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Posts posted by tony_m

  1. 3 hours ago, Mickeyboro said:

    Mine’s here! Ordered 25 Dec at £22.18, Amazon have kindly refunded a dead fish(sick squid). 


    Ooh, now that's interesting. I ordered mine the same day, at the same price, and wondered whether I might be due a refund when the order was finally fulfilled. TBH, my understanding was that the "price difference" policy only applied on pre-orders, which I don't think this was technically, but we'll see. 🤞

  2. 1 hour ago, PJ-Bassist said:

    When did you order it?

    I ordered mine December 30th, no sign of dispatch yet.

    Ordered it on Christmas Day (as you do, it's not like there's anything else going on... 😉). I've had a couple of "holding" emails since then, including one the day before it was dispatched - guess Amazon's crystal ball must have let them down!

  3. A mate of mine ordered it in early December (he reckons this was the first batch?), and then ordered a second copy last month when it was slightly cheaper. His earlier / slightly more expensive order was delivered today, and he's well impressed. Hurry up Amazon, dammit!!! 😖


    Edit: just checked my emails, and it's been dispatched, arriving tomorrow!!! 😂

  4. 13 hours ago, TheGreek said:

    I think that £150 is a bit steep personally as they're not as rare as suggested. There's somebody on the forum who has one (unsigned). I bought the Varsity jacket they had for sale...can't remember who though.

    The person I bought mine from said that all the staff were either given one or had the chance to buy one and they were worn by staff at most of the Guitar shows during the 80s.

    Paul Stevens (former CEO at TE) gave his to a local charity shop when he moved to Blackstar.


    Hah, that'd be me then... 😁


    But yeah, I thought it was a bit steep too, and didn't pay anywhere near that for mine. That said, they are a decent quality jacket if you like that sort of thing, so I guess somebody might be willing to pay it... 


    13 hours ago, warwickhunt said:

    Looks bloody awful... apologies if a BCer actually buys it!  😂


    ... though I suspect I know who it won't be...  😆

  5. Just in case anyone's interested, another Trace Elliot embossed leather jacket has come up on t' Bay. This one appears to have been signed on the lining by Paul Gilbert of Mr Big fame - can't swear to it obviously, but the scrawl looks very similar to PG's autograph on a  couple of items I've found elsewhere on t'interwebz. I messaged the seller regarding the signature, and this was what she had to say...


    "Thanks so much for taking the trouble to write to me. The jacket belonged to my husband who died in March. He was a bass player and the signature was on the jacket when he bought it. Not sure where he bought it from but it wasn’t new when he got it, obviously. "





  6. Not a live album as such, but myself and a couple of mates were on the guestlist at the Royal Concert Hall Nottingham in 1983 when Saxon filmed their live video. In fact, one might almost claim to have played a crucial role in the end result...

    We'd travelled down from Blackpool in a hired pale yellow Mini Metro (not the most rock 'n' roll of vehicles!). Almost as soon as we got there, one of the roadcrew collared us and asked if we'd come by car - apparently Graham Oliver needed a guitar picking up from Carlsbro Music in Leicester, could we take one of the crew and go for it? So, off we trundle to Leicester, collect a sunburst Squier Strat from Carlsbro, fuel up the car at Saxon's expense, and head back to Nottingham.

    All gig, we're watching from the balcony at the side of the stage waiting for *our* guitar to make an appearance. Eventually, just when we've given up all hope, out it comes for "And The Bands Played On". Then this happens...




    Yep, *our* guitar gets thrown about, doused in lighter fuel, and set alight. Bloomin' rock stars, don't they know how much trouble (i.e. missed opportunities for ligging) went in to getting the darn thing here in the first place?!!! 🙈


    • Haha 1
  7. 13 hours ago, converse320 said:

    I'm just outside Horncastle.  There are local bands, but thin on the ground.   I think you're going to have to travel.   Open Mic nights Weds and bands on Saturday at Old Nicks in Horncastle.



    Other than that, there's the arts place in Lincoln - sort of music school/studio space/practice space.


    That's all I know of.  Must be something going on in Hull though, surely?  City of culture and all.



    Doh, I'd forgotten all about Old Nick's - me and the guitarist from the last band (who really wants to get an originals project together, but hasn't managed to drum up any interest via JMB or Bandonkers) had been talking about going along to see if we could make a few contacts there, but still haven't been. There's also an open mic at The Bell in Burgh-le-Marsh (again, not made it there yet), and a couple of the chaps from Doghouse (previously Meridian) were running one somewhere up Mabo / Chapel way, but I don't know if that's still going.

  8. 2 hours ago, lownote12 said:

    Bit puzzled.  Music equals people equals urban communities, where people are.  You move to the country - no people, no bands. Did you not realize this? I did the same in Suffolk and have to drive 25 miles to find even the start of any action.  

    Absolutely, although I had hoped to find a bit more going on in either Boston (12 miles away) or SkegVegas (10 miles) than seems to be the case.

    And despite the lack of musical action, I'd still much rather be living where we are now than in Blackpool (and that's speaking as a born and bred Blackpudlian)... 

    • Thanks 1
  9. I'm in Friskney (about 10 miles south of Skeg). Having moved here from Blackpool, where pretty much everybody I knew was either in a band or knew somebody who was in a band, hence it was easy to make those contacts, I've found the Lincolnshire music scene challenging to say the least - I guess the fact it's a helluva big area with a shonky road network doesn't help matters.

    Anyway, since we moved here a couple of years ago I've had a few false starts after responding to ads on JMB - one for a band in Lincoln (that was before I realised just how long it would actually take me to get to Lincoln and back!!!) and another couple in Boston led to nothing more than a series of messages being exchanged and then it all going quiet, while I did get as far as going to see and having a natter with a band from up your way (Chapel / Sutton) but that came to nowt as they were after somebody a bit more adept / experienced than me who could just step in straight away. I did eventually get involved with a Spilsby-based outfit, though we never actually reached the gigging stage and split up a few months ago for reasons I still don't fully understand!

    As for the ads I've placed on JMB myself, I got no responses at all to the first, but did get a couple of replies to the second. One of these was from a guy in Boston who was actually looking for a rhythm guitarist (nope, sorry, I don't play rhythm guitar... ), while the second was from a couple of chaps up in Huttoft. Now, I've seen your ads on JMB - I don't know whether they have or not, but if things don't seem to be working out after our first rehearsal (scheduled for a couple of weeks time), I'll point them in your direction! 👍


    • Thanks 1
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