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Posts posted by Sean.Robinson

  1. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='376237' date='Jan 10 2009, 04:17 PM']Pretty sure he's just got rid of a Fafner so don't think he'll be after one but don't quote me on that ;)[/quote]

    Hi, youd be right, i've turned to Ampeg now, bought a usa Ampeg SVT-2 Pro head and looking to complete the look :P

  2. Hi, sorry for my ignorance on this thread and thank you for all the really great comments. Ive taken the plunge on a valve head anyhow, i got a new USA Ampeg SVT-2 Pro at half price, which was just too good for me to refuse.

    Again thanks for all the help, it is very much appreciated.


  3. Hi, for trade is my Eden D410XLT. Its a great cab, in mint condition and i bought it off here earlier on in the year however im getting a new amp head, probably ampeg so want to pair it with some matching cabs.

    Im ideally looking to trade for an Ampeg SVT-410HE + SVT-15E and could add some cash if needed.

    I would also be interested in an Ampeg-610HLF.

    If you have any other offers please feel free to PM me with them.

    I'll get some better pictures up next week when im home, the cab isnt as dusty in real life.

  4. [quote name='joe_bass' post='369933' date='Jan 4 2009, 02:01 PM']Still interested in hearing some audio mate.[/quote]

    Hi, sorry i haven't got any up yet, just waiting for the spare change to buy an audio interface :/

  5. [quote name='Basszilla' post='368384' date='Jan 2 2009, 12:31 PM']I'd seriously recommend at least looking into a AD200b. They are beastly amps. Right amount of power and a good drive tone. Can be fat and clean or fat and overdriven.

    I used to own a 400+ and the headroom on it is astonishing, so much so that it never got turned up past like 2 or 3 on the master..

    Which do I prefer? The orange. I like the breakup you get and the rich lows, plus the power is more in my ballpark given the shows I play.[/quote]

    Hi, i was seriously considering the Orange ad200b but i have been put off a little after reading reviews that it is amazing at low to mid volume, but if you push it begins to sound like a wet fart, i dont know how true this is but ive seen it a few places so as i say im a little dubious now

  6. Hi, im just looking into a valve amp atm and was wondering if anyone has played a Fender Bassman® 300 PRO. Initially looking at it, it looks like a re-branded Sunn 300t and ive heard they have a great rep but yet again i havnt played one either so any help would be great. Oh and how would you compare them to other valve heads, im presently considering this, an Orange ad200b, Mesa 400+ or Ampeg SVT II Pro

  7. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='361313' date='Dec 22 2008, 07:18 PM']cash price is a little high mate. 700 would be much more realistic!


    Maybe but its often the older fafners for sale not the new blue line ones and to be honest im far from convinced i want to sell it so am not prepared to just let it go, just very tempted by the orange head on here, plus already have one interested party.

  8. Hi, im considering selling my EBS fafner. Its an absolutely amazing amp and thats why ive marked the thread as a feeler as i'm very torn about parting with it, however im considering a valve amp head. The amp is in mint condition, its only a few months old and has never been racked or gigged. Id upload some pictures but ive gone to my mums for christmas so dont have it with me at the moment.

    Cash wise im wanting £800 for the amp and ill obviously consider trades for valve heads.


  9. [quote name='ghanasyama' post='350587' date='Dec 10 2008, 12:27 PM']EBS bass amp for sale the latest model from ebs 450 head and 4x10 cab monster sound its the best bass amp on the market its only 3 months old and never been gigged and i am only asking half of its original price £800.00[/quote]

    Hi, are you only selling them together or are you happy to split them?

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