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Posts posted by ZenBasses

  1. My GB uses Hipshot bridges and ultra lite tuners

    My Shuker uses schaller bridges and tuners

    My previous Shuker used gotoh hardware

    All are of equal quality with gotoh possibly a little bit lesser quality but still great and have never had a problem.

    If I had to choose I'd probably go with Hipshot as I like the smoothness and accuracy of their tuners above the others.

  2. Hurrah I am glad there is a bit of appreciation on BC though I was surprised to see him playing a hofner style bass(it might well be a hofner but I am not that good at bass identification)

    An underrated player... Proving that you don't have to twiddly..

    Reminds me also of Jeff Ament of Pearl Jam

    Just bloody good at what they do

    And yes Rusty Cage is super also

  3. Depending on your budget you could always get someone like Jon Shuker to build you a bass to your spec.

    It doesn't have to costs thousands...as Jon told me it's once you start getting into fancy finished and stuff that then price goes skywards but a simple small bodied j or p bass or even his longhorn might just be right.

    You could get a slightly chambered body to reduce the weight

    The double carbon fibre reinforced truss rod means that your action can be set dead low with no worries about it moving.

    Mine has the most stable neck I've played this side of a status or a zon

    I hope something finds it way to you soon that fits the bill...

    Just a thought

  4. Been listening to a lot of Soundgarden and find the bass lines immensely fun to play if fairly simple

    Pretty Noose has a great thumping bass line


    As does

    By Crooked Steps


    Anyone else likey??

  5. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1363778272' post='2017345']
    Have you never listened to a song and wished you were there playing it?

    My old band used to do loads of Elbow, My Morning Jacket and M83; no-one knew the songs but we were up there playing awesome music.


    My Morning Jacket are a Diamond in the rough.

    Z is about as good as an album can get

  6. As my old music used to say

    ''Ben, you are playing all the right notes. Just not necessarily in the right order''

    I must get better with notes scales and all that. I tend to play with instinct. But as other have said you tend to get into a comfort zone.

    Reading threads on here in start to realize how little I actually know. I've always got by but you know one day pooh will come out when asked to do something that is alien to me.

  7. Good reply :)... Too many strings for me though. Hehe

    I love my GB IV which is the prequel to the Spitfire. Though mine was also upgraded to rumor electronics by Bernie in 2002 so I can vouch for its amazing tonality.

    If I was to buy I'd love to see what's under that black paint.. I bet a true gem lies hidden.

    Good luck with the sale dude..

    We all love a Bargain...

  8. [url] Http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/271161297961[/url]

    Seems familiar at a stupid price

    Nice bass tho!!!

    Love my GB IV

  9. Fold in half
    Fold in half
    Ford in half
    Fold in half

    2 velcro ties (failing this gaffer tape.. Don't try and peel it off the same as u put it on it will leave a sticky mess. Just slice down the middle and it comes off no problem. For sticky cables use a cloth and some nail varnish remover or lighter fluid once in a while to clean them up). Time working as a stage hand has given me lots of tips.

    The biggest one being don't squash your cables or pull them too tight. If they get caught a light shake is nearly always what it needs to untangle. People start pulling cables about and make the knot worst or damage them.

    Looping like I was taught in life saving swimming also works

    The same technique as displayed in one of the added videos.

    Twist and loop...
    Twist and loop...

    Don't pull your cables about

    Thought I reckon the biggest cause of cable failure is placing a bass or guitar on a stand with the cable still plugged in.. It often hits the ground... X this by a load of times and you can see where fractures in the cable and solder lines can happen

    As mentioned if you cables are twisted... Give them an hours sunbathing then run through your fingers and take the twists out.. Bit at a time

  10. Always used elites both stadiums and the mickle. Never had an complaint tbh. Had the odd duff string that string busters have replaced with no issue.

    I love them for the feel and the sound. Very bright and with a good balance of mids and lows.

    They do take some playing in but I generally get about 4 months out of a set with casual playing.

    Just recently switched to a set of Powerbass. Holy moley they are hot strings...

    But are they worth 3 times more than elites.??


  11. Bedroom bassists here as well atm

    Spent all my uni years playing in bands and doing other live mixing and recording projects.

    Came home from uni about 6 years ago and had another band for about a year. Then I got a job with a horrible array of 10pm finishes, midnight finishes and the like.

    I am now on management progression which means 5 days a week 7-1800 and usually have to work at 1 of my days off. Bad times indeed.

    Plus my partner is not the wellest person and does need me to do quite a bit for her.

    Coupled with the fact I don't own a car (unless someone's got a few grand for insurance).

    I have been itching to get up and playing again but finding a decent set of musicians is hard...

    Mainly I noodle about with music. I tend to learn everything I can in as many styles. This leads me to be more of a improvisational player. It really helps when judging songs and kinda ready knowing what should come where.

    One day I'll put all this bedroom practice and time good use....

    But I must add that just because I don't play in a band doesn't mean the passion isn't there. Playing bass is my hobby my outlet and my biggest passion.

    Some would argue that having £000s of pro gear is daft...

    But it makes Me happy... And that is all that matters when all is said and done.

  12. For the Ultimate in
    [b] virtuoso[/b]


    Id go for

    Adam Nitti.....Love is technique and musicainship.. The space he puts between notes means every note has a purpose and a place..

    Other lesser known people I'd vote for is

    Gustavo Del Farra


    His album is on Youtube and is worth a listen

    And the Double Bass Player I am loving at the moment is from a band I've recently discovered called The Neil Cowley Trio


  13. [url]http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0053R0WWG[/url]

    After much research I bought these.

    Absolutely amazing headphones.... Then clarity and the reproduction of frequencies is nicely balanced.

    The machined aluminium ear pieces feel solid and the construction is second to none.

    Plus they are a British company.. Which always makes me feel better

    Just a thought :)

  14. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1361296653' post='1984139']
    I've said many times that we should have a pinned section for companies that provide excellent service...Hiscox join GB, Bassdirect, Status, on my list of Customer friendly companies..

    Unfortunately I don't rate GB customers service..but that's a different story

    Great to hear hiscox offer great service I might contact them as I need a new latch on one of mine... And I'd rather given my money direct to a company I've trusted for years than an ebayer

  15. I have always used Elite Stadiums on my basses

    The Roscoe I had sounded very good with them.

    You can get them in 2 flavours via string busters. Their longevity always keeps me going back.

    Although I do find they need some playing in..

    Incidentally when speaking to Jon Shuker he always sends his basses out with rotosounds. He likes the tone and the consistent quality.

  16. Hey does anyone have a sound clip or video of a bass with a Noll Preamp installed.

    Replacing my pre in my Shuker is something that I have been thinking about since I acquired it

    I know what an East and Auderes sound like but it would be intetesting to hear for comparison.

    I like my big bright modern sound... The PJ pups I have are fantastic.. The eq was a custom job to replicate a Sadowsky 2 band.

    I just miss having a mid and I do relish for a little extra sizzle at the top end.

    Any thoughts?

    Many thanks


  17. The bit that gets me is "valued by Fender at $28000"....eeeeekkk

    Justify that one?.. I know it's a custom build and I know AAF are relatively famous for but seriously

    So it's this or an Arsenal of Foderas

    Can I just say

    The overall bass really doesn't sit with me as being aesthetically pleasing... But the craftsmanship looks amazing.

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