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Posts posted by ZenBasses

  1. Can I just add that writer / players block does happen and I will not comment on the why's and how's as it's different for everyone.

    What I will say is that the Humility shown on this forum sometimes is very humbling.

    We critise we explore and we shout and we have humor

    All this comes together as a forum a community even an extended family if you will.

    It's very nice to see the troops rally round

    Don't give it up just have a break like many others maybe your time will come. But don't force the issue.


  2. Bad times and I really hope they are reunited soon and the 'C U Next Tuesday' lot get their punishment

    I got broke into last year although luckily nothing was taken but I remember the dread and sinking feeling when I saw my door open. Really wasn't a nice 30 seconds...

    Now I've UV penned all my gear.

    I know it's not much but it's a good thing to do.

    Also check preloved loot and all the other sites...

    If you can email pictures to all the local music shops in your area...you never know...

    Best of luck

  3. All good suggestions keep them coming.

    .. I have both wd40 and lighter fuel so this seems like a great option...

    Brasso I thought was slightly abrasive but I'll keep this in mind when I give my gloss neck on my GB a once over..

    Lemon oil does has the same effect as fret fast. Leaves a protective barrier.. It does disappear in the but does leave my hands slightly slippy. Might be because i get sweaty palms after playing maybe this is why I feel it more.

    As always i will try just a little area first before continuing.

    Thanks guys

  4. So I think while I am off this weekend I'll clean down my bass and restring it.

    As you play obviously the back of the neck picks up grease sweat and dirt. You can see on the neck the darker parts that are always in contact with your hand. Plus the fretboard has visible dirt too.

    As it's satin finished would lemon oil be a good idea to use on this?

    My GB has a ebony fretboard so lemon oil is great for feeding the wood. But the Shuker in question has a satin finished maple fretboard and neck. Lemon oil will leave a residue on non porus surfaces that is difficult to remove.

    Any hints or tips?

    Otherwise I was going to use a mild soap solution and a microfiber cloth

    Many thanks


  5. Just want to chip in.

    I have recently acquired a Shuker 4 string Horn with side LEDs and they are a nice addition. And look really smart.

    Maybe I can see the benefits of having them under dim conditions but the cost of these as an option has always put me off..

    Now I have them.. I think I have used them twice at home. They look pretty but as I know where my hand is on the fretboard I seldom look down.

    Nice to have bit now actually living with them I can conclude that nice to have but wouldn't spend the cash having them installed.

    I give 2cents to the glow in the dark sticker option... Cheap and if you feel you need reference then they are perfect.

    Only cool thing is when I pull the volume pot and put my bass into active I get a red LED at the 12th fret.. Silly how little things make you smile.

  6. My recent sale to Molan was effortless

    He paid
    I wrapped
    It got collected
    It got delivered

    Total time wrapping was 20mins

    Total time from paying to playing 2 days

    It really isn't that hard

    I don't know what the musical term for tyre kickers is. If you have the cash and want to buy then do so. If you haven't the cash don't waste people's time. That not to say people can't pm to chat if they are just genuinely interested but not up for buying. As mentioned its nice to chat to folk. But never lead someone astray.

    I woul

  7. Hey the Otterbox has a reinforced plastic bumper case with a silicon outer shell. So should be able to make it bigger. Liking the soldering iron option.

    Yes I can take it out but it's a bind with 10 clips to undo plus it has a built in screen protector that needs cleaning every time you do it.

    Typically everything I seem to buy has a design flaw.. Well to me any who.. Lol..

  8. Okay so I recently got a new phone. A Samsung galaxy note 2 (awesome phone).

    For some reason whilst out with my dog the screen shattered and we'll it was a 50 quid insurance job to get it sorted.

    So I stumped up the cash for an Otterbox case. Fantastic piece of kit. Makes the phone slightly bulky but it a fair trade off for the protection it gives.

    Issue... I always plug my phone into my 90s Kenwood amp via 3.5mm rca lead so I can play deezer to my hearts content..... It doesn't fit through the gap at the top of the case. Headphones do so I thought right ill get a rca lead with a jack plug the same size as a headphone jack (they have thinner plastic protection where normal leads are bigger)

    Can I find one of these.. No!

    I could make one up but I am hopeless at soldering.

    The other option is to buy a y splitter but ideally I want just 1 cable.

    Any ideas people?

    Many thanks

  9. All my leads live in the back of my rack case so they are always connected save my guitar lead

    I have a hiscox,liteflite case and my bass always has its strapped remove that's folded up and placed behind the headstock. There's enough room and it adds a little bit of absorption.

    I then cover my bass in a large bar towel (Guinness of course)

    If I don't carry my rack case I use a small tool box. Always wrap my leads up and put a bit of electricians tape round to stop the cable gremlins.

    If travelling on public transport just use a ruksak and apply the tape around leads method.

    Life is better without a tangle

  10. As mentioned give Jon Shuker a shout. He will either repair or replace

    You might be pleasantly surprised at the cost of a replacement.

    He just repaired my GB the bill... Well I had change which was paper and the purple queen colour ones at that from my 100 quid guesstimate
    But it's no 20 quid fix

    Also the Bass Gallery might be able help.

    And don't forget any local acoustic guitar builder's of which there are many. They might be acoustic makers but I'd be dammed with they don't know their way around and sort of stringed instrument Thrown at them
    Initial prognosis would be the truss rod is fernucked.

  11. Can I hear a vote for a Yammy? Lots of bands I've seen seem to use them.

    Yammy plus ampeg 8x10 seems to work sublimely

    Otherwise MM Warwick/sector or maybe even a good Pbass would do the trick

    But as other have said mostly anything that feels comfy.. You can buy pedals and the right amp to boost that metaliness

  12. Dunno about worst but certainly the biggest disappointment was the Fender MM MIJ in purchased.

    It had the looks but man did the sound suck and the action where ever set was horrible

    Had it setup and we'll just as grim.

    Sold it a few months latert

    Another big disappointment was the Warwick thumb I got cheap. Cheap because it had been abused.

    It took 2 weeks of oiling and feeding the wood to bring back the shine it was practically grey

    And as for the sound well.. It was clicky and without much definition. The nut was also extremely sharp and found when doing slides down to the first fret would leave a bloody nick on my hand.

    Now I am not saying all Thumbs are like this. But it left a sour taste in the mouth and have never once had the inclination to play another one.

    But in also agree the Epi Thunderbird was... Well it starts with S and ends with T and it isn't soot

  13. Yep me too

    I got an interesting email from a head hunter who gave me the opportunity to audition as bass player for the reunion on Bucks Fizz a good few years back.

    A few heated conversations with my other half put a stop to that.

    Probably wouldn't of got it but it would of been nice to have a chance of a break

    Ah well such is life

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