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Posts posted by doc40hz

  1. Just got this. First time it was turned on was last nights gig. Bottom line - its very good. And very loud.

    I've been using a WT800 for a while with my current main gig. The drummer is *loud*. We just use a vocal PA. My poor WT550 was limiting most of the time trying to keep up with the guitarist and the drummer. Even through 2 x Big Baby II cabs!!

    I've been running my WT800 bridged into my cabs and it sounds great - I love the Eden sound.

    I thought I would try something a bit different and really liked the idea of the Reidmar with its adjustable compression and drive.

    I used my Japenese 62 reissue precision (with Quarter pounder pickups) for the first and my MTD 535-24 for the second set.

    First of all - this is loud. Very loud. I was between 9 and 10 o'clock on my master out last night and it was scorching!

    Sound - I was under the impression that EBS was meant to give a transparent sound. This was one of the main reasons I bought it. To my ear there is a scoop in the midrange with it compared to my Eden amps (or my Eden amps have a midrange bump. Not sure). Its not much, but I think its there. However, once compensated for, the amp really sings!

    The drive control is great. I normally like a super clean sound, but I experimented last night with the drive - it really thickens up the sound. Very usable indeed. There is only one guitarist in this band, so I'm having to fill up a lot of space. The extra grit really made a difference

    Its a great amp and will probably become my main gigging amp. I'll know more once I've tried it in a variety of venues.

  2. The ultimate passive bass. It really is a tone monster. Superb condition, comes with original case (which unfortunately is missing a clasp). Trying to consolidate my gear and clear my credit card from some serious GAS in the past year. I prefer my MTD bass and I now have a Sire V7 that can fulfil my passive old school needs.

    Based in Fife. Could post or meet up as far as north of England.


    I can send more pics to an email address if anyone is interested.

  3. Really good condition, few marks on the otherwise gorgeous bubinga body - plays great, sounds great (really great passive tone surprisingly). Would love to keep her, but I *still* have not cleared my credit card from my MTD 535 purchase![attachment=226331:P1090305.JPG]

    Based in Fife. Could deliver or meet up as far as the north of england I guess.

    More pics:



  4. I've just sold my Warwick Corvetter $$ 5 which had the best B string I have heard, probably even better better than my MTD 535-24. It was seriously phat and not flabby at all. And it was a 34 inch neck. Truly awesome bass.

    Here's it in action: ( land of confusion and I feel for you covers)


  5. Just got 2 of these last week. I have a super 12 T which is awesome, but I just had to try these. Plus, I wanted to have them to use as PA speakers if needed.

    Used them two of them for rehearsal with my WTX500, then a gig with wt550, a gig last night with my WT800 and used one of them for rehearsal today with my WT800.

    Bottom line - They are amazing. I thought my super 12 T was good, these are better! I'm not good with reviews but bottom line is - they are loud, they sound great and detailed. I like a lot of treble in my sound, so I had the horn wide open - sounds wonderful.

    These are great cabs, expensive, but great! The new covers are a bit fiddly, they have a flap underneath. Thats my only gripe!

  6. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1463923142' post='3054973']
    Here's a tip for the WT550. Don't sell yours. You will realise afterwards that it's a great amplifier - even if you do have too many amplifiers already!

    No worries Dan, I love the WT550 I got off you - has done me proud many a gig!

  7. I've been using Eden stuff for over 10 years now and I absolutely love it. I started off with an Eden Nemesis 2x10 combo after trying various amps and cabs and I was blown away by how good it sounded. I still get asked about "that great sounding combo" from bassists and guitarists alike.

    I now gig with a WT800 but also have a WT550 and also have a WTX500. People seem to love their 550s but I've read that people think the WTX500 is underpowered. I disagree, but I think you need to be careful with the settings.

    To get the most out of Eden Amps:

    1. Use the Enhance knob incredibly sparingly or, ideally, no at all. It really will suck your mid's out and consume power as it boosts the lows - the worst combination for making yourself inaudible and flogging the amp to its limit. Probably best to leave it off. The flat sound on an Eden amp is a good useable sound. 1 or 2 clicks on these amps make a big difference. If I'm playing a slappy song I sometimes dial in a smidgen of the Enhance, to about 7-8 o'clock at the most.

    2. Use the Bass EQ for cutting. I think the Bass Knob is set to around 30Hz (Not sure what the Q is). If you use this to boost you will quickly run out of headroom. On the WT series, use the semi-parametric to boost in a more useful frequency range; 80-150ish. Turning the Bass knob down a click or two can make a big difference in your sound and headroom.

    I had to use my WTX500 as a back up last night after my WT800 blew a fuse. It performed admirably and sounded great. No PA support, pretty big club, LOUD drummer. Cracking little amp!

  8. I agree with jazzjames ; the perceived volume is related to the voicing of the amp. A while back I had SWR SRM 900 amp, 900 watts at 4ohms. It was big and heavy, and I thought I did not need that much power so I got rid of it (regretting it now). It was very clean and deep sounding. I briefly owned an orange terror 500 and it kicked the sh*t out of the SWR volume wise. However, I think it is because the Orange doesn't really throw out much actual bass frequencies - it's more about the low mids (which, arguably, are what makes things sound more "bassy" in a live setting).

  9. Thanks for all the input guys.

    I think I'm probably going to try and get hold of an Eden WT800 and bridge it for 4 ohms. My cab is rated at 1200 watts, so should be able to take it. Volume isn't the problem, I can hear myself fine at gigs. I'm more concerned about the fact I'm at the edge of my amps capability and I feel a bit uneasy about asking my amp to give *everything* it has every gig.

  10. [attachment=215601:1711_10205813030997366_5733195645290089057_n-2.jpg][attachment=215601:1711_10205813030997366_5733195645290089057_n-2.jpg]Howdy,

    Up for sale is my barely used gorgeous Yamaha BB1025x. I got this about a year ago and was blown away and how good it was - the sound sits in a mix/live situation perfectly and the back pickup has a helluva bark to it! It's in almost new condition, I've done about 6 gigs with it.

    The reason for sale if its such a good bass? I got a second hand 2025x identical to my 1025x, so it has to go (Having A/B the two of them I would say they both sound the same. The 2025x has a *slightly* slimmer neck and plays *slightly* better, but the differences are minimal).

    I'll throw in a newish hard case with it.

    Ideally looking to trade rather then cash. Cash would be £500.

    Trades; Bass heads To the value of about £650. Ideally, Eden WT800, GK MB800, Reidmar 750, TC Electronic RH750 - or something around about 700-1000 watts territory.

    I'm based in Fife, Scotland. Could probably travel to the north of england.

  11. Howdy,

    I'm lucky enough to be getting loads of work these days in a variety of bands, but my main gig is a LOUD classic rock band (Zep, AC/DC, Ozzy, Deep Purple kinda stuff). I thought I had the rig I needed, and I had up until joining this band.

    I've got an Eden WT550 (bought from Dood) and I use a Barefaced Super 12 T and I love this rig. However, I'm just at the threshold for limiting most of the time. I use the EQ sparingly and more often than not cut the Bass EQ by a couple of clicks A few tunes I dial in a couple of clicks of upper mids 1-2khz for attack. The enhance knob is off. I play with my fingers and use an MTD 535-24 or a BB 2025x.

    The simple solution is for the band not to play as loud, but its not going to happen realistically. The drummer is LOUD and has a large Sonor kit.

    The amp actually sounds fine though.

    So I'm wondering what best to do. I'm a bit easy about having my amp limiting a lot towards the end of the gig when we are always louder. I only need a wee bit more head room, I'm not limiting the amp for most of the gig.

    1. Add another 4-8Ohm cab. I think the WT550 will run down to 2Ohms and give me a little more headroom at 750watts.
    2. Buy a more powerful amp. I really like the Eden sound and the semiparametric EQ is such a useful tool. An option is a WT800 bridged to run at 4Ohms.

    Other amps have caught my eye ,and I'm wondering what people think about the amps, headroom, tone in comparison to my Eden.
    - EBS Reidmar 750
    - GK MB800
    - TC RH750
    - Peavey MiniMega 1000 (this looks very interesting)
    - TC Blacksmith.

    Cheers guys!

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