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Frank Blank

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Everything posted by Frank Blank

  1. So here’s the thing. I have been playing for almost thirty years, I cannot read music nor have I ever knowingly played a scale, either in a song or as practice. I have no knowledge of music theory whatsoever. I need to start practicing with some kind of discipline, but I have no idea how or where to start? I have balked at being tutored because I think a tutor will try and talk me out of my (admittedly unfortunate but ingrained) method of playing with one plucking finger instead of two, I can still play rapidly using up and down strokes rather than the two digits. I get the feeling I am going to be discouraged from doing this but I think it would be extremely hard to unlearn this method and we might not get past this and on to the rudiments that I’m so eager to learn. If you where in my situation what would you do?
  2. Great band, criminal dress sense, criminal...
  3. Swing from Gentlemen Wear Polaroids by Japan...
  4. I do hope you don't have to include a tribute to his Barnet...
  5. I used to have a bottle holder on the side of my cab for Champagne, I would fashion three or four straws that led from the bottle to my gob thus enabling me to imbibe whilst playing. Unfortunately on occasion hydrodynamics meant once the straw was dropped the flow continued thus emptying the bottle on the floor rather than down my gullet. An idea nicked from Paul Raven RIP who would sometimes do this with a can of special brew attached to his stack, I opted for the classier beverage.
  6. Prong / Cleansing was a big favourite of his, some excellent bass lines on that album.
  7. They are huge albums, I think Revelations is my favourite but I do love Brighter Than A Thousand Suns although hearing his bass playing makes me sad because he was a top chap.
  8. I’m just having one of those silly ‘nothing else matters’ moments. Flux had, at various times, mates of mine playing for them so they get a pass. I never really heard Butthole Surfers but I was once sitting in a van backstage at the Reading Festival waiting to load out when my fellow tech jumped out having spied Ice-T, “I’m gonna shake that dudes hand” he said excitedly. Ice-T gave him a look and said “Not now man, I gotta see Butthole Surfers”. I blame the wearing of a white biker jacket with tassels, never a good move in any circles.
  9. Sleaford Mods have made me realise that there was Crass and now there's Sleaford Mods, practically everything between has been a waste of time...
  10. It would wipe the floor with any 1x12 combo imho and can be used for such gigs with electric bass.
  11. +1 I’m tempted myself, just so I can have two! I paid twice this and I don’t have a cover.
  12. It's a great song and I think you are spot on. Tina Weymouth is superb, definitely an important inspiration for me.
  13. I'm 5' 10" and not very good at bass playing but it has nothing to do with my gender! I was surrounded by female bass players when I was first getting into bass, gender didn't seem to matter then we were all just punks! My first experience playing bass through an amp was at a Rubella Ballet rehearsal, thanks Gem.
  14. When proles say 'Play us a tune' they mean play us something we recognise, not play that intricate and nuanced Stanley Clarke bass line. You'll get a more positive response if you play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star than Primus. My answer is always the middle finger or perhaps Peaches if I know they are familiar with it and even then I'll get a middle finger in there too.
  15. It’s all about chewing gum while you swing yo’ donkey, that’s the top and bottom of it.
  16. Ach, Paul Raven, an old friend of mine, sadly missed, what a geezer.
  17. Excuse my utter ignorance in this field but are some of you suggesting bass into Helix, Helix into DI, DI into desk, no amp or cab onstage and just using in-ear or wedge monitoring?
  18. Welcome Ghettoshred. Turkey Greatings My new band name, there...
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