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Everything posted by stereoplayer

  1. Patiently waiting. I have the neck ready to go and most of the hardware. It’s getting closer.
  2. Just received these pictures from my builder today. 1st coat of finish.
  3. A few more pics from the body luthier. A walnut nut for the babinga neck. Control cavity route and wire chases. Control cavity cover...it was an afterthought and not planned out to use a better matching wood grain. Oh well. The finish could be started today...according to him.
  4. I played this bass a long time without covers. I think I prefer it that way. They do have copper bands soldered around the windings. I’m in the process of putting together another version of this using dark woods. Also plain ‘n simple. The link is two posts above this. Thanks for your compliments.
  5. Thank you! It’s been my main player since I put it together l
  6. I installed the original tapped pickups today, new switches. Waxed. Installed new strings. Glorious, thundering sound! It’s back to the original build! Love it!
  7. Very cool...all done in one post! You’re fast!😎
  8. Me too! I’m having this applied to it. It’s seems pretty easy and the luthier swears by it. It cures in minutes in direct sunlight or UV light.
  9. More pics from the luthier. Wire channels are done but not shown.
  10. The pickups are tapped. The switches are half volume/off/full volume for each pickup. The bass is wired stereo.
  11. That right Schecter style, I ask him specifically for that. I hope to use them without covers. They are tapped like another set of Schecters I have. When I first contacted him he said he couldn’t do the bobbins that way. But apparently he made the bobbins for me. I’m not sure what the numbers mean yet, I haven’t measured them yet. I assume they are a winding count or ohms measurements....
  12. I play all my basses wired stereo. I want bass from the neck PU and treble from the bridge PU. You're right in your thinking. Ric 4005. I would very rarely use the bridge PU alone. This is exactly what I want!
  13. Received pictures from my builder today. Contouring pretty much done. We discussed the route for the controls. After reviewing, I had him lower it at the back slightly,
  14. I received the PU’s today. Beautiful! A custom ordered tapped J set. 3’ of cloth covered wire leads.
  15. Re-did the shielding of the cavity and cover, and started the polish process. I use car finish products. And filled screw holes with toothpick and glue for a tight re-assembly. The last time I refinished it was 12/2009...time flies like an arrow...fruit flies like a banana.😋
  16. Oooo, I just thought if this...laminate a thin piece of the body wood to the headstock front! With a rosewood fretboard.
  17. Or maybe just the headstock front a little darker? Along with the rosewood fretboard.
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