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Everything posted by glassmoon

  1. NOW £20 incl. P&P to mainland UK Great strap - just superfluous to requirements. Obvious wear because it's been used, but in perfectly acceptable condition for the next umpteen years. The tag (which would otherwise identify the "model") has been torn off (no idea how) but it's the one in the link. (2" or 51mm wide by 52" or 1,321mm long) Levys Leather Brown Suede 2" Strap
  2. Y'know, I always thought EMGs were the sole domain of "metal" bass players - hence me staying away (only cos I am not a metal bass player, not cos I don't enjoy metal)... but after discovering that one Victor Wooten and one Henrik Linder play EMGs, I have looked a little more closely... that is a great reminder to check them out! Now... in the UK (I have only been 'here' for a year), where is the best place to get EMGs? Thanks @gary mac
  3. Hello all here in BC Land... A question, if I may... so I have a 90s BBG5 which I got for gigs where my '96 TRB6 may be a tad overkill, and while I love how it feels, plays and looks... I can't help feel that the pickups are somewhat lacking - ok, a lot lacking. While I am a massive fan of Bartolini gear (I replaced the stock pups in the TRB), I wouldn't mind checking out some other, perhaps less expensive options... really, just something I can solder in and not have to worry too much about... Any suggestions as to what I might consider would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks in advance...
  4. Wow - that will blow the back wall out of the building - damn if that's not a terrific deal
  5. ".. can you tell us about this? > TC Electronic Flashback Delay (always on).. and we can also see you have TonePrint © selected:- 😎" Easy as pie... I use the delay as a means to "fatten" my sound, almost like a reverb... very slight delay and very subtle, but it's definitely there. I started years ago with a chorus, then later a reverb, then after discovering Janek Gwizdala, I switched to delay - and I use his TonePrint, the Sausage & Beer print . I found that the bass was a little "dead" to my ears, hence starting to play with alternate ways to beef it up - I guess that came from listening to a ton of fusion and hearing what I believed was a chorusy sound and loving it BTW - I use the Nathan East print for my chorus 😎
  6. Just bought a KIT BB Preamp Clone from Sean and couldn't be happier. Sean was a gent in taking it off the market while waiting for my payday. What a guy!!! Huge props mate
  7. Not the neatest, not the flashiest, but I think I'm about done for now... I've gone from a huge board, through dozens of iterations, and this is where I am, for what I need... Well... for now 🤣 Path: Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter > Boss TU-2 Tuner > TC Electronic Nether Octaver > K.I.T. BB Clone Drive > TC Electronic Corona Chorus > TC Electronic Flashback Delay (always on) > MXR M81 Preamp 9always on)
  8. Sheesh - I have this same combo - wish I had the flight case option! This is a WIN folks!!!!
  9. @WarPig: Question... the BB clone... does it perform like the original? YouTube Clip if it does and is available come payday... this is my pedal!!!
  10. Amazing pedal - quite possibly the best chorus I have ever owned... Just wish I had spare cash... good luck in selling this
  11. BOSS DR-550mkII Dr. Rhythm in perfect working order. I am not using it like I would like, so it goes sadly ... really cool unit this one! Price includes P&P to the UK
  12. PRICE DROP: £13.75 incl P&P to the UK Line 6 bag for the Kidney POD - also terrific for a gig bag for cables and pedals and such. It's old - but in very good shape still (pictures don't lie I hope 😂)
  13. Hi all, Great bag for the POD, or as a gig bag (super for cables, pedals, hip flasks), It is just surplus to requirements. Good nick, it's not brand new of course, but not ever had beer or worse on it. Price includes P&P to the UK
  14. I have always been keen on one of these - just never had the £s to pull the trigger - now my interest is peeked again. If the effects are as good (or hopefully better) than the old Kidney PODs, then it's a win. Now, I've read the linked posts on the grounding issue being a relatively simple solve. I take it you haven't done any of them, or have you? Sorry for the questions... I am keen
  15. Sheesh - don't I feel like a twit now LOL
  16. Do they accept legs as payment, or excess body fat perhaps? Damn, that is waaaaaaaaaaaay lots of money right there
  17. @sifi2112: just waiting on something to be sold and then I will be in touch - if it's still available that Spark is MINE
  18. Never mind - a google images search cleared that up! Yay - jack!!!!
  19. Out of interest - I know the Stomp uses MIDI, but are the aforementioned foot switches MIDI or 1/4" jack boxes?
  20. Sheesh - I need that paying gigs!!!!!!! new to the country doesn't make for lots of those hahahaha Thanks for the advise @Wiseblood
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