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Posts posted by doc40hz

  1. Outstanding bass, but I need to thin the heard.

    I bought this on here last year, but I cant remember who from and my messages were lost in the Basschat update. 

    A few minor blemishes, but nothing serious. Plays great and sounds like a spector. No issues at all with it. 

    I'm in Fife. I can deliver in a hard case. 


    Spector Euro lx4.jpg

    Spector back.jpg

    spector close.jpg

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  2. Happy New Year Y'all!

    I'm building a Steve Harris replica bass (when his precision was in the Live After Death era blue sparkle).

    I'm after a seriously chunky neck, like on the fender signature Steve Harris. I believe this is a "U" shaped neck. It needs to be meaty to handle the 50-110 flatwounds. 

    Anyone know where I can purchase one?  

  3. Bit of fun - I wanted to see how the Harley Benton would sound. Not bad as it happens. Its a very functional bass! I fret dressed it and set it up and it plays great. Baseball bat neck. 

    Compared to what was kicking about 25 years ago, cheap basses these days are great !



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  4. Just bought a second hand Ray34 - it's a fantastic bass, sounds like a Stingray to my ears and plays great.

    The machine heads, though functional, do have that "pot metal" look and feel.

    Does anyone know if Schallers will drop straight in?


  5. I recently got a D800+ and I've found it is a fantastic sounding amp. Having upper and lower mids with semi-parametric EQ is really handy. I usually engage the bright switch. The deep switch is bit much most of the time, but it can be used to good effect in parts of songs.

    I play with several bands. One has a really loud drummer and the other a really loud guitarist. Playing though 2 BBIIs it is enough for keeping up with drummer with no PA support, but it's almost running flat out. With only one cab, it was struggling to keep up with the loud guitar. It could, and sounded OK, but it was limiting towards the end of the night. (It's so nice when you get a chance to play with people who treat their backline as mointor only - same with drums if they are micd up. It's nice when someone plays the drums like a gent.)

    The GK MB800 fusion, however, is an absolute monster. It seems to have limitless power. I've had it about half way up at a gig, before I realised it was a really weird sounding room and it was EQ and not volume that was need to hear my bass. That was rattling teeth and was uncomfortable to stand next to.

    GK sounds great too, you have to dial in a fair bit of EQ to have much of an effect. I quite like the aggressiveness of the GK.

    Both great sounding amps. The MB800 is waaaaay louder.

  6. [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]I love this amp, served me well over a number of gigs. I hadn't used it for a while and I gigged it the other night. Sounds as good as it always did, however I am noticing a hum in the pre amp stage. It's not bad, but it is noticeable when not playing. I don't know if it's always been there and I'm just noticing it now because my GK mb800 is quite it comparison. To be honest though, my Eden wt800 sounds similarly noisy, so it might be an Eden thing! I've put a new 12ax7 tube in. Comes in a gator bag.[/size][/font][/color][size=4][attachment=253750:Eden WT550.jpg][/size]

  7. [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][size=4]Immaculate and only a few month old. I bought this new, and it is a great bass. The neck and fret work is outstanding. Comes with a good quality gig bag and new strings. I'm selling to fund another purchase, but would possibly trade for a Bongo HH. I'm in FIfe, but happy to courier[/size][/font][/color]


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