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Posts posted by Osiris

  1. 2 hours ago, ezbass said:


    Thanks Private, I'd forgotten all about the Sire U5 and it's certainly a contender especially considering its price and the fact that they are so highly regarded. On a superficial level I'm not fussed about the huge headstock or the current colour options but it's got to be worth tracking one down to try. 


    2 hours ago, Skin Lewis said:

    You could look at the current American Performer Mustang, it's got a Mustang pickup and Jazz pickup, different tones to a regular PJ configuration, can sound quite Jazz like. Just over a grand, if you can find one in stock. I think there's one for sale on here.


    I have tried an American Performer Mustang and wasn't overly fussed about it. It was well made but very polite sounding, kind of lacking in character, if that makes sense. Again with the lovely @Adee we did a side by side of the American Performer against the JMJ Mustang and the PJ Mustang. Of the 3 we both felt the JMJ was the clear winner in terms of tone and it just oozes cool. I personally preferred the cheaper PJ over the Performer, the PJ sounded more like a Fender, it does classic P tones and the bridge pickup adds to the versatility. The Performer was better finished and nicer to play but IMO the tone of the PJ had a ton more appeal against the Performer which sounded a bit bland in comparison. 


    2 hours ago, ezbass said:

    There is also the Chowny Scott Whitley when they are available again. https://chownybass.com/product/swb-1-scott-whitley-signature/


    Or, for something a little out there, a headless Ibanez https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/201102363660025--ibanez-ehb1000s-sea-foam-green-matte-short-scale-bass


    I briefly had one of the lower spec Chowny Scott Whitley bass and it sounded fantastic, no idea what the pickups are in it but they are super punchy. But the reason it don't last long for me was the playing position, the lack of top horn means that when playing it on a strap the first fret was more or less the same distance away as on a 34" bass which totally defeated the object of a short scale for me. So off it went PDQ! 


    1 hour ago, Owno said:

    If money is not an issue, I would suggest a Serek Midwestern 2 with Serek Singles pickups. If you’re into the Mustang shape, I’ve seen the Atelier Z BabyZ which is an active/passive jazz monster of a Mustang. That one is quite cheap as well (less than a grand on Reverb used).


    Hmm, not sure about the looks of the Serek basses but they seem to be highly regarded so might as well add it to the list.


    But the Atelier Z BabyZ is not something I've seen before and that looks perfect and is within budget, although there's likely to be a 20% or more import fee to add on top. Still, I really like the look of it and although I don't know much about Atelier Z they seem to be a well regarded brand. 

  2. I'm considering buying another bass, due to a damaged never in my wrist I can no longer play anything above 30" scale for any length of time without pains and cramping up so it has to be a short scale, no more than 30". I currently own 2 Mustangs so have the Precision-esque tones covered and so I'm thinking about something jazz bass like, but trawling about online it doesn't look as though there is much choice. Budget is around about a grand, maybe a little more for the right bass. Preferably passive too as I prefer the warmth of passive pickups to active ones. 


    There's the MARUSZCZYK Elwood which looks like a perfect candidate. The Maruzythingy website has a configurator where you can spec pretty much whatever you want, it offers shed loads of options for customising everything from colour to fretboard radius, pickup types and so on. The only thing making me hesitate is that I know virtually nothing about the brand, are they well regarded? I also seem to have a vague recollection of there being concerns over them in the past but can't remember what those concerns where, if any. 


    There's also the Ashdown short scale Grail bass. Despite having Ashdown on the headstock they're made in collaboration Dan Lakin (I think that's his name, anyway, the guy who set up Lakland) and was released a couple of years ago and what little I can find online about them is all positive. But nowhere seems to have these in stock at the minute, possibly another victim of Covid?


    There's also a couple of Reverend models that look interesting but again it's not a brand that I'm particularly familiar with but online opinions seem universally positive. 


    In the past I had a 30.5" scale Warwick Corvette which sounded great but even that extra half an inch made all the difference (as Mrs Osiris can testify) in terms of comfort and playability for me so that was moved on. Plus I was ambivalent about the looks. 


    There was also a short lived Fender jazz (possibly a PJ configuration IIRC, Chinese made, I think?) that was around £300 new a few years ago but used prices seem to be double that now. Not sure that I want to spend that much on what was a budget instrument in the first place unless it's something really special and not just rarity pushing the prices up. 


    There's also the various short scale Stingrays but having had a go on the lovely @Adee's short scale American built jobbie they're definitely not for me. It was exquisitely built but I just can't stand that weird nasal midrange thing that Stingrays are known for. 


    Is there anything else out there, 30" scale, jazz-ish inspired - although I'm open to other options, around the £1000 mark? 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Ander87 said:


    Having said that I will no doubt test rounds on this bass at some point - out of curiosity which ones did you go for? I am hoping to find some 45-105 or similar, looks like most are 45-100.




    I fitted my preferred string gauge 50-105, they are a full size set of D'Addario Nickel strings and - IMO - have really brought the tone to life. I should probably say that despite having tried several different brands of flats over the years they're just not for me, I don't like a bright clanky bass tone at all but I do like the bass to sound clear and defined and these strings give me exactly what I want. There is, of course, a lot of people online who will tell you not to fit full length strings to a short scale bass but I've been doing it for years and haven't had a single problem, no broken strings, no intonation problems. Not one. It works for me but maybe not for everyone 😉

    • Thanks 1
  4. These are superb basses as everyone says! But I highly recommend that you string it with rounds instead of flats, seriously! They come fitted with flats but although it sounded great there was something in the high end that I was never really happy with but once I switched over to rounds it just sounded right, like a precision in the mids and high end. In comparison it sounded choked with flats. You can get a flats like vibe by backing the tone control off but if you want clarity and definition to each and every note then rounds are the way to go. 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, BCH said:

    Arrived today Tim Commerford Music Man Stingray short scale (30") active #14 of 50. Its a great build, size, weight & comfort. So far the tone is very promising...cant wait to gig. So my Mike Lull short scale will have to go!!!!!!



    Oooh, I like that, and I don't even like Stingrays :D


    Out of interest, what are the details of the Mike Lull?

  6. I'm another one who's had mixed dealings with Bass Direct over the years. Mostly good, but my last dealing with them 4 or 5 years ago was selling an amp through their commission sales, long story short, the owner claimed it sold for much less than we'd agreed - not that he'd consulted me on reducing price - and it took weeks of chasing to get my money from them. And it was quite clear from the phone calls and email exchanges that he really couldn't give a toss, he couldn't even spare a half arsed apology. Prior to that I'd bought 3 basses, an amp and several odds and sods from them, spending more than 5 grand with them over the years. But I have not spent another penny with them since and don't intend to ever again.


    I get that shops can't get it right for everybody all of the time, and different people expect different levels of customer service, but there do seem to be a few too many BD disgruntled customers given their size. 


    Regarding @binky_bass's opening post, anyone who's ever been to their current premises knows it's a pretty tiny lace, albeit brimming with stuff. For someone to have left the office, checked their shelf of used pedals and returned to the office would quite literally have taken a few seconds, 10 at the most. That's really not asking too much, is it? 

    • Like 1
  7. Not an injury as such but I'm prone to get occasional unexpected nosebleeds, it's a genetic thing on one side of the family. At a gig around 20 years ago my nose started bleeding mid set on a gig. A girl who I knew in the audience, rushed up to me and stuck a tampon up the offending nostril which I proudly left there, plus the blood down the front of my bass, until the end of the gig. Oh to be young and stupid again :D

    • Haha 1
  8. A quick update to my last comment. I've just got off the phone from Jimmy after it turned out that the speaker cab I'd sent him had been damaged in transit. He'd already had the speaker replaced - his tech had diagnosed that the cab had been dropped which had dislodged the magnet which had killed the speaker - but was an absolute gentleman about the whole thing. He was philosophical about the experience and put it down to being one of those things. He was even gracious enough to turn down my offer to cover half of the additional unexpected costs. Basschat is full of decent people but how many people are truly that gracious when things go wrong like this? 


    It gets banded about a lot on some of the feedback threads but Jimmy is an absolute credit to Basschat. 

    Don't just deal in confidence with Jimmy, deal in absolute confidence. 

  9. There's always one, and it's usually me. And this is no exception :D


    I had a set of La Bella's come fitted with a short scale Warwick Corvette and I couldn't take them off quick enough! I don't like bright bass sounds by any stretch but the La Bella's were devoid of any definition, just an non-descript, woolly thud. The closest analogy I can come up with is when the elderly couple next door (we live in a semi joined onto theirs) turn up their telly up really loud and you can hear something but can't make out what it is, it was like that. No punch, no clarity, no life. And no amount of EQ'ing could get a usable sound of them for me. 10 minutes later they were off the bass for good. My JMJ came with factory Fender flats and they were much better, there was more clarity and definition and you could recognise different pitches and notes which I couldn't do with the La Bellas.


    But I still prefer rounds and once I'd fitted my favourite Nikel D'Addario 50-105's to my short scales they all feel like they have much more life in them, the audio equivalent from going from VHS to 4K HD without bothering with DVD or Blu-Ray in between. 

  10. Selling my Tecamp M212 cab with Roqsolid cover. It's a 4 ohm, 600 watt cab with a pair of 12" drivers and an adjustable tweeter. It weighs around 20-22 Kg so is an easy lift considering its size. It's in excellent condition, it has a couple small nicks in the Tolex but no obvious rips or tears. Comes with a fitted Roqsolid cover that cost nearly £100 on its own!


    This had been my main gigging cab for a few years prior to the last band moving over to IEM's. As such it has been used but not abused. It's a huge sounding, transparent cab that puts out what you put in without imparting much in the way of its own flavour. It can put out huge, deep lows, big punchy mids and a top end that is bright but never shrill. But it'll faithfully reproduce whatever you put into it. It's a perfect single cab solution. The only reason for sale is that I'm downsizing to a smaller cab as I don't need so much volume these days. 


    £500 or reasonable offers.

    I'm looking for a straight sale please, no trades.


    Collection preferred from just outside sunny Wellingborough Unfortunately I don't have any suitable packaging to post this but I'm willing to drive around an hour or so from Wellingborough for a socially distanced car park handover. 


    Update - Collection from London is now an option too as I have a mate there who said he'd help out. But please allow a few days for me to get the cab there if you want to collect from London. 






    • Like 6
  11. Selling my Ashdown RM-112 cab. It's an 8 ohm, 300 watt cab with a single 12" driver and a switchable tweeter. It weighs a modest 14 Kg so is an easy one hand lift. It's in overall good condition, it has a few small nicks in the Tolex but no obvious rips or tears. Comes with a fitted cover.


    I'm ideally ooking for a straight sale please although I could possibly be tempted to trade for a decent preamp pedal. 


    Collection preferred from just outside sunny Wellingborough although postage might be an option at the buyers cost and risk.





    • Like 1
  12. Quick update on this, I ordered some of these, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/122740864851 M5 size (5mm as I understand it) and they are perfect for what I need. They're a very snug fit but reassuringly so, I ordered 20 yellow ones as I expected to lose a few when out gigging but I can't see them coming off unless deliberately pulled which is unlikely as the loose daisy chain connectors are now cable tied to the underside of the board. They're also now beer proof too - at least I hope so. 


    So thanks again to @MartinB for pointing me in the right direction :hi:

    • Like 2
  13. 13 hours ago, Al Krow said:

    Had that with my Spector recently - set it on bridge pup and started playing notes on the low E and B strings. My initial thoughts were that there must be something up with the amp as it was not coming through perfectly clean. And then it twigged, there was no problem with anything. Just that delicious Spector growl! 


    You ought to get onto Spector's marketing department with this, it sounds like they're missing a trick,


    "That delicious Spector growl - it sounds like there must be something up with your amp"



  14. 2 hours ago, MartinB said:

    My Rockboard power supply came with a bunch of cable end nipples, but sadly all my spares have been given to bandmates or lost on dark stages.
    I reckon this sort of thing is pretty much the same though:

    Given that the plug barrel is 5.5mm, I'm not sure whether you'd need M5 or M6 to get the right amount of grip 🤔


    Cheers, that's exactly what I'm looking for 😃


    1 hour ago, Jus Lukin said:


    They look like the ones, although mine are black.


    How many do you need?


    Maybe half a dozen or so, a couple to use on the board and some spares in case any go missing. I'll probably order a job lot of 10 or 20 from the eBay links above. 

    • Like 1
  15. 11 hours ago, Geek99 said:

    Some smart person could make little caps for them, like tyre valve caps 


    27 minutes ago, Jus Lukin said:


    They come with Truetone daisychains. Don't know of they can be bought separately.


    The closest thing I can find online is these, but haven't been able to find anything in the UK yet.




  16. Wasn't sure how to best title this but I have a question about a couple of unused outputs on a daisy chain. I've put together a small utilitarian pedal board powered with a daisy chain*. I've tidied the cabling up and the unused outputs are on the underside of the board, do they need to be covered to make them waterproof, or more accurately beer proof, as the board will be gigged? Or do they need to be shielded in any way? Or are they OK left exposed? Does it even matter? Any thoughts, folks? 


    *It works fine for my needs, there's no noise or any need for an expensive isolated supply. 

  17. Just received a pedal board with a power supply and a shed load of patch cables from Patrick and it was a quick and easy, hassle free transaction. All was quickly delivered and well packaged. I'm happy to recommend him as a sound guy to deal with to other Basschat users. 

  18. 29 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    Lol, you don't really need to concern yourself with my gear buying habits; I'm certainly not concerned about yours 😉


    I'm not concerned as such, more curious. But the question still stands should you care to indulge me.


    For the record I have bought a tuner and cable this year. Neither good nor bad, just purely functional. 

  19. 23 hours ago, Al Krow said:

    Super impressed with all you guys who have managed to limit your gear purchases to just a couple of items and, have instead, been managing to put what you already have to good use! I'm hoping that will be me one day soon, but certainly wasn't the case this year! 


    2 hours ago, Al Krow said:

    I've actually failed @bassfan's 2021 Gear Acquisition challenge spectacularly: I've had quite a gear churn this year including 7 basses, although I'm ending the year with the same number of basses as I had at the start. But the overall content of the Al Krow bass-ment feels like it's in good and very usable shape and, touch-wood, hopefully there will be plenty of opps to use them at home and with my two bands in 2022.


    Not trying to be an arse here, at least no more than usual 😃, but is this a case of cause and effect? Or more accurately effect (no, not pedals) and cause? In that if you didn't spend so much time buying gear that - and I may be wrong here - you seem to be buying with the intention of not actually using, plus the time spent selling it on afterwards, then you might actually have the time to use the gear that you currently own? :)*


    *Smiley to show that this enquiry is good natured, albeit I am genuinely curious to know why you buy gear and then don't seem to use it as I buy gear and then put it through its paces both at home and out on gigs. 

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