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Posts posted by donslow

  1. Still unsure as to whether to shift this or not so putting the feelers out there to gauge interest...

    First lockdown project/build with my limited skill set, pictures of build progress available on request

    ’51 Slab body precision bass

    Body from guitarbuild.com

    Neck from eBay (headstock reshaped by myself) 38mm nut

    Unknown brand but solid machine heads

    Seymour Duncan SCPB-3 pickup

    Rosewood thumb rest

    solid bass built up and painted (not a perfect finish, bit patchy on the back, but perfectly acceptable) by myself, couple of dings here and there but nothing you’d notice from more than 4 feet away

    there are a couple of extra holes that happened when I was installing the thumb rest (experimenting with positioning) one that I had to fill with a dowel and some wood glue (snapped screw head and not the greatest execution of getting it out) the other is just where a screw has been in and out, both are covered by the pick guard, 

    pick guard isn’t perfect around the control plate but I have ordered some new material in the hope I’ll make a better job of it next time, not really noticeable unless your really looking

    Will need ferrules if you want to string through body, I haven’t done this so didn’t get any at the time of the build

    Had to make and install a shim for under the bridge in order to get it setup to a decent standard, have since installed brass saddles but happy to discuss putting the ones in the pictures back on with any potential buyers

    there are a couple of dead spots (3 or 4 in fact) on the frets so a little bit of a level is required, I don’t have the skills to do it myself and haven’t gotten round to getting it done by someone else due to the situation

    All sounds terrible doesn’t it?! Essentially all it really needs is a little fret level on a few spots and it’s good to go! 

    It is a solid bass that does sound just grand


    not really sure what this is worth to be honest so willing to listen to offers if the interest is there, price listed is what it cost me to put together, nothing more...

    happy to consider trades for something a bit Warwick-y, Spector-y, Ibanez-y or musicman-y with cash either way if it calls for it, may also consider CAR jazz neck profile precisions or something acoustic-y

    MAY consider parting out if there’s enough interest in all the bits and bobs

    any further pictures required, throw me a PM and I’ll get some sorted








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  2. 10 hours ago, PaulThePlug said:

    Q. Why do you want to know? Replacing with the same?

    Not so Much no, I quite like the feel and the tension on them so was considering getting the same for my other basses as I’m not very educated in string tensions and which brand provides what, I like high tension as I like to feel a solid string (for want of a better term) under my (especially right hand) fingers

  3. 1 hour ago, Andyjr1515 said:

    With a few provisos, my personal opinion is:

     - for a fretboard that you know is basically OK but has a few high spots from place to place then yes.  Go for the longer blocks though if they do two lengths


    Pretty much this, literally three or four frets up and down the neck are, I assume, higher, choking notes, horrendous buzz, same note over two frets

    thankyou for the advice, still have a bit of research into the “how’s” before I do tackle it as I want to be certain I know what to do before I start a “help! I need a refret” kind of thread ha ha

  4. Need some help ID-ing some strings if possible?!

    currently sitting on an SR500 I bought earlier in the year, the have gold ball ends and no silk at all, 45, 65, 85, 105 roundwounds

    cant find much in the way of what they may be




  5. So, I can carry out MOST basic maintenance tasks on a bass to keep them playing nicely...

    I have never attempted fret levelling before because, quite honestly, touching frets, well, that’s a bit scary...

    In an attempt to master more maintenance tasks I’ve decided to give fret levelling a go.

    ive been reading up, looking at videos and still have a bit of learning to do before attempting such a thing which leads me to my question...

    Can a successful fret levelling job be done using just a radius block and a fret crowning file? (pictures for reference) in my minds theory, yes, level the frets to the right radius with the block, crown using the file

    im left thinking it can’t be that easy can it? What am I missing or am I missing everything?

    any advice from the BC fountain(s) of knowledge greatly appreciated 




  6. 1 hour ago, BigRedX said:

    IMO even 42mm is too narrow to comfortably accommodate the thicker strings of a Bass VI. Have a read of my thread about Bass VIs: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/325732-alternatives-to-the-squier-bass-vi/?tab=comments#comment-3534563 which gives plenty of alternatives along with their pros and cons.


    Will have a darn good read of that once the rugrats are back in their cupboard, sorry, I mean beds, for the evening

  7. I’ve a bee in my bonnet, I’m after a project.

    for a while now I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a bass vi. Diminishing bass fund pot has so far refused to let me spend out on one.

    got me thinking, could you convert a bronco bass to a bass vi?

    On paper, it would seem that, new headstock holes, new bridge, new nut and you’d be set?! Surely not THAT easy?

    Welcome any thoughts/criticisms/concerns/technical advice?!

  8. 1 hour ago, stewblack said:

    The only way I can think is to connect the USB and record it in real time onto Audacity (or software of your choice). 

    The B3 is its own audio interface so just locate it in the record source and BOOM! 

    I suspected this’d be the case, time to update the PC methinks

  9. Apologies if this has already been done but following from the very popular word association thread I thought it’d be fun to start something similar but with song titles

    the idea

    Post a song title that relates / makes sense from the immediately previous one. Artists name in brackets.

    I'll start the ball rolling.

    if it kills me (therapy?)

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  10. Nope, sorry, this has nothing to do with Hendrix...

    First chance to tinker with my newly acquired Zoom B3, amp models, all good, effects, all good, let’s try the looper...

    all good...5 guitars and three bass parts all in the same jam later...this sounds most excellent...might save that for later...ah...

    my question...

    how do you save any loops/creations/jams on a Zoom B3? Can they be saved/exported? If so, how? 

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