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Posts posted by doc40hz

  1. 42 minutes ago, Dad3353 said:


    Well done; that's bloomin' excellent..! You're right it's a great sound, well balanced, even the drums..! Are they mic'ed up or triggered..? He's tight, too, and for those with a log-felling drummer, there's an example of how to drum in the 'rock' genre without bashing away like Keith Moon. An especially superb-sounding snare drum, played very well.
    One small remark, and I know that space is very limited, but I was afraid for the vocalist's head now and again as you swung around with your hefty long-scale. Swap places, maybe, so she's on the non-neck side..? Splendid Stuff, in any case; thanks for sharingB|

    Thank you! The drummer is a true gent of the skins. The drums are mic'ed up, close mics and an overhead. New skins were put on that night. There is an SPDSX being used to trigger some samples on some songs. He certainly is tight :) - We've been playing togehter nearly 30 years, he got his kit around the time I got my first bass and we've been in bands together ever since.  He is the most enjoyable drummer I've ever played with. He makes my job so much easier and makes me sound the best I can be. 

    The Vocalist is my (elder) sister - she knows I'm a clumsy bugger and has ninja like reflexes. But, yes, might be better if I went on the other side of her, if only to put the vocalist in the middle. 



  2. Quite pleased with how this turned out. We had a cancellation slot at the local venue on Saturday and I think we did quite well as we hadn't played together in over a month! Ralph nailed the solo and there were some heroic fills from Scotty on the drums. 

    I can't take any credit for the recording, that was all down to Graeme on the keys who also is front of house sound. It was multitracked recorded using the most amazing piece of kit  - A Soundcraft UI24.

    The UI24 allows you to multitrack record to USB drive and also allows for INDIVIDUAL monitor mixes which can be mixed using your mobile phone. Just log onto the UI24 WiFi and you have access to your own mixing desk. Outstanding and game changing. 

    We used my Barefaced FR800 and LF1400 PA. I brought my BB2 as a backline for the guitarist but I really didnt need to.

    The out front camera is a zoom Q8 which really doesnt like red light shining at it, hence the grainy quality. 

    Our band is Danger Zone and we hardly get any gigs in our town and surrounding area. It's really quite annoying :( There are not many venues and same old bands keep doing the rounds. It seems to be about who you know. Same the world over, I guess. 

    Anyhow, hope some of you enjoy it and can marvel at the tech side of things! I've gone in ear overnight thanks to the UI24. It really is amazing. 


    • Like 2
  3. I've got a bass with a mystery crackle (comes and goes all the time). I wonder if its the input jack. I've resoldered the wires as the joints look dry, which has improved things somewhat but the crackle is still there.

    I ordered a replacment input jack, but it only has anchors for 2 wires. The one on the bass has three wires....

    What's going on? Excuse my ignorance!


  4. I've recently acquired a Kingston Heir 4 in a trade. It's lovely bass - light and plays really well. 

    The pickups and EQ are adequate - it sounds pretty good, but I think I could get it sounding better. It seems a good solid bass for hot rodding.

    Pickups - there's a fair imbalance between the MM and the single coil. What single coil and MM combination would people recommend?

    Pre-amp - Any ideas.

    I know there are upgrade kits for some MTDs from Bartolini, but I don't see a kit for Heirs.


  5. Bought new from bass direct last year and spent most of its time in its case. 

    Im after a Sadowsky so selling off gear to fund it. 

    I have a 2025x which is my workhorse. They are absolutely tremendous basses - best passive basses there are imho!

    Trades - Sadowsky MV4, A Bongo HH 4, Possibly an Elite Jazz

    Here's it in action (through an outboard Sadowsky preamp). 





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  6. I have a hankering for a sadowsky (sellers regret!), so selling some basses off for funds. 

    This is a lovely and pretty light bass. Plays superbly and feels nice to the touch. 

    2 band MEC pre amp and pups. 

    There’s a bit of crackle when the treble is boosted - not sure what is going on. Could be a loose wire, but I’m not great with wiring and soldering! 

    Price includes delivery. 

    imageproxy.php?img=&key=4b3806f48250f55aI’m based in Fife.








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  7. 1 hour ago, mcnach said:


    I'm very surprised to hear that... 

    I mean, it's possible that the MB800 is louder all other things being equal, I don't know... but I'm surprised it can be that much louder that you'd notice a big difference.

     Unlike a lot of amps out there... the Mesa keeps on giving, the volume knob continues to work. You may need to use it at 1 o'clock as opposed to 11 o'clock on another amp... but that means nothing: you can still turn it and get louder while the second amp will probably have nothing left once you reach the 1 o'clock position. The operation of the master volume on the Mesa is a lot more sensible than in many others out there, and clearly designed to be useful, not to impress people in the shop "look, I barely moved the knob and it's so loud, imagine how much louder it'll get when I turn it all the way!" ;)

    Another thing is, it depends a lot how you use the adjustable HPF / voicing / bass controls. They have the ability together to make your bass go from Woody Allen to Dwayne Johnson... and everything in between.

    I used to use a pair of BB2 in the past too. They're good but they're not magic. If you think you're running flat out with a single one, I think you are simply reaching the limits of what a single BB2 can achieve (and be damn loud too), and you're probably treading dangerous territory where you must be close to damaging the speaker... the Mesa has enough power in store to obliterate a BB2 if the controls are not use carefully.

    I can only speak from experience. The MB800 appears to be louder. It appears to not hit its limit, which I can hear when I play (I dont use a compressor. I can hear when my amp hits its limit).  I'm aware that the master out knob is different from amp to amp. 

    The boogie limit light was coming on a lot with a single cab and a large guitarist - it was running flat out. I don't use stupid amounts of EQ either. It was just running out of juice. I think the "800 watt" RMS rating is more than a little optimistic. The sound from the boogie is great. 

    I'm an experienced bassist, and have used a ton of gear. I can only say what I experienced, and that was the MB800 was way louder and also seemed to have power to spare. The Boogie, though sounding great, did not compete. I would say that the bands I was playing the Boogie with were extreme - the guitarist in one is stupidly loud and the drummer in the other is stupidly loud also. I played a funk gig with a tremendous drummer and the Boogie was great; Two cabs, and didnt break a sweat. 

    On a side note, I recently acquired a Trace AH350 SMX which is teeth shakingly loud.

    Bottom line - I would think think of a D800+ as an 800 watt amp - despite what its advertised as. It is, though, a great sounding amp and would do most people formost situations. 


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