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Posts posted by Bolo

  1. The low B (A on mine really) is great now that I have found good strings. .125 was too thin to work with the scale length imo, 130 does good but my preference is 135.

    The G being close to the edge took me a wek to get used to, SR5 allows a very low action and a light touch and any bends and trems can be trained upwards.
    If this is a problem for some players, replacing the nut fixes 90% of that 'issue'.

    The smaller spacing at the bridge was a real eye opener, so much so I'm replacing the bridge on my MTD kingston (single H) with a 17.5mm bridge.

    Mine is all maple, couldn't tell the difference with rosewood with my eyes closed. Flipping the series/parallel switch makes more of a difference.

  2. [quote name='Mark Dyer' timestamp='1392386665' post='2368031']
    I have no particular place in the house in which I store my guitars and I'm a bugger for coming in from rehearsal or gigs and propping the case against a wall, behind the sofa, next to my desk, etc...

    This winds the GF up no end and I'm continually being told to tidy them away, but until she stops referring to individual instruments as the blue one, the brown one, the shiny one, (I know, annoying isn't it?) instead of their proper names, I will continue to scatter them about the household.

    It's only a matter of time before I come home to a bonfire in the back garden with my Fender Jazz in flames, but I'll deal with that when it happens...
    Maybe give them more appropriate names than Slutmagnet and DeependDominator.

  3. [quote name='Mark Dyer' timestamp='1392288800' post='2366759']
    Does your wife have a sister?
    Yep, please forward a current photograph of yourself fully dressed and a £1000 introductory fee to my address, no guarantees or moneyback service.

    [b] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/user/17783-acebassmusic/"]Acebassmusi[/url][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=2366692"][/url][color=#282828][size=4][b]They look great like that. What hangers are you using? [/b][/size][/color][/b]
    [color=#5A5A5A][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]

    K&M 16295. The one holding the hollowbody at the end there is the same with deeper brackets. They have a different version also with nitrolaquer-safe padding.

  4. Marbass superbooster does it. However I get a slightly glassy edge to my tone when just using the boost. It's not very prominent and helps lift you up in the bandmix, doesn't bother me much but it could be a thing.
    Also they are discontinued, so secondhand or old shop supply is your only bet to get one.
    Lastly, they run on 12v instead of the generic 9v.
    I can rate it as a simple clean boost, and separate easy Tone control (has a second footswitch for this)

  5. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1391287225' post='2355484']
    ... Plug into this bad boy:


    A soundsystem so loud, it would literally kill you. Where do I plug in :-D
    I wonder could I record my parts for the next album through this? Almost as loud as Lemmy unplugged is still second best in the world >^_^<

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