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Posts posted by faceman

  1. That's the one. My friend bought it and decided it didn't offer much more than his other StingRay. It was a close call between this and a newer 2000 2EQ StingRay, also with some battle damage, that was of a similar price. However, I just loved the feel of the neck, tone and road worn look of this baby and considering most StingRays are now going for £700 minimum, £750 didn't seem too bad at all. They may not all be the original parts but it is definatly a pre-EB bass together :) It feels a world away from the old standard EBMM I've played in the past and old my SUB bass.

    He bought it for that price from that thread and probably could have sold it for more privately. We came to an agreement because we are mates so I got it for this price, which we were both happy with. Yes it's a bit of a frankenbass but I'm not bothered too much...would like the bridge sorted at some point, as it's oversized, missing mutes but does hold tuning and intonation very well. And here's a nice photo with the black pickguard...

  2. Sorry guys, I'm desperately revising for a big exam tomorrow so no time for photos but I will do some. Some notes on it through

    * '83 StingRay body in white, with the usual road worn damage for a 25+ year old bass
    * 2EQ original electronics, original input jack replace but still have original
    * Neck from an *84 Sabre, excellent feel and much quicker than any other MM bass I have played
    * Bridge is not original, appears to be a Schallar through-bridge. I'm convinced it's bigger than usual a standard bridge (see below). However it does keep in tune very nicely!
    * Original tuners with Hipshot D-Tuner on E string
    * Had an awful mirrored pick guard that I replaced for a standard MM Black one. However, it sits on the top part of the bridge and it appears the bridge covers up the hole. I'll show some photos to get some advice on how to solve this one. The screw holes also didn't exactly match some screws are at an angle.

    However, it feels and sounds bloody excellent! It has a very strong G string and the whole thing is just the best StingRay I've ever played. It's not too bright like my old SUB but it's got a lot of bite. And all for only £750! It may be a Frankenbass but it's a pre-EB StingRay for a very small amount.

    I would possibly be on the lookout for a bridge from one of the new classic series ones as finding an '83 bridge will be hard!

  3. In just a few months time, it's going to be my twenty first birthday (shock, growing old!) and my family is putting together a party up home and there should hopefully be a fair number of people turning up. Therefore, the main thing I wanted to do was to put a band together. I've got my usual keyboardist, an awesome mate on sax and singing (not the same person!) as well as a guitartist and drummer friend.

    I was planning on doing two sets, the first of background instrumental music when people arrive, and the second of the main set. i've tried get a balance between things I like and things others will like. It's my party but what I like won't please everyone in the second set, so thoughts? The instrumental set we will probably blag with charts or something. Probably won't play them all either, it's all just considerations :)

    [b]Set One - Instrumentals[/b]
    'Round Midnight - Monk
    Blue Rondo a la Turk - Brubeck
    Chameleon - Herbie Hancock
    Get Carter Theme - Roy Budd
    Green Onions - Booker T
    How High The Moon - Oscar Peterson
    I Can't Turn You Loose/Time is Tight - Otis Redding
    Jean Pierre - Miles Davis
    So What - Miles Davis
    Take Five - Brubeck
    Take The A Team
    Tequila - The Champs
    Unsquare Dance - Brubeck
    Watermelon Man - Hancock

    [b]Set Two - Main Set[/b]
    As The Days Go By - Daryl Braithwaite
    Money - Pink Floyd
    Do It Again - Steely Dan
    Like A Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan
    Ulysses - Franz Ferdinand
    Take Me To The River - Talking Heads
    The Wanderer - Dion
    The Logical Song - Supertramp
    Viva La Vida - Coldplay
    Enola Gay - OMD
    Smooth Operator - Sade
    Who Are You - The Who

  4. [quote name='Gareth Hughes' post='839905' date='May 17 2010, 04:59 PM']Have fun - and if I can be of any help with anything, ask away. I have the book here too if that helps.[/quote]

    Thanks very much, I'll let you know how I get on. Apart from Santa Fe, the only other ones that need watching out for are La Vie Boheme seems to have some interesting scales and Finale, which has Santa Fe again! Anything else to look for particularly?

    This is an amateur production but the pianist was telling me how many harmonies and singers there are!

  5. Update - my score arrived today and it all doesn't look too bad! Lots of steady patterns and whole notes, just 43 songs is all! I'm really looking forward to the first rehearsal on Friday. I've made flash cards with the notes on the staves and ask my friends to quiz me on which note it is and where it can be found on the fretboard. Once I've got this sussed, just need to jog my memory of which notes are white.

    Apart from a few songs which have specific lines (Santa Fe particularly), the rest one could in theory get away with chords. The pianist from the band suggested that I just wing it like this but since this is my first pit band, I'll do it properly.

    I'll happily keep on reporting back if people are interested in a little diary of this :)

  6. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='839826' date='May 17 2010, 03:40 PM']I does sound a little like you have a short to earth somewhere which is causing the circuit to momentarily blink out. Don't play it anymore until you have checked it over thoroughly as you may be doing irreparable damage.[/quote]

    Solved the problem! I was using a stereo jack into my computer and it is indeed wired incorrectly. To quote my friend "on a mono jack, the sleeve and ring are connected, so the weird wiring makes no difference. With the stereo lead only partly in, not all the connections are made. Those that are are not connected to the right places"

    Therefore, it's fine! We will rewire the input jack when time allows so it copes with a stereo lead :)

  7. I received my pre-EB StingRay today and besides being a workhouse and feeling fantastic, the electronics appear to be dead. I've bought a new battery but it has made no difference. My friend suggested briefly that there could be a loose conncetion or incorrect wiring. Following this [url="http://www.musicmanbass.org/mycustompage0019.htm"]http://www.musicmanbass.org/mycustompage0019.htm[/url] for the late-MM period (1983, when the bass was made), it appears to be wired correctly. However, the original input jack has been changed (I still have it) and am thinking this may be the cause of the problems.

    I made a little sound file of the recording here - [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1480908/StingRayProblem.mp3"]http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1480908/StingRayProblem.mp3[/url] to demonstrate the problem. The most interesting part is at 0:13, when I push the cable all the way in and it starts loud and seems to die. The first half is with the jack half way in and the second is all the way. It's the same wire I've used countless times with other basses without a problem.

    Any thoughts? I want to play my new StingRay :)

  8. Despite starting to feel some SUB love, I've put for sale. I've decided to make the jump to a Musicman Stingray and have a potential deal on the go. If you are interested, PM me!

  9. The second bass that needs to be sold for my StingRay purchase. This has been in and out of my possession for the past few weeks but it is really a great bass. I love the neck and playability but I've had an offer that is too tempting to pass on.

    It's as you would expect, a SUB4 active bass. Has fresh set of roundwounds on them. Been setup professional at The Gallery and plays fantastically. If you don't know these, they are cheaper versions of Musicman Stingrays but still made in America to very high standard.

    Has two minor cosmetic points - a small chip beside the twelfth fret on the E string side and the top strap lock is loose. It needs remove and replacing with something better but its very strong and secure in place. It's lasted throughout several gigs, transportations without problem so nothing urgent to worry about.

    I'm looking for around £[b]350[/b] for this baby. As with the Jazz, looking for a quick sale so a competitive price. Am willing to ship around the UK for £15-20 or pickup from the North East area. Please feel free to email any questions. Since Dave has these exquisite photos, I will use them, hope he doesn't mind :)

  10. Bought Mark's CIJ '75 Jazz bass, which I'm unfortunately having to sell on because of an excellent offer I have had.

    Mark and I did a very quick and prompt sale and he did everything humanly possible to get the bass for me in time for a gig and he succeeded, despite the crapness of DHL and Interparcel. Mark was great in communicating and was a great chap to do business with.

    An excellent top notch seller that shows what our little community is about here. Fully recommended from me :)

  11. Sold my lovely Squier Precision CV to mort after it had been hanging around on the for sale pages for a while. He messaged me and I had the payment within a hour and the package shipped that day. He also seems to be very helpful too!

    Fantastic guy, although I have yet to speak to the fellow! Quick fast payment and very easy sale. Would do business again and thanks a lot for the purchase mate!

  12. It's only been a week but an amazing offer has come my way I can't refuse. A mate of mine has offered me a pre-EB StingRay at a price I can afford, plus I've fallen for the StingRay tone. Therefore, it is with regret I'm putting this fantastic bass for sale.

    This is a Crafted in Japan reissue, comes with DR Marcus Miller strings. It's a 70s Jazz Bass with beautiful blocks and bindings on the neck with a plain black pick guard that complements the body very well. This has to be the nicest Jazz I have ever played with an excellent neck, solid body and great pickups. Played it at a few gigs and it's just fantastic. It has that burp from the back and the overall full tone with both pickups. I believe they have been upgraded to the American ones and with extra shielding. As Mark said on his original listing, these go for around £700 from Far East Guitars so this a bargain!

    I'm looking for the same I paid for it last week. [b]£550[/b] is what I want for this baby, shipping to the UK will be around £15-20 on top of that, or pickup from the North East area. I'm happy to drive to meet somewhere. Not open to trades, for the reasons explained above. Attached are some pictures from Mr Tredders. It looks exactly the same now as it did then!

    Any questions, let me know. I'm looking for a nice quick sale if possible, so I can get my new baby soon.

  13. I played my Little Mark II and Ampeg B115E cabinet at my gig last Saturday and it was bloody fantastic. Got some complements from some mates in the audience on my tone and from the recordings it sounded great. It wasn't too expensive either with the LMII second hand for £300-ish and the Ampeg was a swap for my old Ashdown 4x10.

    Example of deep, thick, modern and old. Not too expensive either and it's on wheels too. However, my keyboardist decided to buy himself a new 35kg Roland Phantom thingy that requires too people to lift. Or a cabinet on wheels...

  14. The pup change would just be to give it some extra beef. My mate in college has just bagged the £550 pre-EB StingRay that was on sale here and in comparison, the SUB just sounded like water. The Pre-EB have balls and guts, although not as much as his 5-string 3EQ StingRay.

    However, I have just done a quick recording (as it seems to express a better sentiment than I can say in words) about the G string on the SUB. Dave, how did you change the poll pieces as they are on springs and can't work out how to lower them? What are the general thoughts on this one?


    This is with the bass knob around half way, and the treble dialled a little back from this. Can someone explain, are they both boost or boost and cut?! Trebble past half way is too much me thinks. I'm looking for a tighter growl sound with a deep low end.

  15. Sure, I will see! I was referring to a StingRay bass as a whole, not the pickup :) Im trying to work out whether it's worth trading the SUB for a proper MusicMan or not...thoughts gang?

  16. I've got my SUB back today :)

    I'm debating getting my electronics wizard friend to rewire the pickup. Does anyone know if it is do-able or how easy it is? I'm debating getting a Nordstrand pickup but if I'm going to spend £100+ on it, I'm wondering on whether trying to bag a second hand EBMM StingRay instead...thoughts on the difference between a SUB and a EBMM?

    Either way, going to get a black pickguard, the gunshell metal is awful. Any suggestions on where to look?

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