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Posts posted by pslh

  1. 6 hours ago, MrDinsdale said:

    Also a simplified board that could be edited on-device would help too!


    4 hours ago, SamIAm said:

    For me the biggest missings are

    No support for any form of pedalboard editing on the device, as you say even a simplified capability would be a huge win


    My only experience with on-board editing is with the Zoom MS-60B which has a roughly similar number of physical rotary controls and buttons to the Dwarf but has a far, far simpler approach to "pedalboards" and "plugins", and in particular with a single, linear signal path.  I struggle to imagine how the small mono chrome screen and limited controls could allow a user to navigate the arbitrary signal path and enormous number of plugins and parameters.  I would see value in a simplified UI which works effectively via a Bluetooth connected smartphone, it is already possible to connect and edit this way, but only if you are patient/desperate.  An optimized UI for mobile phones connected via BT, without the very high-definition graphics might be a better solution for those situations where you don't have a PC but want to be able to edit a pedalboard.


    4 hours ago, SamIAm said:

    WiFi hotspot support

    This would also be cool, and might be enough for some users to solve the moblie-UI issue. 


    4 hours ago, SamIAm said:

    Audio interface support

    I have also been thinking about this, there are some pretty good audio interfaces out there for not a lot of money, I think I would probably buy a separate device and leave the Dwarf CPU cycles free for effects/sims. The posts/wiki page I saw describing the current experimental status suggests that the latency is pretty high compared to a budget USB audio interface.


    4 hours ago, SamIAm said:

    Dox on plugins could do with much improvement

    This is an important one, some of the plugins are quite well documented, the Looperlative plugins for example; others have basically no documentation at all.  The Dwarf has quite a steep learning curve, in part due to its power and sophistication but at least in part due to poor or missing documentation.


    7 hours ago, MrDinsdale said:

    effects are really missing ratings and categorisation so it’s so hard to find what you want


    I agree with this too, the existing single category (Reverb/Spatial/Distortion...) system is better than nothing but insufficient and user-supplied reviews/ratings could be quite useful.  Similarly for pedalboards, I found it quite interesting and instructive to see how other users have constructed their boards but it is not always easy to find relevant boards.  




    • Like 2
  2. I thought it was about time I posted here to say that I bought a Dwarf a few months ago, have used it on three jazz gigs and numerous practice sessions: generally speaking I am very happy with it.


    I am using the Dwarf for multiple bass effects but have not used any amp/cab simulations, or AIDA/NAM as yet.  I am happy with my amp and cab (Euphonic Audio iAmp micro 550 and Barefaced gen 3 Super Midget) and given that the Dwarf has so many plugins and parameters to play with, I have found it more productive to limit scope to effects for now.


    I uploaded the latest iteration of my Dwarf gig pedalboard earlier on today: https://pedalboards.moddevices.com/pedalboards/658c71761c4c6382b758d8db in case anyone is interested.  I had problems getting the autowah/q-tron plugins working the way I wanted so I experimented with some CV modules driving a normal wah pedal, I dare say there are other ways of approaching this problem, but this seems to work quite well for me.


    On 10/12/2023 at 21:27, MrDinsdale said:

    Previously I’d have said drives were a weak point for me on the Dwarf but the new Rude drive is incredible.


    I tried the Rude and quite like it but right now I am using the Giutarix Tim Ray which I find works well for me in both low-gain settings and full-on fuzz silliness.


    On 16/09/2023 at 11:24, MrDinsdale said:

    I’ve found the GxOC-2 on the Dwarf a little bit underwhelming tbf.


    The MDA SubSynth with type==Invert works well for me as an octave-synth style pedal.  I normally use a crossover configured so that only frequencies above 200Hz are sent to the SubSynth while the lower frequencies are mixed back in afterwards; this way I still get the "weight" of the octaver even on low notes with a six-string but without things getting muddy or having to worry about potentially damaging equipment when playing at volume.


    On 10/12/2023 at 21:27, MrDinsdale said:

    I think just for the reverbs and delays though it’s worth keeping


    I agree with this; I have sort of played with reverbs and delays before, but I have never had so many great-sounding options so readily available to me before.


    I also want to mention the MOD forum https://forum.mod.audio/ and the community there.  I posted there asking how to switch between different signal paths, in particular to be able to switch between No Reverb/Normal Reverb/Shimmer Reverb by repeatedly pressing a MIDI foot-switch.  A few days later, one of the community members, Zwabo, built a plugin (Ztoggle4) that does exactly what I needed and shared it with everyone; I think this is a fantastic example of how having an open platform and an active community can really make a difference.


    So, I am a very happy customer, I have only used a small fraction of the capabilities of the Dwarf so far, but already I think it is fantastic value for money and I am glad I did not opt for one of the more "conventional" products. 

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Smanth said:

    I wonder if perhaps those of us tech types here on BC working on the whole Dwarf LV2 … challenges, might combine efforts? I’m happy to create a GitHub repo and add you chaps @rwillett, @Woodinblack (any others?) Many hands and all that.

    Once we’ve got something less obtuse working we could share it more widely to the MOD community.


    S’manth x

    I am still new to all of this, but have done quite a lot of C++ in the distant past and a little docker stuff more recently and would be up for giving it a try.  I'm pslh on github too

    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Woodinblack said:


    Did you click the 'enable streaming' button on the top?

    Yes, I should have said in my previous post.


    Using the Firefox (Windows 10) "Inspect" function I can see that the JavaScript log contains the following error when the page loads:

    WebRTC: ICE failed, add a TURN server and see about:webrtc for more details


    When I click "Enable Streaming" I see "Audio playback start" in the log, but can hear no sound.


    Using Chrome (Windows 10) I do not see the WebRTC error, and the log complains only about a favicon manifest.


    I note that I use Google Meet every workday and know that this also uses WebRTC, so I don't think I have a specific block on the protocol but I also am not aware of my having a TURN or STUN server or having done any other "magic" to make Meet work.

  5. 22 hours ago, Woodinblack said:


    Well, you can see them all on the demo:




    I have been trying to use try.mod.audio for a while but I cannot make it make any noise at all - tried with Firefox, Chrome and even Edge on Windows 10, and also Firefox and Chromium on Linux.  I also tried using my phone 5G data connection just in case the problem was related to my land-line/router/provider.  Have I missed something macroscopic?


    Notwithstanding this issue, I have just ordered a Dwarf from Thomann, and would like to say thanks in particular to @Smanth and the other contributors to this and related topics; your posts have been very helpful. 



    • Like 2
  6. Another Zoom MS60B here; it's limited and imperfect but I don't see anything remotely close to being as useful in such a small and convenient package.  I also have an older Zoom B2.1u which is still the best headphone amplifier in the house.

    I used to have a Korg Pandora mini which was very handy for practice away from home until it died from the dreaded MEMORY ERR.

  7. I have been using Status HotWire half-wounds on my Manne Acustibass for many years and am happy with the result.  The bass is fretless with a "tone chamber" and has both magnetic and a piezo pickup.  With roundwounds the magnetic pickup works well but the piezo less so.  With flatwounds the reverse was true.  With halfwounds I am able to use both pickups individually or blended and have usable tones across the full range. 

    I also tried them on a Fender Jazz fretless and found them to work well there too.

  8. On 25/09/2018 at 12:48, bagsieblue said:

    Yep - sort of.......Takes 1 x 9V Battery, the link above to the advert say 27v so I assume there is some voltage tripling magic in the electrics.

    The Barracuda Custom came in a glossy black finish with LEDs and used 3x9v batteries; I assume 9v for the active circuit, 18v for the LEDs.   

    This is a (lovely) natural finish Barracuda with a 9v active EQ, no LEDs.


  9. Sorry Kees_SoS, but I had a pretty serious problem with your photobucket link: earlier on today I clicked on the photobucket link to view these photos on my mobile phone. Less than one second after clicking this link I received an SMS telling me my subscription to "TIME TO GAME" was activated and giving me links and a number to call. I called my mobile provider and deactivated the subscription, blocked all future subscriptions, and reimbursed the EUR 5 that TIME TO GAME had already taken. Not how I wanted to start my day, but no harm done.

    Looking at the browser history, I see that a fairly elaborate chain of requests follows my click: the following sites/domains are involved: photobucket, trackmyad.biz, timetogame.mobi, simpotica.com, smartoffer.site, trackmedia101.com. I suspect that the trigger was one of the adverts on photobucket.

    @Kees_SoS, please could you upload the images directly or use a different hosting service?


  10. I bought a Status Series II fretless bass (#83) from Graham a few days ago without the slightest hint of a problem. It was a pleasure doing business with Graham, he is friendly, honest and super helpful. It took us a little while to sort out the details of shipping from the UK to Italy, but Graham was very patient and helpful throughout the process. The bass was very well packed with a great deal of care and attention and arrived in the exact same condition as advertised.

    Thanks Graham.


  11. I have a Gen 3 Super Midget with silver cloth grill (<10kg) and a Roqsolid bag to keep it in. Recently I walked to the railway station with the cab in its bag on one shoulder and a bass in a gigbag in the other hand - ten minutes there, another ten-fifteeen minutes walk in Milan to the shop and the return journey with a new EA iAmp Micro in the bag pocket. I would not necessarily want to make a habit of it, but it is certainly doable. It would have been unthinkable to do even part of that journey with my old (pre-Fender, > 21kg) SWR workingman's 12.

    The construction quality seems first-class, I really can't fault it.

    Sound-wise the cab is clear and transparent without being harsh, reproduces the low-B with confidence and without losing definition. I play a six-string fretless Manne Acustibass which can make traditional electric fretless noises as well as some more acoustic double-bass-esque tones: the cab is quite happy reproducing all these sounds (and my errors) without any sign of colouring.

    I tried a number of other amps in the shop, including an impressively loud Aguilar Tone Hammer 500 and a Taurus BL 450 with very pronounced lows and highs. While these sounds were not what I was looking for, the cab was quite capable of dealing with whatever was thrown at it and I am sure would suit many different playing styles.

    I have only used it at one gig and one rehearsal so far but combined with the EA micro it certainly seems to be more than loud enough for my current needs. If I do ever need more volume, I will consider adding a Super Compact.

  12. I recently tried a few amp heads with my Barefaced Super Midget and ended up buying an Euphonic Audio iAmp Micro. I should say however that I was looking for a very 'transparent' amp that would faithfully reproduce the sound of my fretless six-string Manne Acustibass for jazz gigs.
    I think you'll be hard pushed to beat this combination for size and weight: together amp and cab weigh less than 11kg, and I am very happy with the tone but it may or may not meet your needs.

    I was really very, very impressed by the Aguilar Tone Hammer 500; very usable tone (although not exactly transparent) and ground-shakingly loud. I highly recommend trying one of these.

    I also tried a Taurus BL 450 which had a rather pronounced voice of its own; not at all what I was looking for but I can imagine this going down rather well in a rock-oriented context. I would also mention Carvin; I did not get on with tone of the B1000 I tried but it is obviously a very well made piece of kit. The Carvin BX700 might also be worth a try.

    Regarding cabs, I am very happy with my Barefaced Super Midget and would suggest you look at the rest of their product range but if (as JTUK suggests) you need a 2x12 or two 1x12s then this would stretch your budget considerably. I quite liked the sound of the Aguilar GS 112 I tried (a while ago) but they are not what I call light. The other "name brand" lightweight 1x12 cabs I was able to try all left me really rather disappointed.

  13. I would be very interested to hear how you get on with the bx700.


    [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1404046592' post='2488727']
    Ended up getting a bx700. Haven't used it in practice yet, but sounds great
    great coming through my big twin T. Can't wait to gig it now

  14. If you'd be willing to share, I would be really interested to hear how those amps compare, and which you use for different situations.


    [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1403374913' post='2482247']

    Yeah thats what I do, only I'm a not so good at the selling part :unsure:

    I currently own:
    Shuttle 6
    Puma 900

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