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Posts posted by onehappybunny

  1. Thanks folks for all for your sage advice - think I've sorted it, as follows:

    [b]* Mesa 400+ tube mod[/b] - while an awesome amp, can be really tricky to EQ. Some folks on TB talk about taking 2 years to 'find their sound' ;) but then they are completely smitten. Reading on here and TB came across a suggested mod where you replace the drive pre-amp tube (a 12AX7) with a lower gain tube. I went for a 12AT7 (a luvverly Mullard :wub: ) which lowered the gain, made it much easier to EQ (more responsive) and gave it an even lovelier (?) creamier tone, while still having OD at hand if you crank the volume :)
    [b]* Taking time to EQ properly[/b] - I realise now that I had way, way too many options that I was messing with all at the same time (variable Mids and Highs on my Dr Bass speaker and then on the Mesa, Lows, Mids, Highs, pull out switches, plus onboard levels from bass etc.). After hours of messing about I left everything else alone and adjusted the EQ sliders on the Mesa to roughly a 'mild frown' shape and it worked a treat :rolleyes:

    Really, really happy with my tone now (even at foundation shaking, furniture rattling levels!) - ready for next gig... at my daughter's school fete :lol: it that rock 'n roll enough for ya? :D

    Thanks again


  2. [quote name='alexclaber' post='506990' date='Jun 6 2009, 02:24 PM']Can you find out what woofer is in your 1580? Upgrading that would be relatively cheap and could make a huge difference.

    Also I see you're using a Mesa 400+ so it may be that you're running out of clean power in the lows, which adding a second cab would solve but changing the woofer wouldn't.


    Thanks for the advice - I think it's likely that I just need to spend a a bit of time EQing it properly. If that doesn't work will look at the options you suggest.

  3. Good point about frequency overlap. I may give it a try anyway (perhaps with recording to play along with) so at least I have a better starting point for tweaking when other instruments kick in - also there is less overlap in the 3 piece that I play in. My main problem is not having a decent reference for the settings at high volume and as we only gig (at most) once every couple of months, I don't get a regular chance to tweak from day-to-day or even week-to-week. At least I know now that paying attention to the EQ is the way to go. Ta muchly!

  4. Thanks folks. Actually can hear the bass pretty well at practice but goes a bit muddy at similar settings when louder. Guess just need to ease off the EQ. Even thinking about hiring rehearsal space to mess with settings at loud volume without the inconvenience of other musicians ;-) Never seem to get the time to before gigs. Good idea about wandering into the crowd though

  5. With any amp that I've had... inc. Trace, Markbass, Mesa - not all at same time, but I've been spoilt ;-) ...it's always been a heck of a lot easier getting an awesome sound at practice volumes, than when belting out high volumes at gigs.

    Not sure whether it's room dynamics or physics techie stuff that I may struggle to understand, but I'd appreciate any advice about how to get a good sound at higher volumes, esp. when not able to put the bass through the PA. Would a smidgeon of effects (compression, reverb etc.) help out or is it more a case of careful EQing?

    fyi - the sort of sound I like is a round, beefy, bassy, precision with TI flats kind of sound (sorry for crap description - best I can manage)

    Any advice?



  6. [quote name='lonestar' post='336449' date='Nov 25 2008, 05:05 PM']Bit of a long way from Saffron Walden so I can't come.
    but hope that it goes well for you. Break a leg (string?)!
    Post a link to BBc iplayer or wherever we can listen again.[/quote]

    Thanks Lonestar for the kind words of support.

    Don't think they'll record it on iplayer unless for Radio Berkshire :)



  7. A "flippin' 'eck, that's tomorrow :huh: better get practicing" style BUMP

    Bar Four
    5-6 Friar Street
    RG1 1DB

    Bands start at 8pm and finish around 10.30pm. Not sure when our band is on, but we're called 'Pilgrims'... although I'm not quite sure why

    If anyone's able to make it please say 'hi'. I'll be the geeky-looking bloke with glasses :)

  8. [quote name='cetera' post='331477' date='Nov 18 2008, 02:07 PM']Ooh I bet that sounds LUSH! :huh:[/quote]

    Oh, yes... practiced at family friendly volumes at home, but yet to wind her up in anger... gig on Wednesday and can't wait :) :huh: :huh:

  9. [quote name='Frusty' post='327911' date='Nov 12 2008, 08:13 PM']Sold for £122 - that's me lost a few quid on that one :)

    The buyer got an absolute bargain IMHO.[/quote]

    bugger... almost bid but held back given the credit crunch. Oh well, as you say, someone got a bargain.

  10. Respect to Steve Hanley who was a big influence when I was a kid and almost made it to my top 3 bass players on another thread (cruelly ousted by Aston 'Familyman' Barrett).

    I saw them a couple of times and Steve was playing a black precision and an Ampeg stack with the usual fabulous sound.

    Best gig was in Cambridge around the late 80's (one of only two gigs they played that year) and they were awesome.

  11. :huh: bump :huh:

    For the benefit of any potential buyers out there, I bought it for £400 then spent £50 on set up and fret stone (professionally done by luthier at the Bass Bash) and it's now had another new set of luvverly TI flat strings (old nickelwounds were only weeks old)

    Didn't quite last the 25 years that you were speaking about, eh Chris :) Hope you find your sonic nirvana in the world of the Jazz


  12. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='313561' date='Oct 24 2008, 09:29 AM']I've put it in my diary.


    Thanks S.P., there should be a link on the BBC Berkshire website nearer the date with details.



  13. James Jamerson - Motown genius (predictable... but for all the right reasons!)
    Nathan Watts - Stevie Wonder
    Aston 'Familyman' Barrett - The Wailers

    Replaced by Familyman
    Steve Hanley - The Fall (much under-rated and slightly less predictable :))

  14. We've managed to land a 'BBC Introducing...' gig for local unsigned bands at Bar Four in Reading on Wednesday 26th November from 8pm

    Would be great to see anyone from Basschat if you can make it, could use a sympathetic audience as it's my first gig with the band! If you can make it, please say "hi" and try to avoid the urge to take the piss out of my bass playing :)



    P.S. myspace link below

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