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Posts posted by bonzodog

  1. We only put 2 vocals through our active speakers.
    We use a yamaha mg10xu mixer which is great for the cash and has built in fx and compressor
    Monitor wise we use 2 old active peavey eurosys 1s. Very loud and go very cheap on ebay. Think we paid £20 each for them but had to repaint the grilles and clean up the carpet covered cabs

  2. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1449044925' post='2920263']

    Curious, I googled and found this:


    Bought a few items from PMT, alway drop by for a browse if I'm in the area.

    Great article. Thanks for posting.
    It was the part ex that was the appeal and virtually every guitar i had in the 80s went back to be swapped for something else. I agree though that it was better before they moved the guitars downstairs

  3. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1448044136' post='2912722']
    We use a couple of cheap no name wedges we bought from a local company, we daisy chain one channel for the main speakers and use the other channel for the monitor, what problems are you getting?

    We used an old small pa as monitors but wasnt loud enough then tried an alto active speaker between us but then had problems with feedback. We need to set it all really and play around with it as its always a rush at gigs

  4. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1448037786' post='2912607']
    depends how much messing a bout you want to do, we play pubs mainly just use a Yamaha mixer amp http://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Yamaha-EMX512SC-Powered-Mixer/6JJ?origin=product-ads&campaign=PLA+Shop+-+GENERIC&adgroup=GENERIC&medium=vertical_search&network=google&merchant_id=1279443&product_id=8479d1&product_country=GB&product_partition_id=124394595679&gclid=CLWym5i4n8kCFYU_Gwod7hsPOQ
    and a couple of 15" Wharfdale Titans for vocals plus backline and that's it, the last gig we did some folk said we were too loud, takes us about an hour to set up then we're good to go, that includes a few lights.
    I've seen bands turn up with loads of gear, mic everything up, takes them ages, total overkill IMO

    Your set up is similar to us. What monitors do you use if any? Interested to know as we want to buy some and have tried a few without much success

  5. I think it depends what you want from an amp. I had the old HA3000 and you could get some lovely sounds from it using the shape function. However i like to get a sound i like and then stick with it so i tried a LH500 and liked it so i bought it. Its an incredible amp for the price as its very loud and bullet proof. However i just set everything at 12 o clock and gig all night with it. I dont bother with the brite switch but that does give you more options. If you like to play around with different sounds then i fear you may prefer the HA series but give the LH500 a run first. You could put a hartke bass attack in front of it which has the shape option. These go for under £50 SH.

  6. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1447198587' post='2905807']

    Why would you want something ridiculously powerful when you're only playing in small places ?


    The question i was asking is not based on using your full 500w. What i am saying is with manufacturers offering a 200w and 500w versions of same amps at the same size then why would you go for 200w hoping it will be loud enough rather than 500w and cover all bases

  7. To me this is the part of pub gigs i dislike when there is no stage. We did a gig on halloween with no stage where a drunk bloke kept standing in between me and the guitarist and singing through our mics. Then he started putting his arms round us while singing while several times knocking mic stands over as he walked past. Annoyingly as he was a regular all the punters and landlady found it highly ammusing. Thankfully there were no breakages but it was annoying to be going on pretty much all night

  8. I may not have explained my question very well.
    What I mean is for example, if I was looking to buy a new bass head and looked at for instance the TC Electronics BH250 against the BH550, then if I look at reviews for both, there are lots of questions as to whether the BH250 is loud enough, and some say possibly not, where as the BH550 will be loud enough but also quiet enough to use at home. So what is the point in risking buying the BH250 if its not loud enough when its the same size, weight etc ? Is it just down to price.

  9. Interesting replies.
    My LH500 is usually at 10 o clock going through 2 x TC BC212 at most pub gigs we play at medium sized gigs.
    Surprised at how many 200w amps seem to be okay for pub gigs though. A lot of threads on here talking about 200w amps seem to question whether they are loud enough so its good that the feeling here is the ones mentioned are adequate

  10. Forgive me if this is a daft question but i have often wondered it especially now we have small class D amps.
    I appreciate watts is not a good way of measuring volume but think its clear most 500w amps would be louder than 200w regardless of manufacturer.
    What i am getting at is its generally accepted 500w amps are loud enough for pub gigs without PA support but smaller 200w amps are hit and miss as to whether they are loud enough depending on venue size, genre etc. Therefore why take a gamble and not just buy a 500w amp? My LH500 on level 1 is quiet enough for me to use at home so no need for a 200w amp at home either.
    May be it just comes down to price but usually a 500w version of a 200w amp is not that more and with class D amps they are all the same size and weight.
    Be interesting to hear others opinions.

  11. [quote name='spinynorman' timestamp='1446811707' post='2902514']

    I was there too, with daughter and her boyfriend, who is huge MC fan. I thought same as you about the sound - we saw Queens of the Stone Age at the NIA and it was just a loud, fuzzy mush, whereas this was loud enough for impact, but everything was very well defined. I thought Alice was great, considering I was first blown away by Killer in 1972 and those songs still stand up now, and he's still being guillotined on stage, and he doesn't have to say "m*****f***er" every five minutes to get the audience going :o . Not that that's really a dig at Motley Crue, I do know how that genre works. The pyrotechnics were amazing, when the flame throwers went off we could feel the heat in the middle of the hall and the mechanical stuff was spectacular. I also liked the encore where they played at the end on a mini stage in the middle, which happened to be right where we were standing. Actually Nikki Sixx is my kind of bass player - keep it simple, look cooler than anything and use a Thunderbird. All in all, best gig we've seen for a long long time.

    Spent this morning trying to get tickets for The Stone Roses, what a waste of an hour that was. F'in' Ticketmaster.

    Great. Sounds like we were stood in the same place. Down side is i have GAS now for a thunderbird. Had an Epi pro4 a while back and regret selling it

  12. Motley crue last night were amazing. The show they put on was breath taking with tommy lees drum cage spinning around on rails over the audience and nikki and vince raised over us at the end on cranes. Sound was good for the NEC too which is usually naff and while Nikki Sixx is not known for his bass playing he is the ultimate in rock star appearance. Alice Cooper was fantastic too although he struggled on poison. Nice mash up of schools out and another brick in the wall to finish his set.
    As stadium gigs go this was one of the best ive seen. Pity its their final tour

  13. New for me. Had a few bad experiences with used amps.
    I have the LH500 bought from new 2 years ago and is used every weekend. I love this amp and its pretty bulletproof.
    I also have a new Behringer BVT as my back up but never needed it yet. £80 with a 3 year warranty cant be bad

  14. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1445664891' post='2893177']
    Also, big bands like to throw pics to the audience ;)

    I remember seeing Anthrax years ago and the guitarist came back on at end of gig and emptied a bucket full of picks into audience. Bit daft really!

  15. Wickes do a very thin black honeycomb sheet. It naturally bends around the corners of the cab and is robust enough not to bend the other way. I cut it to size then made some lids using the same sheets bent the opposite way. Wrapped the corners with gaffa tape and total cost for 2 bass cabs and 2 pa cabs was £15

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