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Posts posted by martthebass

  1. [quote name='witterth' post='838711' date='May 16 2010, 11:09 AM']Another bump
    thats a REALLY GOOD PRICE!!
    Mrs W paid £850 for my one (birthday present)
    so someones getting a real bargin I'd say at £650!
    and its a 1990/91 model[/quote]

    Cheers W.

    If it's a 1990/91 then it sat in it's case for 20 years and the price goes up as it's nearly vintage LOL.

    According to the EBBM site the serial places it as most likely mid 2008 or less likely 2007 tho I could be wrong.
    I had a 1990 Ray and it was very different - satin lacquer neck, bridge with mutes, serial on bridge and no quick battery change cover.

    I waited for a while for one as nice as this to come along.....I'm gutted it hasn't worked out (sniff)

  2. [quote name='Sean' post='836091' date='May 13 2010, 12:49 PM']I've done this and A/B recordings on a Lakland DJ4 (lost the recs now) and the difference is negligible and as far as any difference to the sound once you are in the mix, forget it. Spend your energies on other stuff like EQ tweaks instead.[/quote]

    I'd tend to agree with this.

    If I've got a bass with a String-thru option I tend to string it that way but I can't say I miss it when it isn't there. For example I string my 30th Ray thru but don't miss the string thru on my Fretless Ray (where arguably it would be more beneficial).

    I certainly wouldn't spend money on a conversion.

  3. Status owner and 47 years old...

    I've played in a functions trio for over 10 years. I've found the best alrounder to be, well a Status.
    The Streamline is nice and light for long gigs, balances well, never goes out of tune and can cover all the sounds my previous Fenders and current MM. The looks aren't to everyones taste but hey...

  4. TBH I've never had much success other than with light 'swirlies'. I've tried T-Cut, Planet Waves Restore (followed by Shine) and Meguiars. If I feel a bass needs a freshen up I take it to a decent tech and ask for a 'buff up', normally only around £20.

  5. €500 seems a lot for a new neck - even Status are cheaper than this lol!

    Have you thought about having a word with Mr Shuker to see what he would quote - fretted or fretless?

    Alternatively if you really don't need this bass when your new JS arrives, why not look at the prices 'good' condition Sandy 5's have been posted on the forum for sale recently and subtract 10% for the cosmetic/hassle factor a potential buyer might perceive. I would assume this 10% would be a helluva lot less than €500!

  6. I don't believe any bass is too nice to gig, but it's best to select sensibly. If I'm playing a fairly big venue where I can easily swing a cat then I'm happy to use my pristine MM - not much chance of damage or a punter knocking it flying. For small venues then a nice compact bass. The only time I get cautious is for Jamnights, I've seen too many accidents with drunks and expensive basses - a nice Epi EB0 is fine there!

  7. [quote name='BigBeatNut' post='818770' date='Apr 26 2010, 01:24 AM']Funnily enough, I was in Electromusic on Saturday and was very impressed with the PM4 they had ... guess it was the Supreme you're talking about.


    I had a go on this very same bass yesterday....must be one of the most played shop bound Sandbergs in the uk!

    Have to say I'm a bit disappointed with the new shop layout (i.e. moving the basses downstairs) in Electro - there isn't room to swing a cat now and it's near impossible to have a quick noodle thru an amp with everyone trying to squeeze past you.

  8. I had one of these back in the day. Bought new (from a small shop in Brum) for £270 IIRC. Build quality was exquisite - just as good as a Aria SB1000 that I would have really liked to have.

    I also bought it on the basis of Henry and Rockschool....sad but true. I never really got on with it unfortunately, pre-amp was a bit excessive (and hissy), ate batterys like a mutha and was a bit neck heavy (small body syndrome I guess), however it didn't deserve its fate of being px'd against an Ibanez Guitar in 1988. We live and learn....

  9. I always seem to be changing my Basses MM20, don't know why as my Amp rule is normally 'one rig and it lasts 5 years' (unless demands change significantly of course :).

    I stick to the 3 bass rule agreed with (imposed by) 'er indoors and at the mo I seem to have stuck to that. The current 2 are spot on, in fact as Ive had my Status for more than a year it's testimony to how good it is. I always like to have an MM in the collection and that's nicely filled with the 30th Ray that I've had for a couple of months and looks like it's staying for the long haul (the only problem I have wit it is it's so damn pretty that I'm scared of dinging it!).

    The 3rd bass spot is currently unoccupied and is usually a fiver or a Fretless. I guess this 3rd spot is kept in flux so that I can try a few basses out from time to time.....hence the want ad on the forum for a nice fretless at the mo.

  10. All the ones Ive had have been LOUD (2 and 3 eq). None have worked without a bettery - but they give you fair warning (distorted output) before they die. I think Rich (OTPJ) my have hit the nail on the head with the PUP height - check that first, if its hight drop it to 3-4mm. If no joy have the bass checked over for electrics.

  11. So nice these 2 Steve. Playing Rio on my Status just doesn't sound the same!

    I really wanted an SB900 when I was a lad studying in Brum at a time when the bass of the moment was THE Aria SB. I had to contend myself with my relatively cheap Fender JV........

  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='811438' date='Apr 19 2010, 03:32 PM']Its really the headstock end of the neck that i find is a bit of a struggle to be honest. Up by the 12th i find i actually like a bit more room.[/quote]

    if that's the case Dave I'd definitely hang on and wait for a Sterling to come along - it really is very fast up at the nut, probably the most comfortable neck profile I've ever played in that respect

  13. See your point Dave.

    Haven't played an SB34 so I can't comment on neck dimensions.
    The Sterling I had was a good match for a Jazz neck as I recall, the string spacing though, by the time you got to 12th wasn't far off the Ray (or a modern Fender P). At the bridge I think it's 19mm like a Ray.
    A Sterling also doesn't sound much like a 2EQ Ray (tho I don't get too hung up on the 2EQ vs 3EQ thing on Rays - I've had both and haven't found the difference to be so great as to grossly push one ahead of the other) because of the ceramic pups. It's a nice (though aggressive) sound but it isn't a Ray.

  14. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='811292' date='Apr 19 2010, 01:19 PM']I might be happy with a normal SR4 (and will probably end up with one) but thought i'd try this first.[/quote]

    I'd agree with you Dave that the Sterling neck can be described as 'to die for' but the last couple of Ray's I've had have had very playable necks - nice and shallow front to back. I thought the gloss neck on my current 30th might have been problematic but TBH it's pretty spot on. If your not that familiar with modern Ray necks Dave I'd go and have an hour with one before you dismiss it - at least it'll tell you wether you deffo need a Sterling.

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