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Posts posted by kevvo66

  1. David eden D210T @8 ohms ,250 watts and it's real loud American made not the Chinese model , any trial welcome you'll play it you'll love it and leave with her I'm gonna take the grill off later to take some pics of the speakers .I got it in a trade for another cab , I love this cab but it's lives in my music room and isn't really getting much use at the moment it's about 20 years old I'm led to believe , but sounds awsome ,this is collection only or could maybe meet up only because when it's in the flight case, oh yeah the case is padded it fit the cab like a glove, it's quit heavy well for me it is. I may be open to trades on another cab and money your way ,cheers

  2. Hiya people , now I love my eden cab 212 with tweeter American made beast ,she's a beauty , but hauling her out of the attic for gigs ,don't panic people it's a converted attic and my music room too,is killing me , so I need one cab solution but finding something to replace this beast is quit a task ,not really interested in high end beautique models been there done that , you worry to much about people knocking them over and stuff like that ,I'm after something lighweight and compact , come on people give me some advice please ,ps will I miss my American girl yes , when she in her flight case not so much !!!

  3. Hiya people ,here's the question my eden combo only noticed today as got a speaker output jack fitted ,so would I be able to run a eden ex cab with or would something nasty happen , minimum load it says is 4 ohms not much info in the destruction Manuel,any thought ta😀

  4. I started years ago on guitar , then switched to bass ,had a break for a while ,learnt all my scales etc etc ,went back to bass and could not remember a thing ,keys thought they was for pianists so I play by ear these days because I'm to lazy to bother , but hey I get by ,no good learning all the theory if you don't enjoy playing ,my playing ability is errrr Okish depends on what I'm playing but no slap ,can't get my head around it

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