything I can do about it? Very disappointed to find a problem with an otherwise great instrument. 

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts. 

  15. There's a fabulous looking P Bass for sale near me, the seller claims it's a 1995 model but I've never seen one like this.

    I love the finish but I reckon it's been modded with a new bridge and custom scratchplate. 

    Anyone seen one of these or have any further info they can offer? I am tempted...




  16. Hi all, 

    I used Pirate rehearsal studio in Birmingham for the first time yesterday and it was a strange bordering on surreal experience. 

    Pirate is unstaffed. Nobody on site whatsoever. 

    When you book your room online you are given an access code to enter the car park, another to enter the building and another to enter your room. The electricity is turned on automatically 15 mins before your booking starts. 

    The bass amp didn't work. I had to ring a number (alternative to using 'live chat') and spoke to someone in a remote call centre who advised me to go out of the room and find a replacement speaker cable from 'store cupboard 1' and gave me an access code to enter. 

    This did not remedy the problem so he then sent me to 'store cupboard 2', another access code, to grab a replacement bass amp, and lug it back to the studio myself. 

    Finally got working but wasted nearly 15mins messing about with the defective amp. However give them their due I complained about the time wasted and they gave me a free hour to use next time I book. 

    The business model is clearly based on Ryanair with minimal staff costs and tech-savvy customers. 

    Don't know if I like it. It was pretty busy so I might be in a minority here. 

    I think having a human on site is a good thing generally. 

    Anyone else used them?

    • Confused 1
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