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Posts posted by Sean.Robinson

  1. [quote name='Stewart' post='263908' date='Aug 17 2008, 12:22 PM']I doubt it's worth attempting any major surgery such as replacing transformers (there's no audible change to using a toroidal, they just keep their electromagnetic fields to themselves better) but if some components were starting to break down (such as power supply capacitors) then that might be responsible for a lot of the noise.

    Whether or not it's worthwhile spending much money on (rather than saving for a replacement perhaps) is a tricky one - mainly dependant upon how much you like it and whether you know (or can find) a good amp technician to take it to...[/quote]

    Well it is in my opinion worth keeping, a real nice wam tone and you can really hear the tubes come through, like i say its only audible when nothing been played so it no huge problem, if it came through when playing through it it would obviously be a different matter. I went to Pete Hartley and he seampt a good tech, knew what he was talking about and was very quick so id be going back to him, like i say its a matter of price and how significant the reduction in noise would be. He also gave it a clean bill of health when he looked over it so i nothings broke and from what your saying its just from the old style transformer that im getting the nosie, so would you have a vague idea of cost?


  2. Ok, well the hum is certainly not an issue when playing, but other than the reduce in hum what impact does a donut power transformer have on the sound of the amp? and how much would you guess it would be to have on fitted?


    [quote name='Stewart' post='263891' date='Aug 17 2008, 11:54 AM']Well, a quick search led me to a forum on Eden's site - here's an extract:

    [i]The previous owner told me that the amp produces a noticable hum through the speaker cabinet even with the volume controls on zero.[/i]

    ...so perhaps that amp is known for the issue (there do seem to be a number of hits searching for "eden vt40" and "hum").

    It looks quite old - has a traditional 'big square lump' power transformer rather than the 'doughnut' toroidal types you usually get nowadays (which reduce hum considerably).

    Might be worth getting it serviced if you want to keep it and can't put up with the noise, but I'm guessing it will never be near-silent...[/quote]

  3. Hi, not something ive really thought about correcting until now as im sure its normal, but my amp hums/hisses a little when nothing is plugged in and it is just turned on though nothing is plugged in or been played. Ive heard it on all amps so im sure its normal, but is there any way to reduce or even get rid of it all together, such as using balanced cables, or by some mods to the amp head?

  4. Hi, the mods would be reversible, though im not thinking towards there impact price, was steering more towards how you would think they would impact on the tone along with opinions on the components, the pickups and acg preamp please


  5. Hi, thanks for all the replys, i've been thinking a lot about this, i love the bass, love the way it plays, nothing does so nicer in my opinion. I was going to sell it for a shuker but it doesnt look like ill have the money for that seen as im going to be living without student loan for a month. The only thing that lacks in the bass for me is the tone, don't get me wrong its a great tone just id like something a little different especially for its value. This said i still have some money so while i may be having to leave the shuker i may ask him to change the pickups in this to a delano JC4 HE/M2 and a Delano DJC4 HE/M2 and install and ACG filter pre amp, as ive read great reviews on these pickups, though has anyone had any expierience with the DJC4 HE/M2 and what do you think to the proposition of the mods?


  6. Hi, just wondered if anyone could give me some help selling my infinity.


    Its been in the for sale section for over a month now and there dosnt seem to be any interest. Im guessing the issue is the price what ive put, £1500 and i guess im going to have to drop it. I dont want to let it go for nothing though so what do people think its worth please and can they give any tips please.


  7. Hi, i posted a topic a while ago asking for recommendations for books on improvisation and from the sounds of things i think im going to go with hal crooks how to improvise, though is this restricted only to jazz improvisation or improv in general? aside from this topic is there any other books that would be worth purchasing or recommendation


  8. Hi, seems to be, though it is a rather confusing manual and im not too happy about it myself so im going to half the fuse value, im going to start a new thread about the fuse though as im having trouble tracking a suitable one down

    [quote name='warwickhunt' post='253611' date='Aug 3 2008, 09:36 AM']Doh! :huh:

    So is that all that is required (rotate the fuse holder) to change an Eden amp from USA to UK?

    Doesn't the fuse rating need to be altered? :)[/quote]

  9. Hi, would like to say thanks for all the help, was just about to head out to B+Q, and my girlfriend wanted to play through my other amp, so put the power lead in it what id used for the eden and noticed the fuse had blown on the lead, changed the fuse and thought to switch the voltage on the eden and try it one last time. Cant believe my luck its no working and the head is absolutely amazing, yet again thanks for all the help


  10. Hi, thanks for the replies, just to clarify this is the fuse in the back of the unit:

    do i just take it to maplin and ask them if they have a replacement?

    Also how do i adjust the voltage because the only way i can see is by rotating the fuse compartment around, though this doesnt make much sense to me how it would affect the voltage the unit operates at?

    Thanks for all your help

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