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Posts posted by donslow

  1. I cut my musician teeth so to speak as a guitarist so have a few, mostly tele’s & strats, Couple of acoustics (favourite being Godin 5th Avenue) but my go to six string weapon of choice is my late 80’s / early 90’s Epiphone SG! 

    A LOT of history between me and that guitar, all still completely original, more than it’s fair share of “battle scars” yet still wipes the floor with a lot of newer Gibson’s! THATS my beast!

  2. 1 hour ago, Baloney Balderdash said:

    Most strings will have a similar difference in tension when tuned down a similar amount.

    Take my advice :

    The String Tension Pro online app from D'Addario that I linked to in the first reply in this thread really ought to be able to answer your questions.

    Will have a good look through as soon as the rig rats are asleep! Thank you for the suggestion bud

  3. 44 minutes ago, thodrik said:

    With two basses I would have one bass set up for DADG and one bass set up for standard tuning/E flat. If something happens to your main DADG bass on a gig, the E flat bass could easily be tuned down to DADG in an emergency. 


    That’s my kind of thinking with the new project whereas with the existing one I tend to just alternate because...why the heck not?!

    I quite like high tension in standard tuning so really I’m looking for strings that’ll give me high tension in standard but medium/high (is that a thing?!) when tuned down also but a bit lost when it comes to different strings and tension really :-s

  4. So, new band incoming...

    playing mostly tuned either DADG or EbAbDbGb

    the bass(es) that I use for my existing project (which plays standard EADG) will be my go to bass(es) for the new one also as they’re the only ones I have, but when I de-tune either bass the strings are all a bit....flippy floppy

    looking at replacing the strings with something that would work well for both but can’t decide if I need to go up a gauge or find something high tension

    my current preferred gauge is 45 65 85 105

    what would you guys do?

    any experience/advice massively appreciated

  5. 1 hour ago, KingPrawn said:

    So many to choose from. One of my biggest challenges recently has been using a pick instead of fingers. I’ve struggled to get the same speed. The start of Town called malice was a right nightmare in the beginning. With fingers faultless with pick ridiculous.  I agree regarding leaving the line for a period always seems to help. 

    Definitely this too, have had to learn to use a pick recently for a cover of beastie boys sabotage, granted a majority of it is strumming but I struggled with the little run at first, makes me realise why I don’t like using a pick, because I can’t (and that’s coming from me as an ex-guitarist) ha ha

    1 hour ago, Woodinblack said:

    Hit me with your rythmn stick. For years it was just way too fast, then one day, it wasn't. Litterally one day, I couldn't play it the previous day, my hand worked it out while I was sleeping.

    Still can't play it well, but not really the point!

    seems to be the same with the bassline for ex-cowboy as mentioned in my first post except with me it was getting my fingers in the right positions to play it, it’s a simple line but trying to play it fluently in standard tuning is (Well, was) a bit of a challenge

    1 hour ago, geoham said:

    My keyboard player recently suggested doing it with the band, and suddenly things just clicked. I assume due to the pressure of playing it along with others.


    Funny how that happens isn’t it?!

    • Haha 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, uk_lefty said:

    Ah, well mine was the intro to Sweet Child O Mine. Not at all complicated, and I play far more complex things, but somehow this eluded me for years. I was blagging it on a dep gig just playing something that kinda fit... Then my boss had a week's holiday so I had some day time to noodle about on bass and using songsterr helped me nail it. I now play it almost every time I pick up my bass just to keep it front of mind. It's silly because it's not a complex line but I think I kept getting frustrated and quitting. 

    Nice dude! Nice!

  7. 3 hours ago, uk_lefty said:

    I've only recently discovered Songsterr where it plays a backing track and moves along the tab at the right tempo. It's really helped me learn some tricky parts that stumped me for ages. 

    I can see what you mean and you’re right, songster does help certainly but what I was really referring to was, basslines you have learnt/know the notes to but for some reason has taken an age to play right, if that makes sense?! 

  8. As a Musician I’m (like most of us I’m sure) always trying to learn new things whether it’s a new technique or mastering that elusive line

    what basslines have we all struggled to nail for longer than expected and then all of a sudden, one day you pick up your bass and BOOM! There it is...

    I’ll kick this off, I was, very on and off, always trying to learn the bass parts to Mogwai’s “ex-cowboy” but I was determined to be able to play it in standard tuning. Trying and trying for the longest time and then after about 2 months of not trying, I grabbed a bass one afternoon and played it  exactly as it should be played, just like that!

    what lines have you all struggled to get right and then, out of nowhere, there it is?!



    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, mybass said:

    One from my workshop that I ve put out for sale....33" scale fretless, small fast 3 piece neck. A tad under 38mm nut width. 

    I made it as a 'new' variation to try a small bodied bass and slim neck. Works a treat and sounds great, as heard at a bass bash.




    That’s nice!

  10. 1 hour ago, ahpook said:

    Do all the Ibanez basses with SR model numbers have the thin necks ? My interest is piqued now as I do like a bass with a skinny neck.

    I can confirm that the Geddy Lee Jazz basses do have deliciously thin necks.

    Might have to have a looky about for a try on a geddy lee although I have always wondered if they would be more jazz like than nearly not there at all...


    1 hour ago, Cuzzie said:

    Fender P bass lyte  Is also Pretty sleek

    have heard that also, same with the jaguar necks @Paul S mentioned never played either though


    1 hour ago, Cuzzie said:

    Also the Spector Doug Wimbish if it’s an accurate representation of his own bass will be very very slim - He had Stuart Spector shave it to within an inch of its life when doing it for him

    that could also be Worth looking for..

    • Like 1
  11. Soooooooo....to keep this brief......

    im a HUGE fan of Ibanez SR basses, more specifically their super slim, super thin necks, but am getting to a point where I’m looking for a change of aesthetics (and variation of sound) once in a while...

    I have a stock SR500 and a modified SR300 (with precision pickups in) I also have a bitsa ‘51 precision with a jazz neck but there’s something about it that just feels....big

    Are there any basses that are openly available, new or used, that have similar necks to the SR’s or is it that am I just so used to the SR necks that everything else feels like I’m trying to play a tree

    Ive heard some epiphone and Warwick (including rock bass range) are known to have thin, slim necks, any truth in this?!

    anyone have experience with basses that have really thin, slim necks?!

  12. Unusued 400ml can Olympic White Nitrocellulose Lacquer, will throw in a used can (about a third left) of clear gloss lacquer if any interest


    Bought with the intention of colour matching a headstock but decided against it at the last minute




    Postage possible but not cheap due to restrictions on posting aerosols


    any questions, fire away



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