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Posts posted by dave_bass5

  1. 2 hours ago, mrtcat said:

    I have used Lugs to reshell my old UE6's and Robert did a fantastic job. His communication was to the point but excellent. I know he's busy and isn't currently offering reshells but that wouldn't put me off ordering a set of new IEMs from him. He's busy for a reason and that is the quality of his work at a very reasonable price. 

    Yeah, i think if i do decide to go with him I’ll contact him directly rather than via his website. 

  2. The ability to change filter characteristics is a good one. I’ve got most of my generic Zen Core synth brass programmed with the Moog filter. As much as I love the Roland sound the Moog seems to have a bit more body to it. A bit darker I guess. 

    • Like 1
  3. Wow, XV-5080 as well. Its amazing what Zen core does these days. It looks like you have the same expansions built in that the Fantom does, plus the 3 on the right. 

    I almost got the smaller version last year, but was put off by the shorter keybed for live playing.


    One of the reasons i like using the synth expansions in the Fantom is for the more traditional user interface. It just seems more intuitive. I tihnk Rolnad do a good job with the ergonomics on these things.


  4. OH MY……that is gorgeous. I had the original JP8 in the early 90’s, and loved it, but i didnt find much use for it in a covers band. 

    These days i use a Fantom 06 with the JP8/JX8P/Juno106 expansions and find i use the JP8 most of the time. I can only imagine how powerful this sounds. 

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, BigRedX said:

    I ordered a pair of ZS10 Pros as they were cheaper on Prime Day.


    However how do you tell which is left and right? The instructions seem to apply that it is marked on the earpieces but I can't see anything. Where should I be looking? Also how do you know which confectioning on the cable goes into which earpiece? Again there are no obvious markings. I'm probably being really stupid, but I've just spent 10 minutes looking closely at all the parts and I really can't see anything.

    I just put them in my ears and if they felt right they were. 

    That cable really caught me out. I spent ages trying to find the marking’s on it. I ended up just plugging them in and panned left and right and swapped until it all sounded correct. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, EBS_freak said:

    So why not the reshell of your MEE audios via lugs? That’s where I’d be going with your budget - You like the sound, they work for you. Would be proven and still cheaper than the s2.


    Dont do custom tips - I guarantee you’ll still want customs. Cut out that waste of money and go straight for the end game. It’ll be cheaper in the long run and put the biggest smile on your face.

    As i mentioned in private, ive not heard back from Lugs at all, and ive asked 3 times over the past year or so, but i did see a message on his FB page saying he has stopped doing re shells at the moment so he can concentrate on producing his own IEM’s.

    This sort of puts me off placing an order and having no real comm’s. 


    The custom tips are attractive, due to the price, and i like the idea that i can still use my MX Pro 3, but yeah, the real pleasure would be full custom. It’s just i need to sort things out pretty quickly, but dont have a pro budget. 


  7. Ok, change of plan. 

    Anyone got any opinion on the Lugs S2? They are at the top end of my budget (well, over twice really) but could afford them if they are recommend. 

    Im still thinking, ill probably get Mee Audio to make me custom tips for £150 if the costs start to mount up. 

  8. Had a good gig on Sat, other than a rather silly bit of user error at the start with the mixer. The  XR18 is working out well. Now got 3 of us on IEMs because of it. 

    I am still struggling with keeping my right ear in though. Tried quite a few different foam tips. All good for a while but then comes lose. 

    So finally going to get ear impressions made. I’ve found a place local and they charge £60. 
    I don’t really want to spend more

    on new IEM’s at this stage, and really do like the MX 3 pros that I already have. So the idea is to get custom ear tips made. MEE Audio do these, but are based in the USA and to seems a long winded process. 

    Im looking for more local recommendations. I know about the guy in Ireland, but anyone got any other suggestions? Do these companies actually do this sort of thing or do they just re house the whole lot in new shells? 

    Cheers. Looking forward to finally having a stress free gig 😁

  9. 17 minutes ago, MacDaddy said:


    Dolly Parton is 77 years old and still has a great voice.

    I like her new single, but it sounds like she recorded it while chewing gum lol. Still more musical that DH.


    Im sorry to those that are sticking up for her, but this is just bloody awful. The band are good, but WTF!!!

    This was from last weekend. No excuses like ‘well she is 107 and done a lot of gigs recently’. It’s just not entertaining. 







  10. 15 minutes ago, Doctor J said:


    As opposed to "I don't like this, they should quit"?

    Both valid opinions to those that have them, but in the second case, maybe try harder rather than quit. Make the effort needed to do the job. 

  11. I don’t think age has anything to do with if you like a band/singer or not. Other than the age could be attributing to a sub par performance. 
    Phrases like ‘well she is 77’ don’t mean a thing. It’s like agreeing it’s below par, but then tying to justify it. 

    I thought Robbie Williams’s was pretty poor at IOW, and that’s not an age thing and I was really looking forward to him. 

    Still, I think we are now entering the ‘I like them and you should as well’ arguments. 

    • Like 1
  12. 10 minutes ago, Phil Starr said:

    I don't get all the criticism of Debbie Harry. At the heart of it you have a musician who does her best for people who really really want to see her. Is the sub text that old people should give up and just crawl away or just people thinking 'I'm so much better than that'?



    I my opinion she is not very good, and makes a horrible noise. 

    Yes, she is better than me, but i assure you it’s purely because i just don’t like her voice anymore. 


    Ive seen Blondie many times over the year, and just as with a lot of iconic bands, people will go and see them because of who they are. The music is fine, but these old singers really do need to wake up and realise they just don’t have the magic anymore. 


  13. 5 hours ago, Elfrasho said:

    They're the exact ones I use. They';re excellent. IME the key is to follow the instructions... squash then hold in place a few seconds to let them expand again. They never fall out, provide superb isolation, and make the IEMs sound vastly better. I do go through them quite quickly though cos they're quite fragile, but then again, you buy them in bulk, so it's probably to be expected.

    Yeah, they seem a bit more fragile compared to the Comply’s, but at that price it’s fine. I brought so many different sets of Comply’s so im trying to use those up at the  moment. 

    I do find they all seem to come loose in my right ear after a while, hence the wing tips question, but all are better than the silicone ones for me. 

  14. This is what happens when you get a well below average singer not taking the hint over decades of being sub par. 


    And i am (was) a fan of Blondie. 


    I have a live recording of Debbie’s first solo tour at the Borderline and she was only just passable then. 

  15. 44 minutes ago, police squad said:

    without looking back thru the thread, I use Comply tips. You squash them down and they expand in your ear. Great isolation and they don't fall out (not yet anyway)

    Yeah, I’m using them at the moment. I’m fact I found some cheaper ones that seem to last longer. 

  16. Also new FW for X-Air mixers have just been released. It’s now v1.20 across the board. 

    New Features
    • Added support for V2 mixers with alternative MCU, FPGA, USB, WIFI module: XR18V2, MR18V2, X18V2
    • Added support for mixers with alternative WIFI module: XR12W, XR16W, MR12W
    Note: Refer to Appendix for an overview of applicable firmware

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