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  1. Possibly stupid question. Does arrange own courier mean that the seller is always willing to pack the instrument. I'm not missing or assuming something am I? Theres no packing courier service I've been unaware off. 

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    2. LukeFRC


      I always think it's a strange thing - go to the effort of wanting to sell something then not having the balls to work out how to get the thing to someone. It's lazy. 

      Plus if something does go wrong as the sender it's easier to deal with the courier and insurance claim. 

    3. GisserD


      Clearly you chaps haven't given this much thaught. As a seller, I generally only sell face to face for large heavy items. If a buyer wants the item but can't meet in person, then they can arrange their own courier. Its pretty simple. And it works. 

      Obviously it relays on a bit of trust on the buyers part. But it's their perogative. 

    4. Bigwan


      Arrange your own courier shouldn't be allowed on here at all, IMO. It' gives sellers the chance of an out if something goes wrong in the process. If packing isn't up to scratch, is that the buyer's fault? There's trust and there's giving up all rights to complain about something arriving mashed to bits. If a seller is willing to pack something up for the courier then responsibility of it arriving safe and sound should be with them. It takes 5 minutes to arrange a courier that you'd be waiting in for anyway if the buyer arranges it.

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