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Posts posted by bonzodog

  1. Isn't playing a musical instrument just a hobby that it's entirely up to the person how far they want to take it. IE gigging or playing at home.
    Would a photography forum criticise people who took photos just for their own pleasure and never show them to anyone else?

  2. That typical big crash ending to a song where the cymbals are going, you are playing at the high end of the neck, and the guitarist is soloing. The audience are clapping and shouting and you look across and all your band mates are smiling.....not a feeling like it in the world

  3. If you are doing your own sound then practise that side of it too and if someone else is doing it then make sure they are aware of what gear you use. Nothing makes nerves worse than having to fanny about with levels and gear on first gig.

    Above all smile and enjoy it

  4. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1444220802' post='2881241']

    Quite right.

    I've tried a few options, this is the best, complete stand alone solution, sounds good Drum machine/metronome is useful as is tuner and iPod sounds great through it. Tidy little package as well. Can't believe it is so cheap.

    Another +1 from me too. Best forty quid you will ever spend. Giggable effects too.

  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1444146850' post='2880660']

    Well I'm glad you sort-of like it. :) At that price you could do what Painy did, buy another and slave the second amp in the same box for extra volume. But I don't think that's going to help much with the weight problem. :lol:

    Weight is more than I thought but won't be a problem as it will probably only be my back up. Like you I also used my B1on in front of it and sounded great

  6. I took the plunge too and have just received mine from Thomann. I ordered the B stock ones and there was not a mark on it so for 70 odd quid plus delivery it was a no brainer.
    I am very happy with the sound so far and tried it both my P and J basses. With the gain right up there is not a huge amount of growl but I like my sound clean anyway. The EQ is nice and gets you a variety of sounds so at such a cheap price I am happy. It was bought as a back up to my LH500 so will see in time if I gig with it.
    Only 2 negatives are that it is very heavy as has already been said and I don't think it's as loud as I would have hoped. Certainly nowhere near my LH500 but still just about giggable in a pub with no support.

  7. Well we went on after rugby last night (we had set up beforehand ). Despite the result it was a great gig. Really responsive audience. Then again we do play British mod music and decorate the venue in flags so works well after an international sporting event.

  8. We are playing tonight after rugby and pub will be rammed so hopefully a good night ahead. Only down side is we have to set up earlier than usual as gaffer wants us all set up before punters start arriving. Leaving my house in an hour

  9. Yes I don't think I meant purely practising in bed and never pick up a bass. I was just saying as I am so busy this helped me a lot when a bass wasn't to hand.
    I am well aware there are other G strings I should be messing around with in bed :)

  10. Working full time and with young kids I find it hard to dedicate as much time as I would like to practising the songs for my covers band. I have now taken to lying in bed at night reciting the words in my head to the songs I sing lead vox on and picturing the bass lines on an imaginary fretboard. Anyone else do this?
    At least it's a good way of sending me to sleep.

  11. When I first joined BC I was maybe wrongly, under the impression the market place would be like mates buying and selling things and you would sell things on here a bit cheaper than elsewhere as it was to fellow bass players. I quickly realised this wasn't the case and although I've bought one or two things on here, I still buy most SH gear from eBay or Facebook groups as they seem cheaper. I sympathise with the OP but think whilst there is good banter on most topics the market place is very much business.

  12. Been thinking of getting some flat wounds for a while after seeing the love on here. Always used rounds before.
    Thought I would try some fender flats as they were the cheapest in case I didn't like them.
    Pleased to say I love the sound but way more than that is the feel of them. They feel great to play on my fingers. Just surprised this isn't mentioned more along with the sound they make.

  13. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1443037341' post='2871776']
    How skint are you? Does £80 odd quid sound too much? Thomann have a B stock one for £73 plus postage.


    Read your post

    Read the link

    Read the reviews

    Bought the amp

    Cheers :)

  14. My band just use our amps and put only vox through an active PA using 2 x EV 12" speakers. Due to an increase in gigs i get worried about only taking my main LH500 amp and cabs with no back up.
    As I am skint (as always) I don't have the cash to buy a decent back up amp. Plus I am very happy with sound of my LH500 so a back up may never get used.
    Therefore would I be better spending my cash on an old back up amp or a DI box/preamp like the BDI21 and going into PA in an emergency. Not sure 12" tops could handle bass but it would only be to get through a gig till I can repair my amp. We do use monitors so if I did DI I could still hear myself.
    What puts me off the backup amp route is I could only afford an old SH one which may pack up anyway which defeats the object.


  15. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1442042689' post='2863948']

    yes talking definitely more awkward

    one gig i recall i was thrust up the front away from my usual position of lurking around at the back with the drummist, and a nice lady guest from the crowd came up and was aking for a request right in the middle of a song - i had to try and pretend that i couldnt hear what she was saying because i couldnt actually speak with any degree of intelligble coherence :D


    I used to be a solo singer in working mens clubs for 15 years. I could write a book on things like this. Including an entertainment secretary standing at the foot of the stage while I was singing waving the plug end of a bingo machine at me, asking me to plug it in for him :)

  16. [quote name='Huge Hands' timestamp='1441885369' post='2862558']

    Funnily enough, I find talking a lot harder than singing when playing bass. When I try to say something to my band mates, I always end up sounding like a demented ape with a speech impediment....

    Think that's fairly common. Most singers would probably agree that talking to the audience is a lot harder than singing to them

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