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Posts posted by ZenBasses

  1. Read some very good things about their basses.. Although never played one.

    LowEnd and a few other people use their preamp in their basses. Though I can't seem to find a supplier of them.

    Can you get them or is it just a 'deal' between manufacturers.

    Also how do they compare to say a Sadowsky or a John East or Audere

    Many thank

  2. Jon Shuker charged me £70 for a full setup on my GB including

    Dressing of the frets
    New brass threaded countersunk holes for the electronics compartment.
    Change of strings (I supplied) and
    A full rewire of a series/parallel switch which coincidently Bernie at GB was going to charge for a full electronic overhaul.. For the sum of..

    Well let's just say it had 3 digits and it started with a number greater than 3 but less that 5

    Jon put the electrical problems I was having (due to my in house electronics guru Kagan the Bengal cat) right after 2 other guitar techs said it couldn't be done.

    But Jon does have a degree in electronics.. So I guess that helped lol

  3. I love the sound and feel of new strings.

    In love the elasticity that they have and the zing they produce.

    After about 2-3months in a non gigging environment (not currently in a band of any sorts).. To me they sound rounded yes but lack the sparkle.

    Admittedly I do stretch the strings once they are on and go very slap happy for a bit to 'break' them in and then settle down.

    But as with all things.. God didn't make human ears and brains to all be the same.


  4. I have a Shuker Horn PJ...

    It's definitely a tone hero being able to sit into what ever style I want but I miss the JJ combination.

    For me you get a more rounded sound.

    The PJ setup leans heavily towards the P side.. So as mentioned it's a P bass with added extras rather than 2 basses in one.

    As a P bass... It works splendid. Cannot fault it.

    As a Jazz Bass just using the bridge pup... I am not convinced..

  5. Call me blind but I am wanting to list an item soon.

    Using my mobile I can't see any info on fees or how this a paid..

    I know there's a 50 quid sealing on ads that can be posted free..

    Please can someone point me to the correct information.

    Last time I sold on here the fee wasn't applicable.

    This is a fantastic place to buy and sell and to exchange the wealth of information we have. Just want to make sure I am playing by the rule book.

    Many thanks for accepting my ignorance.. Lol

    All the best


  6. Forgive me for being ignorant but palisander ... Is this a type of / or similar to Rosewood?

    Looks a lot like rosewood....

    Thanks :)

  7. Firstly I've never been a fan of surround sound. I have 2 diy speakers with KEF drives.

    Give me 2 decent speakers any day..

    Sound bars I believe we're designed to be mounted on the wall under a TV.

    They look daft on a hifi stand. My partners Dad has one.. And to me it has no throw... Plus because the speakers are fixed.. The stereo image is quite narrow.. And come on who actually has all their seating set directly in front of the TV..?

    Patners mum's chair is set to the left of the TV at an angle.. Sometimes she can't hear things properly..

    Stick to 2 decent speakers.. You can't go wrong.

  8. Would be rather tempting but then politics surround this sound complicated.

    Which is a real shame..

    Many talented people in my different fields of expertise must be out off when wanting to start a business due to the 'red tape' that surrounds it.

    If you have a talent and a passion for instrument making or indeed cabinet makers and the like then it shouldn't be that hard to get financial backing or help if it proves to be profitable.

    BUT even established British makers have had their share of rough times.

    I know Jon Shuker has a few peaks and troughs recently.

    And we all know the difficulties that Bernie Goodfellow of GB guitars had in the early days.

    Yann seems to have passion and vigour...


  9. Here are some pics of my Shuker Horn 33" Scale


    Might be for sale incidentally

    [size=3][i]Can someone please explain how I post images from dropbox...[/i][/size]

    [size=3][i]do the usual [ img ] ..... [ / img ] just says POSTED IMAGE when posted ??[/i][/size]

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