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No lust in Jazz

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Posts posted by No lust in Jazz

  1. But isn't this just the Cort JB Bass (nice bass BTW) with an extra string? I'd be surprised to see JB playing one, I'd preferred that he'd discovered a 5th string than the chorus pedal.

  2. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1426083783' post='2714162']
    When I started on electric bass (1980), I spent the first few years trying to get better and better, transcribing stuff, reading up on who the big guns were etc and ...,<edit> A lot of time could be wasted learning things that, for me personally, amount to little more than party tricks.

    I think I understand what you mean, but for me, as well as playing 'more traditional' bass parts with my band 'party trick' bass parts are also a lot of fun outside of the band forum and as a player who just enjoys playing, I find the two are not mutually exclusive; the older I get the more party trick bass playing appeals to me.

  3. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1425646482' post='2709342']

    I knew that my previous amp (Hartke LH500) wasn't giving me the tone I wanted..

    I'm amazed (in a good way) that this tone goal is so clear to you

  4. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1425508088' post='2708134']
    Basically if the band are enjoying it, the audience are enjoying it at [i]least[/i] as much as the band are and there's a third party prepared to part with money to enable this joyous union to take place you shouldn't give a flying f*ck what anyone else thinks.

    Beautifully put.

  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1425470380' post='2707603']
    There is definitely a 'cheese' line that no one should cross, IMO

    While I agree with everything else in post #67 JTUK - the problem (for me) is the 'How does someone define cheese?' I hold the view that there are many songs, which are untouched by the majority of cover bands; these songs entertain people, get people dancing and make a 'refreshing change' (actual quote) from that served by other bands.

    I feel that it could interpreted as elitist to say something is cheesy.

  6. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1425407876' post='2707055']
    forget rhythm stick our band have just selected a few new tubes to learn - absolutely love the song but have you considered how tricky is the bass line to mar in Gaye and Tammy terelle "You're all I need to get by"

    Not difficult in terms of gymnastic technicality but the groove and feel is probably one of the trickiest bass lines you will find anywhere

    Great choice, may I commend you and your bands taste in music.

  7. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1425397063' post='2706917']
    Surely, from a tone and playability point of view, a good four strung BEAD is better than a cheap five string?

    Dunno - I found that it was Ok for a couple of numbers, but I didn't want to replace or mod the nut to accept the B.

  8. I've played BEAD in the past - nothing wrong with doing this, I've had basses set up for open C tuning, I've also just detuned the E to D for some material, much lower than D and we were into changing strings and messing.

    I suppose its all down to where you view Bass in the music? If you just play for the music an extended range bass may be for you. If your thing is about four strings is all you need, then this is good too.

    As regards re learning bass, I recently bought a 6 string and after playing some abject toss thinly disguised as funk, I now play the band set on it and I'm a long way off being a natural musician.

  9. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1425025442' post='2702967']
    I guess it's that in the 60s and 70s most of the general population listened to music featuring traditional band instruments (including bass). So those that are now middle aged and can afford to go out to watch bands, are able to go out to a pub and listen to the music of their youth... 90% of regular 9 till 5 folk these days have only a passing interest in music and the music that they do listen to is all digital (rnb, chart stuff etc) so they would have little interest in listening to a covers band playing stuff they've never heard of.

    We play a beer festival most years and originally tried to cater for the brown beer drinker with our set, we then realised that the 'festival' had a more youthful element than we imagined at rehearsals so we tailored a contemporary set to suit them, this went down really well, until the local version of the Committments came on after us with their with their unique brand of out of tune horn section and guesswork vocal and the place went nuts.

    I take from this that people infused with alcohol will dance to anything with a strong back beat - new or old.

  10. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1424995195' post='2702880']
    [i]"Some of the best new stuff I've heard evolved from and is based on the old stuff".[/i]

    How about that?


    I don't disagree with you Blue and I would add [i]"Some of the best old stuff evolved from and was based around even older stuff"[/i]

    I don't believe that music was better at any given period in time; that said, I feel that there was a time in the past where artists were given the opportunity to develop without the need to churn stuff out and or look good in the promo. video, material was developed in front of a live audience before entering the studio and bands learned their art in delivering it.

  11. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1424980184' post='2702627']
    Both, although '6 string bassics' covers a range of technical exercises, it's the only book I've managed to find suited to 6 string bass, against the overwhelming material for 4 string. I Just went for it too!

    Like I mentioned earlier, piano music takes you to areas of harmony that are a revelation and that's where my main interests are, but I just play the band set on mine and find what works and what doesn't - have fun. :)

  12. [quote name='Musashimonkey' timestamp='1424952992' post='2702243']
    Definitely a gap in the market for a book!

    A book on what - technical exercises, material or both? I just bought a 6 and went for it - Lol

  13. [quote name='anaxcrosswords' timestamp='1424913281' post='2701974']
    Am I supposed to live in the past, or does the fact that I love today’s music make me some sort of freak?

    No and No.

    For me there's no golden era of music I like playing new original material and only really listen to stuff a that's a little off the beaten path; I accept that people on a night out want stuff that they know, but point to the last 50 years of electrified 'pop' music for inspiration to find stuff people will know without troubling the 'sacred cows' of the cover band scene.

    Looking at some of my band mates there is a gravitational pull towards older stuff, but this is due to it often requiring less work for them to play and fewer words to learn, but they're pretty good about it really..

  14. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1424897784' post='2701759']
    Just a bit! Superstition, as mentioned before... I've grown to hate that song because loads of bands have sucked all the groove out of it.

    I hate playing it myself.

    Amen brother. - Beware of imitations


  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1424835032' post='2701004']
    ..........most of the performances and versions of Stevie's work very weak. And they were all major stars.

    Much as I love SW's early work, to these ears every cover that I've heard sounds 'cruise ship' - unless its the RHCP version of Higher ground, which I consider to be toss.

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