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upside downer

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Posts posted by upside downer

  1. This month's offering. Seeing as I know zilch about Bromley and the picture looks about 30 years old I went down the route of Python, being silly and how that gets harder to do as we all get older. Well, it's not harder to do at all but youngsters don't like older people being silly cus it's SOOOOO embarrassing, grampa. Go to hell, young shaver m'laddo. Anyhow, Python. They did a cheese shop sketch. Had a bouzouki playing in the background. I've got one so there's my 'in', tried to make it sound 'background-y', too. More or less used the chords from the cheese sketch and that also influences the lead bass line played on my trusty old Starforce 7008 through a Roland Micro Cube. Percussive sounds are samples of me hitting various parts of a bookbinding machine (a Kolbus DA36 casemaker, thanks for asking) with a spanner. That's very silly. Organ sound from my Yamaha keyboard, minimal vox, an ocean wave sample and a metronomic ticking to indicate that there's...no time....to lose....Toulouse. All recorded using WavePad and Audacity. Stay safe, stay silly.


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  2. Finally finished it, all recorded with Wavepad and Audacity. Used a drum sample from Looperman which I treated and twisted into shape, violin bass, Epiphone Gibson Special through a Roland Micro Cube and a Zoom 504 effects pedal. Used DADGAD tuning and got a nice wonky sound in places. A bit of menace, a sliver of light then back to peril. Dedicated to Pauline from Birmingham.


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  3. 9 hours ago, bobbass4k said:

    I've had a eureka moment, I was trying to do lots of creepy intervals and dissonant chord shapes on guitar but found it difficult to get going - ended up in a frankenstein tuning that just sings foreboding evil (F# F# B F# G# E low to high)

    Was mucking about with DADGAD last night so I think I'm going with that. Your tuning sounds far more sinister!

  4. 3 hours ago, adamg67 said:

    I don't know why I do these things to myself. Last month it was using strings, this month I decided to do vocals. Why? I can't sing. So at the moment I have a tune I'm happy with, I have some words and an okay vocal melody, and after multiple attempts nothing I try for actually singing it sounds anything other than distinctly dodgy. It will be William Shatner style spoken word at this rate.

    I feel your pain, I've got no vocal quality so I'm always trying to disguise the lack of tone etc by using effects. I do much the same with the tune too because my playing's not up to much either 😄 

    • Haha 1
  5. Thought that Mick and Ronnie were doing all of the heavy lifting for the Stones. All the talk has been about Charlie's air drumming but sadly Keith's looking more and more like someone who has a very tenuous link with his instrument.

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